A to Z

Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.

Baensch's Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue-spotted Damsel. Found singly, or in pairs, over inshore and offshore coral reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 10cm Depth - 1-20m Widespread Western Indian Ocean Damselfish are egg.. more

Balao - Needlefishes---Halfbeaks

Also known as Balao Halfbeak, Ballyhoo Halfbeak, Blacktail Ballyhoo, Blue Balao, Blue-tailed Balao, Garfish, Needlefish, Piper, Slender Halfbeak. Found in large schools, over the surface of lagoons and.. more

Bald-tipped Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Brain Trumpet Coral, Gold-tipped Coral, Gold-tipped Torch Coral, Grape Coral, Pom-Pom Coral, Torch Coral, Trumpet Coral, Whisker Coral. Found in dome shaped colonies, with the.. more

Baldwin's Razorfish - Wrasses

Also known as Baldwin's Razor Wrasse, Olive Razorfish, Sand Wrasse. Found singly or in harems, over open clean mud and sandy areas, of lagoons and seaward slopes, of.. more

Bali Catshark - Sharks---Ground-Cat Sharks

Also known as Bali Cat, Coral Cat Shark, Dogfish, Dwarf Catshark. Found singly, in and around crevices and holes, of the reef. They feed on small invertebrates. Length - 47cm Depth.. more

Ball Corallimorph - Corallimorphs

Also known as Bell Mushroom Coral, Color Ball Anemone, Colour Rock Anemone, Corallimorph Anemone, False Anemone, Mushroom Corallimorph, White Ball Corallimorph, Zoantharia. Found over rubble areas of coral.. more

Ballan Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as - No other name. Found around rocks, and seaweed areas of rock-pools, and coastal shorelines. They feed on crustaceans and molluscs. Juveniles found over intertidal areas. Length.. more

Balloon Corallimorph - Corallimorphs

Also known as Bowl Anemone, Disc Anemone, Elephant Ear Anemone, Elephant's Ear Anemone, Giant Cup Mushroom Coral, Giant Flower Coral, Giant Mushroom Anemone, Large Elephant Ear Mushroom,.. more

Balloonfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes

Also known as Balloon Porcupinefish, Balloon Pufferfish, Black-blotched Porcupinefish, Blotched Porcupine, Blotched Porcupinefish, Blowfish, Brown Porcupinefish, Fine-spotted Porcupinefish, Freckled Porcupinefish, Globefish, Hedgehog Fish, Longspine Porcupinefish, Longspine Puffer,.. more

Ballyhoo Halfbeak - Needlefishes---Halfbeaks

Also known as Baitfish, Balao, Bally, Ballyhoo, Gar, Needlefish, Red-tailed Balao, Yellowtail Ballyhoo. Found in large schools, over very shallow, surface waters, above banks, reef flats, and seagrass.. more

Banana Fusilier - Fusiliers

Also known as Bananafish, Bleeker's Fusilier, Caesio Rose, Ruddy Fusilier, Salmon, Yellowsnout Fusilier. Found singly or in schools, feeding midwater, over coral reefs. Varies in colour from blue.. more

Banded Archerfish - Archerfishes

Also known as Bowman, Common Archerfish, Northern Riflefish, Riflefish, Spinnerfish. Found in small schools, around overhanging vegetation, in murky, brackish waters, of mangrove estuaries, reefs, rivers, and.. more

Banded Bonnet - Sea Snails

Also known as Banded Helmet, Bonnet Snail, Coronated Helmet, Helmet Seashell, Helmet Shell, Tun Shell. Found on sandy bottoms, over off-shore reefs, frequently caught in trawling nets. They feed.. more

Banded Boxer Shrimp - Shrimps

Also known as American Flag Shrimp, Banded Boxing Shrimp, Banded Cleaner Shrimp, Banded Coral Cleaner Shrimp, Banded Coral Shrimp, Barber-pole Shrimp, Boxer Shrimp, Boxing Shrimp, Carid Shrimp,.. more

Banded Brittle Star - Sea Stars---Brittle Stars

Also known as Banded Brittle Starfish, Banded Serpent Star, Black-banded Serpent Star, Brittle Sea Star, Brittle Star, Fancy Serpent Sea Star, Mosaic Brittle Star, Painted Serpent Starfish,.. more

Banded Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Banded Butterfly, Banded Mariposa, Banded Striatus, Butterbun, Coralfish, Portuguese Butterfly, Portuguese Butterflyfish, School Mistress. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over coral reefs, rich in.. more

Banded Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Banded Damselfish, Five-banded Damsel, Yellow-banded Damsel, Yellow-banded Damselfish. Found over shallow, sandy, silty bottoms, around coral outcrops, and in seagrass beds, of lagoons and coastal.. more

Banded Jewelfish - Cichlids

Also known as African Cichlid, Fivespot Cichlid, Fivespot Jewel Cichlid, Jewel Cichlid, Jewelfish, Jewelled Cichlid. Found in clear water drainage basins, flood plains, lagoons, rivers and streams. They feed.. more

Banded leporinus - Characins---Headstanders

Also known as Black-banded leporinus. Found in flooded forests, and rocky areas of rapidly flowing waters of the Amazon Basin. They feed on crustaceans, fish, insects, plant matter and.. more

Banded Mud Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Chlamydatus Moray. Found singly, in holes or buried in the sand, by entering the sand tail first, so just the head is showing, over lagoons.. more

Banded Pipefish - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Insular Pipefish, Harlequin Pipefish, Seadragon, Short-nosed Pipefish. Found in pairs, or small schools, in pockets of low growth coral and rubble, over white sand substrates,.. more

Banded Porcelain Crab - Crabs

Also known as Anomura Crab, Banded Porcelanid, Blue Porcelain Crab, False Crab, Porcelain Crab, Rock Slider. Found in crevices, under rocks, and in rock-pools, in shallow to deep.. more

Banded Rudderfish - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Amberfish, Banded Mackerel, Greater Amberjack, Jackfish, Pilotfish, Rudderfish, Shark Pilot, Slender Amberjack, Trevally. Found close to the bottom in coastal waters, over the continental shelf. They.. more

Banded Scat - Surgeonfishes---Scats

Also known as Barred Scat, Many-banded Scat, Orangefin Scat, Silver Scat, Southern Butterfly, Southern Butterflyfish, Spot-banded Scat, Spot-banded Silver Scat, Striped Scat, Yellowfin Scat. Found singly or in.. more

Banded Sergeant - Damselfishes

Also known as Narrow-banded Sergeant-Major, Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Sevenband Demoiselle, Sevenband Sergeant, Seven-banded Sergeant-Major, Sevenbar Damsel, Sevenbar Sergeant. Found in small schools, over rocky areas, in shallow surge.. more

Banded Shrimpgoby - Gobies

Also known as Banded Prawngoby, Blue-spotted Watchman Goby, Gudgeon, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Yellow Prawngoby, Yellow Shrimpgoby, Yellow Watchman Goby. Found singly or in pairs, sharing their burrow.. more

Banded Tozeuma Shrimp - Shrimps

Also known as Barred Arrow-shrimp, Broken-back Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Gorgonian Shrimp, Hump-backed Shrimp, Needle Shrimp, Sawblade Shrimp, Tozeuma Shrimp. Found on gorgonians, and black coral branches, colour of.. more

Banded Vertagus - Sea Snails

Also known as Banded Creeper, Pharoah's Horn. Found singly or in colonies, during the day under dead corals and on sand, out at night foraging for food. They feed.. more

Banded Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Central American Banded Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found singly, in shallow waters, rich in brown algae. They feed on crustaceans, molluscs, brittle stars and sea urchins. Length -.. more

Banded Yellowfish - Pipefishes-Seahorses---Snipefishes-Shrimpfishes

Also known as Banded Bellowfish, Banded Bellows-fish, Banded Snipefish, Bellowfish, Blue-banded Bellowfish, Buglet, Red-banded Bellows-fish, Trumpetfish. Found in small schools, over mud and sand bottoms, of the continental.. more

Bandtail Puffer - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Banded-tail Puffer, Bandtail Pufferfish, Blowfish, Pufferfish, Southern Swellfish, Swelltoad, Swellfish, Toadfish. Found hovering and blending in with the background, over mud bottoms of reef flats,.. more

Bandtooth Conger - Eels---Conger-Garden Eels

Also known as Baleares Conger, Balearic Conger. Found during the day, burrowed into soft mud or sand, close to reefs or shorelines, out at night foraging for food. They.. more

Banggai Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Banggai Cardinal, Banggai Emperor, Emperor Cardinalfish, Kaudern's Cardinal, Kaudern's Cardinalfish, Longfin Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish. Found in schools, often seen during the day, sheltering in the spines.. more

Bar Jack - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Bahamas Runner, Blackjack, Blue Runner, Blue-stripped Cavalla, Crevalle, Crevalle Jack, Greenback, Neverbite, Passing Jack, Pointnose, Rainbow Crevalle, Red Jack, Reef Runner, Runner, Skipjack, Trevally. Found.. more

Bar-tailed Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Bartail Flathead, Flagtail Flathead, Northern Sand Flathead, Northern Flag-tailed Flathead, Sand Flathead, Striped-tail Flathead, Western Estuary Flathead, Yellowtail Flathead. Found singly, lying on mud and.. more

Barbel - Carps---Minnows-Carps

Also known as Common Barbel, European Barbel, River Barbel. Found in schools, occasionally in lakes, but usually over gravel bottoms, hiding under overhanging trees and bridges during the.. more

Barberi Clownfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Anemonefish, Barberi Damselfish, Barberi Tomato Clownfish, Barber's Anemonefish, Clown Anemonefish, Clownfish, Fiji Anemonefish, Fiji Barberi Tomato Clownfish, Fiji Clownfish, Fiji Tomato Anemonefish,.. more

Barbfish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Devilfish, Goosehead Scorpionfish, Orange Scorpionfish, Pop-eyed Sea Goblin, Red Barbfish, Sea Goblin, Stingfish. Found singly or in pairs, well camouflaged on rock, rubble, and sandy.. more

Barca Snakehead - Gouramies---Snakeheads

Also known as Indian Snakehead, Tiger Snakehead. Found singly, or in pairs, over rivers and in hill streams. They have vertical burrows, along the margins of large rivers,.. more

Barcheek Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Barcheek Kingfish, Island Jack, Oblique-banded, Oblique-banded Trevally, Shortridge Trevally, Trevally. Found singly or in schools, over shallow waters, along edges of steep outer reef and.. more

Barchin Scorpionfish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as - No other name Found singly, and well camouflaged, over mixed rubble and sandy areas, in channels, over shallow lagoons, and reef flats. They feed nocturnally.. more

Barfin Benny - Blennies---Labrisomids

Also known as Labrisomid Blenny, Scaly Blenny. Found singly, resting on their Pectoral and Dorsal Fins, blending in with the background, in shallow waters, over rock, rubble, and.. more

Barred Bichir - Bichirs

Also known as Armoured Bichir, Bandback Bichir, Banded Bichir, Reedfish, Ripsaw Catfish, Ropefish, Sailfin. Found in lakes, streams, and flood zones, of the Congo River Basin. They feed on.. more

Barred Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, over shallow, surge zones of channels, reef crests, and exposed seaward reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed.. more

Barred Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also know as Nurseryfish, Two-spotted Cardinalfish. Found in schools, often hidden during the day, in cracks and crevices of the reefs, dispersing at night, foraging for food, over.. more

Barred Flagtail - Basses---Aholeholes

Also known as Fiveband Flagtail, Fivebar Flagtail, Flagtail, Ocean Flagfish. Found in tightly packed schools, over shallow waters, along reef margins and rocky shorelines close to surf zones,.. more

Barred Grunt - Grunts

Also known as Cro-cro Grunt, Green Snapper, Yellow Cro-cro. Found in schools, during the day, over shallow, muddy, areas of sandy shores, and in deeper waters at.. more

Barred Hamlet - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Bad Luck, Butter Hamlet, Cod, Hamlet, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly and close to cover, over shallow, coral and rocky reefs. They feed on benthic crustaceans,.. more

Barred Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Banded Eel, Banded Moray, Banded Moray Eel, Dark-banded Eel, Girdled Moray, Girdled Reef Eel, Many-banded Moray Eel, Ringed Moray, Ringed Reef Eel, Striped Moray,.. more

Barred Mudskipper - Gobies---Mudskippers

Also known as Bigfin Mudhopper, Brown Mudskipper, Mudhopper, Mudskipper, Mudskipper Goby, Silverline Mudskipper, Silver-lined Mudskipper, Silverstripe Mudskipper. Found singly, or in schools, zipping about over mud, rubble, and.. more

Barred Sand Conger - Eels---Conger-Garden Eels

Also known as Barred Conger. Found singly, buried in the sand of lagoons and seaward reefs. They feed nocturnally on crustaceans and small fish. Length - 60cm Depth - 2-50m Widespread.. more

Barred Shrimpgoby - Gobies

Also know as Black Shrimpgoby, Barred Prawngoby, Barred Watchman Goby, Bluefin Watchman Goby, Gudgeon, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Y-bar Shrimpgoby. Found in pairs or colonies, sharing their burrow.. more

Barred Soapfish - Groupers---Painted Basslets

Also known as Doublebanded Soapfish, Doublebar Soapfish, Twoband Sea Perch, Two-banded Grouper, Two-banded Perch, Two-banded Sea-Perch, Two-banded Soapfish, Yellow Emperor, Yellow Soapfish, Yellow-striped Grouper. Found singly or in.. more

Barred Spinefoot - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Barhead Spinefoot, Barred Rabbitfish, Blue-lined Rabbitfish, Blue-lined Spinefoot, Doliatus Foxface Fish, Pencil-streaked Rabbitfish, Pencil-streaked Spinefoot, Spinefoot. Found in pairs or small schools, over drop-offs and.. more

Barred Thicklip - Wrasses

Also known as Banded Thicklip, Banded Thicklip Wrasse, Barred Thicklip Wrasse, Barred Wrasse, Fiveband Wrasse, Five-banded Thicklip, Five-banded Wrasse, Maori Wrasse,Thicklip Wrasse. Found singly or in small loose.. more

Barred Thicklip (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Banded Thicklip, Banded Thicklip Wrasse, Barred Thicklip Wrasse, Barred Wrasse, Fiveband Wrasse, Five-banded Thicklip, Five-banded Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Thicklip Wrasse. Found singly or in small.. more

Barred-fin Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Bartail Moray, Bartail Moray Eel, Zonipectis Moray. Found singly, during the day in deep caves, crevices, under ledges, and amongst rubble, of outer reef slopes,.. more

Barrel Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Giant Barrel Sponge, Great Vase Sponge, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Volcano Sponge. Found singly or in small colonies, over reef faces and flats, of coral.. more

Barrelfish - Mackerels---Medusafishes

Also known as Black Rudderfish, Butterfish, Driftfish. Found singly, or in schools, in deep rocky canyons of the continental shelf. They feed on large pelagic crustaceans, small fish, molluscs,.. more

Barrier Reef Anemonefish - Damselfishes

Also known as Akindynos Clownfish, Anemonefishes, Brown Anemonefish, Brown Clown, Clown Anemonefish, Clownfish, Great Barrier Reef Anemonefish, Guarded Anemonefish, Two-banded Anemonefish, White-tailed Anemonefish. Found in pairs or families,.. more

Barrier Reef Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Bicolor Chromis, Doublebar Chromis, Puller, Shining Puller, Yellowback Puller, Yellow-backed Puller. Found in small to large schools, over lagoons and outer edges of reefs, rich.. more

Bartail Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Bar-Tailed Flathead, Indian Flathead, Indo-Pacific Flathead. Found singly lying on mud and sand bottoms of estuaries and coastal reefs. They feed on benthic algae, crustaceans and.. more

Bartels' Dragonet - Dragonets

Also known as Bartels' Dragonette. Found singly or in pairs, resting on corals, over lagoons and seaward reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on benthic invertebrates and zooplankton. Length.. more

Bartlett's Anthias - Groupers---Fairy Basslets-Streamer Basses

Also known as Anthias, Bartlett's Fairy, Bartlett's Fairy Anthias, Bartlett's Fairy Bass Anthias, Bartlett's Fairy Basslet, Fairy Anthias, Redblotch Perchlet. Found in large schools, feeding in the.. more

Basket Star Shrimp - Shrimps

Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Gorgonian Shrimp, Partner Shrimp. Found in pairs, in a symbiotic relationship with basket stars, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on.. more

Basketmouth Cichlid - Cichlids

Also known as African Cichlid, Malawi Cichlid, Spectacled Cichlid, Spectacular Basketmouth Cichlid. Found in pairs, under, or close to vegetation, in drainage ditches, and along the banks of.. more

Bastard grunt - Grunts

Also known as Dogfish, Sweetlips. Found in large schools, during the day close to shelter, out hunting for food at night close to the bottom, over hard sandy.. more

Bastard Seahorse - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Bastard Pipefish, Graceful Pipefish, Pipehorse, Pygmy Pipefish, Pygmy Pipehorse, Pygmy Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs, amongst red algae and seaweeds, over shallow rocky reefs. They.. more

Bastard Trumpeter - Basses---Trumpeters

Also known as Copper Maki, Morwong, Red, Red Bastard Trumpeter, Silver Bastard Trumpeter, Silver Trumpeter, Tassie, White-and-Silver Trumpeter, White Bastard Trumpeter. Found singly or in schools, sometimes in.. more

Batangas Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Batangas Sea Slug, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sponges. Length - 4cm Depth -.. more

Bath's Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Bath's Clown Blenny, Bath's Combtooth, Bath's Combtooth Blenny, Bath's Coral Blenny, Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, in harems, resting on coral outcrops,.. more

Batu Coris - Wrasses

Also known as Batu Rainbow Wrasse, Dapple Coris, Dappled Wrasse, Pallid Wrasse, Sandreef Wrasse, Schroeder's Rainbow Wrasse, Schroeder's Wrasse, Variegated Rainbowfish, Variegated Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse. Found singly, or.. more

Batu Coris (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Batu Rainbow Wrasse, Dapple Coris, Dappled Wrasse, Pallid Wrasse, Sandreef Wrasse, Schroeder's Rainbow Wrasse, Schroeder's Wrasse, Variegated Rainbowfish, Variegated Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse. Found singly or.. more

Batwing Coral Crab - Crabs

Also known as Batwing Round Crab, Coral Crab, Queen Crab, Red Coral Crab, Reef Crab, True Crab. Found hiding during the day, under rocks and rubble, foraging for.. more

Bayou Killifish - Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers---Topminnows-Killifishes

Also known as Bayou Topminnow, Fundulid Killifish, Fundulus Mudfish, Gulf Killifish, Mudfish. Found in schools, over shallow, brackish, and fresh waters, of bays, bayous, marshes, and swamps. They feed.. more

Beaded Anemone - Sea Anemones

Also known as Adhesive Sea Anemone, Aurora Host Anemone, Beaded Sea Anemone, Carpet Anemone, Corn Anemone, Flat Anemone, Hexacoral, Ritteri Anemone, Saddle Tip Anemone, Sand Anemone, White-beaded.. more

Beaked Sea Snake - Sea Snakes---Venomous Sea Snakes

Also known as Beaked Snake, Common Sea Snake, Common Indian Sea Snake, Hook-nosed Sea Snake, Valakadyn Sea Snake. Found singly, in clear, shallow waters, of estuaries, lagoons, reefs,.. more

Bear Paw Clam - Bivalves

Also known as Bear Paw Giant Clam, Bear's Paw Clam, Clam, Giant Clam, Hippopus Clam, Horse Hoof Clam, Horses Hoof, Horses Hoof Clam, Horseshoe Clam, Mollusc, Rolling.. more

Bearded Fireworm - Marine Worms---Bristle Worms

Also known as Fire Worm, Green Fireworm, Marine Fireworm, Rock Worm, Sea Caterpillar, Sea Mice, Segmented Sea Worm, Segmented Worm, Tubeworm. Found hiding, or crawling on branching corals,.. more

Bearded Ghoul - Scorpionfishes---Stonefishes

Also known as Bearded Ghoulfish, Demon Goblinfish, Demon Rockfish, Demon Stinger, Demon Stinger Scorpionfish, Devilfish, Devil Scorpionfish, Devil Stinger, Devil Stinger Scorpionfish, Firefish, Goblinfish, Indian Walkman, Longsnout.. more

Bearded Thorny Oyster - Bivalves

Also known as Fork-spined Thorny Oyster, Mollusc, Orange Spiny Oyster, Oyster, Spiny Oyster. Found attached to dead corals, rocks, and shell debris, over intertidal zones to deeper waters... more

Beau’s Wrasse - Wrasses

Also know as Beauperry's Fairy Wrasse, Beau's Fairy Wrasse, Deepwater Fairy Wrasse, Dwarf Wrasse, Fairy Wrasse, Melanesian Fairy Wrasse, Purple Fairy Wrasse, Small-mouthed Wrasse. Found singly or in.. more

Beaugregory - Damselfishes

Also known as Beaugregory Damsel, Beaugregory Damselfish, Farmer Damsel, Gregory, Yellowbelly. Found singly, close to the substrate, over seagrass beds, mangroves, sandy areas, and sponge beds, of shallow,.. more

Beaugregory (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Beaugregory Damsel, Beaugregory Damselfish, Farmer Damsel, Gregory, Yellowbelly. Found singly close to the substrate, over seagrass beds, mangroves, sandy areas, and sponge beds, of shallow.. more

Beautiful Feather Star - Feather Stars

Also known as Crinoid, Feather Star Criniod, Feather Starfish, Gorgonian Feather Star, Sea Lily, Storked Sea Lily. Found singly or in colonies, usually clinging to gorgonians. At night.. more

Beautifully-banded Moon Snail - Sea Snails

Also known as Moon Shell, Moon Snail, Necklace Shell, Naticid Snail, Painted Moon Snail, Painted Sand Snail, Predatory Sea Snail. Found over intertidal, to deeper sandy areas, in.. more

Belly-barred Pipefish - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Banded Freshwater Pipefish, Bellybar Pipefish, Blue-spotted Pipefish. Found singly or in pairs over very shallow coastal waters of estuaries, mangroves, tidal creeks, often in.. more

Bellybutton Nautilus - Pelagic Octopus

Also known as Chambered Nautilus, Emperor Nautilus, Pearly Nautilus Found during the day, in depths of several hundred metres, along the continental shelf, rising to shallow.. more

Belted Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also know as Belted Cardinal, Nurseryfish. Found singly, pairs, or in small schools, during the day in caves and holes of the reef, or sheltering in the spines.. more

Belted Sandfish - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Banded Sandfish, Dwarf Sea Bass, Stubby Sea Bass. Found in warm, silty waters, over mixed rubble, and sandy areas, close to jetties, rocky outcrops, and.. more

Belted Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Belted Ribbon Wrasse, Blue-lined Wrasse, Green Wrasse, Orangeband Wrasse, Orangebar Wrasse, Orangeline Wrasse, Sandreef Wrasse. Found over clear water, reef flats, of lagoons and seaward.. more

Benedetto's Pipefish - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Broken Bands Pipefish. Found singly, pairs, or in small schools, over coral, rubble, and sandy areas, of sheltered reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed on.. more

Bengal Sergeant - Damselfishes

Also known as Bengal Sergeant Major, Bengalese Damselfish, Bengal's Sergeant, Narrow-Banded Sergeant Major, Palmer's Damselfish, Sergeant, Sergeant-Major. Found singly or in small schools, over rocky bottoms of shallow.. more

Bengal Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Bengal Snapperfish. Found singly or in schools, around coral heads and rocky outcrops, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on crustaceans and small fish. Length -.. more

Bennett's Feather Star - Feather Stars

Also known as Crinoid, Feather Star Criniod, Feather Starfish, Sea Lily, Storked Sea Lily. Found singly or in groups, on high coral outcrops and ledges, with exposed.. more

Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Bennett's Puffer, Bennett's Pufferfish, Bennett's Sharpnose Pufferfish, Bennett's Toby, Brownback Toby, Exquisite Toby, Pinkspot Puffer, Pinkspot Pufferfish, Pink-spotted Sharpnose Pufferfish, Pufferfish, Roseband Puffer, Roseband.. more

Bentjaw Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Brown Moray, Funnel-nostril Moray, Gray Moray, White Margin Moray, White-margined Moray. Found singly, with their head poking out of crevices and holes in the reef,.. more

Berber Ponyfish - Surgeonfishes---Slimys-Slipmouths-Ponyfishes

Also known as Berbis Ponyfish, Lined Ponyfish, Scrawled Ponyfish, Shortnose Ponyfish, Yellowfin Ponyfish. Found in small schools, over brackish and marine, inshore coastal waters. They feed on bivalves and.. more

Bermuda/Yellow Chub - Basses---Sea Chubs

Also known as Bermuda Chub, Bermuda Sea Chub, Black Snapper, Brim, Chub, Drummer, Kyphosus incisor, Kyphosus saltatrix, Rudderfish, White Chub, Yellow Chub, Yellow Sea Chub. Found in small.. more

Berry Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Golf Ball Sponge, Moon Sponge, Pado Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. Found in shallow waters, under ledges, close to mangroves, and on slopes, over rubble and sandy.. more

Berry's Bobtail Squid - Squids

Also known as Bobtail Squid, Double-ear Bobtail, Hummingbird Bobtail Squid, Iridescent Squid, Pygmy Squid. Found often buried during the day with just the eyes showing, out in the.. more

Bicolor Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Bicolor Angel, Bicolor Dwarf Angel, Black-and-Gold Angelfish, Blue-and-Gold Angelfish, Gold-and-Blue Angelfish, Oriole Dwarf Angel, Pacific Rock Beauty, Pygmy Bicolor Angelfish, Rock Beauty, Two Colored.. more

Bicolor anthias - Groupers---Fairy Basslets-Streamer Basses

Also known as Anthias, Anthias Bicolor, Basslet, Fairy Bass, Sea Perch, Yellowback Basslet, Yellow-backed Basslet. Found singly or in schools, in current prone areas, near to crevices or.. more

Bicolor Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Bicolor Combtooth Blenny, Bicolor Coral Blenny, Bi-colored Blenny, Coral Blenny, Flametail Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Two-color Combtooth, Two-color Combtooth Blenny, Two-colored Blenny, Two-tone.. more

Bicolor Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Black-and-White Chromis, Chocolate Dip, Chocolate Dip Chromis, Half-and-Half Puller, Puller, Whitetail Chromis, Whitetail Puller. Found singly or in small schools, amongst algae covered coral and.. more

Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Bicolor Cleanerfish, Bi-colored Cleanerfish, Bi-colored Cleaner Wrasse, Cleanerfish, Cleaner Wrasse, Two-colour Cleaner, Two-colour Cleanerfish, Two-colour Cleaner Wrasse, Two-coloured Cleanerfish, Two-coloured Cleaner Wrasse, Yellow Diesel.. more

Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Bicolor Cleanerfish, Bi-colored Cleanerfish, Bi-colored Cleaner Wrasse, Cleanerfish, Cleaner Wrasse, Two-colour Cleaner, Two-colour Cleanerfish, Two-colour Cleaner Wrasse, Two-coloured Cleanerfish, Two-coloured Cleaner Wrasse, Yellow Diesel.. more

Bicolor Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Bicolor Gregory, Caribbean Bicolor Damsel, Farmer Damsel. Found singly or in pairs, over deep water isolated patch reefs, of shallow coral reefs. Males aggressive when.. more

Bicolor Fangblenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, False Harptail, False Harptail Blenny, Fang Blenny, Golden Mimic Blenny, Mimic Yellowtail Fangblenny, Mimic Yellow-tailed Blenny, Poison Fangblenny, Poison Fangblenny Mimic, Sabretooth.. more

Bicolor Flabellina - Sea Slugs

Also known as Aeolid Nudibranch, Aeolus, Bicolor Nudibranch, Dorid Nudibranch, Flabellina Nudibranch, Flabellina Sea Slug, Nudibranch, Ornate Flabellina. Found singly or in pairs, crawling over encrusting, turf algae.. more

Bicolor Goatfish - Goatfishes

Also known as Half-and-Half Goatfish, Swarthy-headed Goatfish. Found singly or in schools, over mixed rubble, sand, and seaweed bottoms, close to reefs of protected bays, lagoons, and deep.. more

Bicolored Foxface - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Bicolor Foxface, Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish, Fiji Foxface, Spinefoot, Spinefoot Foxface, Uspi Rabbitfish. Found singly, or in pairs, amongst hard corals, and in deep pools, over.. more

Bicolored Toby - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Bicolor Toby, Pufferfish, Sharpnose Pufferfish, Smith's Pufferfish, Smith's Sharpnose Puffer, Toby. Found singly, over mixed boulders and rubble areas, at the base of steep slopes,.. more

Bicolour Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Bumphead Parrotfish, Clown Parrotfish, Red-speckled Parrotfish, Spotted Parrotfish, Two-colour Parrotfish. Found in harems, foraging for food, over coral and rocky, clear water, lagoons and seaward.. more

Bicolour Parrotfish (Juvenile) - Parrotfishes

Also known as Bumphead Parrotfish, Clown Parrotfish, Red-speckled Parrotfish, Spotted Parrotfish, Two-colour Parrotfish. Found in harems, foraging for food, over coral and rocky, clear water, lagoons and seaward.. more

Big Eye Oscar - Cichlids

Also known as Argentinian Oscar, Chocolate Oscar. Found in drainage ditches, and tributaries, of the Amazon, and Paraguay River Basins. They feed on fish and insects. Length - 24cm Depth -.. more

Big-head Schizothoracin - Carps---Minnows-Carps

Also known as Big-headed Carp, Datou Fish, Naked-snout Carp, Namjiang Big-headed Carp, Tiger Fish, Xinjiang Datou Fish. Found in lakes and rivers, with a slight current. They feed on.. more

Big-lip Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Big-lip Damselfish, Kissing Damsel, Minstrelfish. Found singly or in small schools, sheltering in the branches of Acropora corals, over shallow, sheltered lagoons and coastal reefs. They.. more

Big-scale Sand Smelt - Silversides

Also known as Black Sea Sand Smelt, Boyer's Sand Smelt, Sand Smelt. Found in very large schools, over brackish coastal waters, in estuaries and slow flowing freshwater lakes.. more

Bigbelly Seahorse - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Australian Pot-bellied Seahorse, Big-bellied Seahorse, Eastern Potbelly Seahorse, Large Seahorse, Potbelly Seahorse, Pot-bellied Seahorse. Found singly, or in pairs, anchored by their tails, to algae.. more

Bigeye Barracuda - Barracudas

Also known as Bigeye Sea Pike, Blackspot Barracuda, Blotched Sea Pike, Forster's Barracuda, Forster's Sea Pike, Sea Pike. Found in large schools, during the day stationary above reef.. more

Bigeye Mojarra - Mojarras

Also known as Cuban Mojarra, Silver Perch, Silverbelly, Silverbiddy. Found singly, or in schools, over mud, sand, and vegetated bottoms, close to mangroves. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length -.. more

Bigeye Scad - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Big-eyed Scad, Goggle-eye, Goggle-eye Scad, Goggle-eyed Scad, Goggler, Horse Mackerel, Horse-eye Jack, Jackfish, Purse-eye Scad, Purse-eyed Scad, Scad, Silver Scad, Steenbrass, Trevally. Found in very.. more

Bigeye Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Bigeye Sea Perch, Golden Striped Snapper, Goldspot Mullet, Red Sea Lined Snapper, Rosy Snapper, Yellow Snapper. Found in large schools, during the day drifting in.. more

Bigeye Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Bigeye Jack, Bigeye Kingfish, Crevalle Jack, Dusk Jack, Dusky Jack, Giant Trevally, Horse Mackerel, Horse Mackerel Trevally, Horse-eye Jack, Jackfish, Kingfish, Orange-spotted Trevally, Sixband.. more

Bighead Searobin - Scorpionfishes---Searobins

Also known as Flying Gurnard, Gruntfish, Gurnard, Mother-in-Law Fish. Found singly, on shallow sandy bottoms, sometimes buried in the sand, over bays, estuaries and lagoons. More active.. more

Bignose Unicornfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Bignose Unicorn, Bignose Unicorn Tang, Big-nosed Unicornfish, Blue-lipped Unicornfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Scibbled Unicornfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Vlamingii Tang, Vlaming's Unicornfish, Zebra Unicornfish. Found singly, pairs,.. more

Bignose Unicornfish (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Bignose Unicorn, Bignose Unicorn Tang, Big-nosed Unicornfish, Blue-lipped Unicornfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Scibbled Unicornfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Vlamingii Tang, Vlaming's Unicornfish, Zebra Unicornfish. Found singly, pairs,.. more

Bigscale Parma (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Bigscale Scalyfin, Big-scaled Parma, Big-scaled Scalyfin, Large Scale Damselfish, Large-scaled Parma, Parma. Found singly or in pairs, over coral and rocky reefs. Territorial and aggressive. They.. more

Bigsnout Whiptail - Cods---Grenadiers-Rattails

Also known as Whiptail. Found in deep water, over the continental slope. They feed on cephalopods, benthic crustaceans, fish, molluscs and worms. Length - 500cm Depth - 329-1110m Western Central Pacific -.. more

Birdbeak Burrfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes

Also known as Balloonfish, Bridled Burrfish, Globefish, Hedgehog Fish, Orbicular Burrfish, Porcupine Pufferfish, Pufferfish, Round Burrfish, Rounded Porcupinefish, Shortspine Porcupinefish, Spiny Pufferfish, Swelltoad. Found singly, often resting in.. more

Birds Nest Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Branching Coral, Bush Coral, Needle Coral. Found beneath overhangs, and along vertical walls, over shallow, protected areas of reefs. Prostrate and irregularly fused branches. Polyps.. more

Bishop's Cone - Sea Snails

Also known as Cone Shell, Cone Snail, Cone, Dignified Cone. Found under dead corals, or partially buried in sand during the day, emerging at night, hunting for food.. more

Black Brotula - Cusk Eels---Livebearing Brotulas

Also known as Black Widow, Black Widow Brotula, Black Widowfish, Cusk Eel, Wild Cusk Eel. Found during the day in and around shallow caves, crevices, and rocky ledges,.. more

Black Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Dusky Butterflyfish, Flavirostris Butterfly, Flavirostris Butterflyfish, Yellow-faced Butterflyfish, Yellownose Butterflyfish, Yellow-nosed Butterflyfish, Yellowsnout Butterflyfish. Found singly or in pairs, over algae covered rocky areas,.. more

Black Crappie - Basses---Sunfishes

Also known as Calico Bass, Crappie, Crawpie, Grass Bass, Moonfish, Oswego Bass, Papermouth, Shiner, Sort Crappie, Speckled Bass, Strawberry Bass. Found in schools, close to vegetation, over clear.. more

Black Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Black Damselfish, Blue-and-Gold Damselfish, Bluefin Damsel, Bowtie Damselfish, Royal Damsel, Zulu Damsel. Found singly, or in pairs, close to soft corals, over shallow lagoons, and.. more

Black Damsel (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Black Damselfish, Blue-and-Gold Damselfish, Bluefin Damsel, Bowtie Damselfish, Royal Damsel, Zulu Damsel. Found singly or in pairs, close to soft corals, over shallow lagoons and.. more

Black Diamond Cichlid - Cichlids

Also known as African Cichlid, Madagascan Cichlid, Marakeli Cichlid, Marakely, Polleni, Polleni Cichlid, Pollen's Cichlid, Starry Night Cichlid. Found in rivers and streams, of Northern Madagascar. They feed on.. more

Black Garden Eel - Eels---Conger-Garden Eels

Also known as Many-toothed Garden Eel. Found singly or in small colonies, poking out from silty mud, sand, and seagrass bottoms, of sheltered bays, lagoons, and coastal slopes. They.. more

Black Goby - Gobies

Also known as Gudgeon, Reef Goby, Sea Gudgeon. Found over algae, mud, sand and seagrass bottoms of estuaries, lagoons and coastal reefs. They feed on bivalves, tiny crustaceans, small.. more

Black Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Black Rockfish, Cod, Marbled Grouper, Marbled Rockfish, Hind, Rockcod, Rockfish, Trout. Found singly over shallow to very deep waters of coral and rocky reefs. They feed.. more

Black Hamlet - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Bad Luck, Black Snapper, Caribbean Hamlet, Cod, Hamlet, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, close to the bottom, around hard and soft corals, of shallow reefs. They.. more

Black Jack - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Bigeye Jack, Black Jackfish, Black Kingfish, Black Trevally, Black Ulua, Coalfish, Crevalle Jack, Giant Jack, Horse-eye Jack, Jackfish, Trevally. Found singly or in schools, near.. more

Black Leopard Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Black-eared Wrasse, Earspot Wrasse, Kuiteri Leopard Wrasse, Kuiter's Leopard Wrasse, Kuiter's Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Matara Leopard Wrasse. Found singly or in pairs, over mixed rubble.. more

Black Margate - Grunts

Also known as Black Bream, Black Thicklip, Dogfish, Lippe, Mexican Bull, Pompon, Spanish Grunt, Surf Bream, Sweetlips, Thicklip Grunt. Found singly or in small schools, during the day.. more

Black Mouth Cameroon Tilapia - Cichlids---Convict Blennies

Also known as Black Mouth, Black Mouth Cichlid, Tilapia. Found in fresh, brackish, and sometimes coastal marine waters of rivers and lakes. They feed on detritus, small invertebrates, and.. more

Black Neon Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as Black Neon, Black Tetra, Neon-negro, Sort Neon. Found in schools, with lots of vegetation cover, over slow moving streams and tributaries. They feed on crustaceans, plant.. more

Black Phantom Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as Phantom Tetra. Found in schools, around patches of submerged tree roots or vegetation, over sluggish backwaters, of lakes and ponds. They feed on crustaceans, small.. more

Black scorpionfish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Brown Scorpionfish, European Scorpionfish, Sea Pig, Sea Scorpion, Small-scaled Scorpionfish, Stingfish. Found singly, well camouflaged, around algae and rocks, on mud and sand bottoms of.. more

Black Sea Bass - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly or in schools, over both shallow and deeper waters, around jetties, piers, and wrecks, over hard bottoms and coral.. more

Black Sea Catfish - Catfishes---Sea Catfishes

Also known as Black Sea Barbel, White Barbel. Found in shallow water, coastal reefs. They feed on benthic invertebrates and worms. Length - 45cm Depth - ?m Southeast Atlantic - Namibia,.. more

Black Sea Urchin - Sea Urchins

Also known as Black Urchin, Erizo Negro, Long-spined Sea Urchin, Mediterranean Sea Urchin, Sea Hedgehog. Found singly, or in large groups, usually in shallow waters, of rocky coastlines. They.. more

Black Sea Urchin - Sea Urchins

Also known as Indian Sea Urchin, Sea Hedgehog, Short-spined Black Sea Urchin, Striped-spine Sea Urchin. Found singly, or in groups, amongst rubble, sand, and in seagrass meadows, under.. more

Black Seabream - Porgies

Also known as Black Bream, Old Wife, Seabream. Found singly, or in large schools, over rock, sand, and seagrass beds, in shallow to deep waters. They feed.. more

Black Spotted Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Black-dotted Sea Slug, Black-Spotted Ceratophyllidia, Black-and-White Nudibranch, Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Phyllidiidae Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and.. more

Black Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found in schools, in open areas close to corals and rocks. They feed on algae, detritus, small invertebrates and zooplankton. Length -.. more

Black Sweetlips - Grunts

Also known as Grey Grunt, Marmite, Redlip Rubberlip, Sordid Rubberlip, Sordid Sweetlip, Sordid Thicklip, Sweetlips. Found singly, or in small schools during the day, close to sheltered weedy.. more

Black Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as Black Skirt Tetra, Black Widow, Black Widow Tetra, Blackamoor, Butterfly Tetra, High-fin Black Skirt Tetra, Petticoat Tetra, Sort Tetra, Tetra Negro, White Skirt Tetra,.. more

Black Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Black Durgon, Black Durgon Triggerfish, Black Oldwife, Blackfish, Ebony Triggerfish, Hawaiian Black Trigger, Hawaiian Black Triggerfish, Negro Trigger. Found singly or in loose schools, over.. more

Black Velvet Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Black Velvet Angel, Brown Angelfish, Grey Poma, Grey Poma Angelfish, Phantom Angelfish. Found singly, or in pairs, around exposed, current swept areas drop-offs, along coastal.. more

Black Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Black Leopard Wrasse, Negro Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse, Yellow-dotted Wrasse, Yellow-spotted Wrasse. Found in pairs or small loose schools, over rubble and sandy areas, in.. more

Black Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Black Leopard Wrasse, Negro Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse, Yellow-dotted Wrasse, Yellow-spotted Wrasse. Found in pairs, or small, loose schools, over rubble and sandy areas, in sheltered,.. more

Black-and-Gold Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Behn's Damsel, Behn's Damselfish, Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis, Blackmouth Damsel, Black-and-Gold Damselfish, Black-and-Yellow Damsel, Black-and-Yellow Damselfish, Scarface Damsel, Scarface Damselfish, Yellow Honey Chromis, Yellowfin Damsel,.. more

Black-and-Gold chromis (juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Behn's Damsel, Behn's Damselfish, Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis, Blackmouth Damsel, Black-and-Gold Damselfish, Black-and-Yellow Damsel, Black-and-Yellow Damselfish, Scarface Damsel, Scarface Damselfish, Yellow Honey Chromis, Yellowfin Damsel,.. more

Black-and-White Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Black Beauty, Black Beauty Snapper, Black-and-White Sea Perch, Black Snapper, Macolor Snapper, Newspaper Fish. Found singly or in large schools, along channels and steep outer.. more

Black-and-White Snapper (juvenile) - Snappers

Also known as Black Beauty, Black Beauty Snapper, Black-and-White Sea Perch, Black Snapper, Macolor Snapper, Newspaper Fish. Found singly or in large schools, along channels and steep outer.. more

Black-banded Demoiselle - Damselfishes

Also known as Black-banded Damsel, Black-banded Damselfish, Shorthead Damsel, Short-headed Damsel, Small-headed Demoiselle. Found singly or in small schools, over silty, sandy bottoms, close to rocks, rubble, and.. more

Black-banded Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Crocodilefish, Patricia's Flathead. Found singly, buried with just their heads showing, or resting on mud, rubble, and sandy bottoms, of bays and coastal reefs. They feed.. more

Black-banded Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Black-banded Seaperch, Half-banded Snapper, Half-banded Seaperch, Half-barred Snapper, Half-barred Search, Sea Perch. Found singly or in small schools, zipping through coral channels in search of.. more

Black-barred Halfbeak - Needlefishes---Halfbeaks

Also known as Barred Garfish, Barred Halfbeak, Black-barred Garfish, Needlefish, Spotted Halfbeak. Found in schools, on the surface of very shallow waters, over sand flats, and seagrass beds,.. more

Black-barred Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Blackbar Wrasse, Whitebar Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools, over coastal reefs, lagoons, outer reefs, and in tide-pools. They feed on crustaceans and zooplankton. Length -.. more

Black-blotched Porcupinefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes

Also known as Balloonfish, Blotched Porcupinefish, Globefish, Hedgehogfish, Long-spined Porcupinefish, Masked Porcupinefish, Shortspine Porcupine, Shortspine Porcupinefish, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found singly, hiding during the day in caves, under.. more

Black-breasted Pipefish - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Creeping Pipefish, Gilded Pipefish. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over algae and coral patches, of lagoons and seaward reefs. They feed on tiny swimming invertebrates.. more

Black-dotted Sandperch - Sand Dwellers---Sandperches

Also known as Grubfish, Many-spotted Sandperch, Sandsmelt, Spotted Grubfish, Spotted Sandperch, Thousandspot Grubfish, Thousandspot Sandperch, Weever, Weeverfish. Found singly or in small schools over pavement, between corals.. more

Black-faced Blenny - Blennies---Triplefin Blennies

Also known as Blackface Blenny, Mediterranean Triplefin, Threefin,Threefin Blenny, Triplefin, Yellow Black-faced Blenny. Found over shallow and deep, rocky substrates, close to the entrance of caves, and under.. more

Black-lip Porcupinefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes

Also known as Burrfish, Four-bar Porcupinefish, Violet Porcupinefish. Found singly, over rubble and sandy bottoms, of the continental shelf. They feed on hard shelled invertebrates. Length - 30cm Depth - 10-100m Widespread.. more

Black-margined damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Black-edged Damselfish, Blackmargin Damsel, Black-margined Damselfish. Found in caves, around rocky outcrops, and along walls, in sandy areas of outer reef slopes, rich in.. more

Black-margined Doriprismatica - Sea Slugs

Also known as Blackmargin Glossodoris, Black-margined Glossodoris, Black-margined Nudibranch, Cheesecake Nudibranch, Darkmargin Doriprismatica, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky.. more

Black-nosed Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Barberfish, Barber Butterflyfish, Blacknose Butterflyfish, Butterfly Barber, Coralfish. Found in pairs and large schools, over coral and rocky reefs rich in coral growth. They feed on.. more

Black-rayed Phyllidia - Sea Slugs

Also known as Black-rayed Fryeria, Dorid Nudibranch, Fried Egg Nudibranch, Fried Egg Sea Slug, Nudibranch, Painted Fryeria, Painted Fryeria Sea Slug, Warty Sea Slug. Found singly or in.. more

Black-spotted Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfishs, Dark Butterflyfish, Mystery Butterflyfish. Found singly or in pairs, in shallow lagoons and over coral and rocky reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on.. more

Black-spotted Catshark - Sharks---Ground-Cat Sharks

Also known as Black-spotted Dogfish, Darkspot Catshark, Dogfish, Gato's, Nagasaki Catshark. Found singly, often very deep, on the continental shelf. They feed on fish and benthic invertebrates. Length - 49cm Depth.. more

Black-spotted Puffer - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Arothron Dalmatian Dogface Puffer, Arothron Dogface Pufferfish, Black-spotted Blowfish, Black-spotted Pufferfish, Black-spotted Toadfish, Blowfish, Brown Pufferfish, Dogface Puffer, Dogface Pufferfish, Dog-faced Puffer, Golden Dogface.. more

Black-spotted Rubberlip - Grunts

Also known as African Grunt, Black-spotted Grunt, Black-spotted Sweetlips, Spotted Grunt, Spotted Sweetlips, Sweetlips. Found in large schools, during the day under ledges and along coral slopes, dispersing.. more

Black-spotted Sea Star - Sea Stars

Also known as Black-spotted Starfish, Fromia Sea Star, Fromia Starfish, Porous Sea Star, Porous Starfish, Red Fromia Sea Star, Red Fromia Starfish, Red Indonesian Sea Star, Red.. more

Black-spotted Whipray - Rays---Stingrays

Also known as Black-edged Whipray, Black-spotted Stingray, Brown Whipray, Brown-spotted Whipray, Coach Whipray, Honeycomb Stingray, Leopard Ray, Tosh's Longtail Ray, Whipray. Found singly, on soft bottoms of lagoons,.. more

Black-striped Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Freckletail Angelfish, Freckletail Lyretail Angelfish, Lamark Angelfish, Lamarck's Angelfish. Found in harems, and feeding schools, in midwater, over shallow reef crests, and deep reefs close.. more

Black-wedged Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Double-saddle Butterfly, Falcula Butterfly, Falcula Butterflyfish, Indian Double-saddle Butterflyfish, Pigface Coralfish, Saddleback Butterfly, Saddleback Butterflyfish, Saddled Butterflyfish, Sickle Butterflyfish. Found in pairs or small.. more

Blackaxil Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackaxil Damsel, Blackaxil Puller, Blackfin Chromis, Blackspot Chromis, Blue-green Chromis, Blue-green Damselfish, Blue-green Puller, Puller. Found in large schools, hiding in the arms of dead.. more

Blackback Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Black-backed Butterflyfish, Black-backed Coralfish, Coralfish. Found singly or in pairs, over reef flats, lagoons, and seaward reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on coral polyps. Juveniles.. more

Blackball Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Ball Sponge, Cake Garlic Sponge, Cake Sponge, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. Found over hard bottoms, in seagrass beds, around mangroves, and shallow reefs. Varies in.. more

Blackbar Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackback Chromis, Blackbar Damsel, Blackbar Damselfish, Blackbar Puller, Black-barred Chromis, Chromis, Puller. Found singly or in small schools, close to the shelter of thickly branching.. more

Blackbar Devil - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackbar Ddamsel, Dick's Damsel, Dick's Damselfish, Dick's Demoiselle, Dick's Devil, Farmer Damsel, Narrowbar Damsel, Narrowbar Devil. Found singly or in pairs, sheltering in the arms.. more

Blackbar Filefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Blackbar Leatherjacket, Earspot Filefish, Earspot Leatherjacket, Gillblotch Filefish, Gillblotch Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket, Redtail Filefish, Redtail Leatherjacket, Red-tailed Filefish, Red-tailed Leatherjacket. Found singly or in pairs, living.. more

Blackbar hogfish - Wrasses

Also known as Hogfish. Found singly or in pairs, over rocky reefs rich in algae growth. They feed on hard shell invertebrates. Length - 50cm Depth - 3-70m Widespread Eastern Central Atlantic Most.. more

Blackbar Soldierfish - Squirrelfishes-Soldierfishes

Also known as Bastard Soldierfish, Bigeye Soldierfish, Bigeye Squirrelfish, Big-eyed Soldierfish, Big-eyed Squirrelfish, Brother Jim, Buffalo-head, Chinaman, Pinecone Soldierfish, Roundhead, Softback Soldier, Softback Soldierfish. Found in small to.. more

Blackbelly Rosefish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes-Rockcods-Thornyheads

Also known as Black-bellied Rosefish, Bluemouth, Bluemouth Redfish, Bluemouth Rockfish, Bluemouth Seaperch. Found singly, in moderate, too much deeper waters, over soft bottoms, of the continental shelf.. more

Blackbelt Cichlid - Cichlids

Also known as Black Belt, Red-black Vieja. Found around shady banks, amongst logs and trees for protection, in slow moving, brackish waters, over mud, rock, and sandy bottoms,.. more

Blackbelt Hogfish - Wrasses

Also known as Bicolor Hogfish, Coral Hogfish, Eclipse Hogfish, Eclipse Pigfish, Hogfish, Mesothorax Hogfish, Pigfish, Split-level Hogfish, Split-level Pigfish, Yellow-spotted Hogfish. Found singly or in schools, often near.. more

Blackblotch Emperor - Emperors-Scavengers

Also known as Black-blotched Emperor, Blackspot Emperor, Fingerprint Emperor, Pigface Bream, Redsnout Emperor, Reef Flat Emperor, Reticulated Emperor, Sea Bream, Semicinctus Emperor, Slender Emperor, Variegated Emperor, Yellowhead.. more

Blackcap Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Hong Kong Butterflyfish, Japanese Masked Butterflyfish, Panda Butterflyfish, Weavers Butterflyfish, Wiebeli Butterflyfish, Wiebel's Butterflyfish. Found singly, pairs or in small schools, over coral and.. more

Blackcheek Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Bearded Moray, Masked Moray. Found singly, pairs, or with other critters, hiding in crevices and holes, amongst debris, rock, rubble, reef walls, and steep slopes,.. more

Blackchin Guitarfish - Rays---Shovelnose Rays-Giant Guitarfishes

Also known as Granulated Guitarfish, Wedgefish. Found singly, usually resting or partially buried on mud and sand bottoms, in shallow too much deeper waters. They feed on benthic fish.. more

Blackear Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Black-eared Wrasse. Found singly, over coral and rocky reefs, and in clear seagrass beds. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length - 20cm Depth - 1-15m Widespread Western Atlantic Most reef.. more

Blackeye Emperor - Emperors-Scavengers

Also known as Seychelles Emperor. Found singly, over sandy areas, and in seagrass beds, of lagoons and coral reefs. They feed on crustaceans, fish and echinoderms. Length - 55cm Depth -.. more

Blackeye Goby - Gobies

Also known as Black-eyed Goby, Bluespot Goby, Crested Goby, Gudgeon, Large-scaled Goby, True Goby. Found in harems, on sandy bottoms, close to holes and rocks for shelter, over.. more

Blackeye Rabbitfish - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Blackeye Spinefoot, Black-eyed Rabbitfish, Black-eyed Spinefoot, Spinefoot, Yellow Rabbitfish, Yellow Spinefoot. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on benthic.. more

Blackeye Thicklip - Wrasses

Also known as Banner Wrasse, Blackedge Thicklip Wrasse, Blackeye Thicklip Wrasse, Black-eyed Thicklip, Halfgrey Wrasse, Half-and-Half Banner Wrasse, Half-and-Half Thicklip, Half-and-Half Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Sandreef Wrasse,.. more

Blackeye Thicklip (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Banner Wrasse, Blackedge Thicklip Wrasse, Blackeye Thicklip Wrasse, Black-eyed Thicklip, Halfgrey Wrasse, Half-and-Half Banner Wrasse, Half-and-Half Thicklip, Half-and-Half Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Sandreef Wrasse,.. more

Blackfin Barracuda - Barracudas

Also known as Blackfin Sea Pike, Blacktail Barracuda, Chevron Barracuda, Military Seapike, Sea Pike. Found in large semi stationary schools, during the day over current swept lagoons.. more

Blackfin Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Atlantic Black Cardinal, Conchfish, Nurseryfish, Punctate Cardinalfish. Found in high wave energy areas, sometimes inhabiting empty snail shells, in Thalassia testudinum - seagrass beds, also.. more

Blackfin Dartfish - Gobies---Wormfishes

Also known as Arrow Goby, Blackfin Dart Goby, Blackfin Goby, Dartfish, Dart Goby, Goby, Gudgeon, Hover Goby, Sailfin Hovergoby, Scissortail, Scissortail Dartfish, Scissortail Goby, Spot-tail Gudgeon, Twotone.. more

Blackfin Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Banded-tail Coralcod, Blackfin Rockcod, Cod, Coralcod, Darkfin Hind, Duskyfin Hind, Duskyfin Rockcod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, in lagoons and outer reefs, rich in coral.. more

Blackfin Hogfish - Wrasses

Also known as Banner Wrasse, Blackfin Pigfish, Blackfin Wrasse, Eclipse Hogfish, Eclipse Pigfish, Hogfish, Rainbowfish, Reef Pigfish, Trotter's Hogfish. Found singly or in pairs, over upper parts of.. more

Blackfin Sandperch - Sand Dwellers---Sandperches

Also known as Blackfin Grubfish, Grubfish, Sandsmelt, Snyder's Grubfish, Snyder's Sandperch, Snyder's Weeverfish, U-mark Grubfish, U-mark Sandperch, Weever, Weeverfish. Found singly or in small schools, over silty, rubble.. more

Blackfin snapper (Juvenile) - Snappers

Also known as Atlantic Snapper, Blackfin Red Snapper, Blackspot Snapper, Gun-mouth Blackfin, Gun-mouth Snapper, Hambone Snapper, Redfish, Sea Perch, Wrenchman. Found singly, or in small schools, over rock.. more

Blackfin Squirrelfish - Squirrelfishes-Soldierfishes

Also known as Blackfin Soldier, Black-finned Squirrelfish, Mouthfin Squirrelfish. Found singly or in small schools, over sub-tidal reef flats, lagoons, and seaward reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed.. more

Blackfin Tuna - Mackerels-Tunas-Bonitos

Also known as Albacore, Atlantic Blackfin Tuna, Deep-bodied Tunny. Found in large schools, mixed with skipjack tuna's, in oceanic waters often close to the coast. They feed on crustaceans.. more

Blackflag Sandperch - Sand Dwellers---Sandperches

Also known as Grubfish, Maldivian Grubfish, Maldivian Sandperch, Sandsmelt, Weever, Weeverfish. Found singly, pairs, or small schools, resting on their fins, over rubble bottoms close to reefs. They feed.. more

Blackflag Tripodfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triplespines

Also known as Silver Leatherjacket, Tripodfish, Yellowfin Tripodfish. Found over muddy sand flats, along coastlines. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length - 20cm Depth - 0-43m Western Central Pacific - Australia, Indonesia Triplespines.. more

Blackflap Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Black-eared Eyelash Blenny, Blackspot Eyelash Blenny, Coral Blenny, Eared Blenny, Earmuff Blenny, Earspot Blenny, Eyelash Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, resting on coral,.. more

Blackfoot Cardinal - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Blackfoot Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish. Found in small schools, during the day sheltering in shallow weedy areas, dispersing at night to forage for food, over protected lagoons.. more

Blackhead Blenny - Blennies---Pike-Tube-Flagblennies

Also known as Chaenopsid Blenny, Glass Blenny, Smoothhead Glass Blenny. Found in crevices, of dead and live corals, also abandoned clam shells, and worm tubes, (hence the name.. more

Blackline Fangblenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Beaver Blenny, Blackline Blenny, Black-lined Fangblenny, Fanged Blenny, Coral Blenny, Fangblenny, Red Sea Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Spotted Sabretooth Blenny. Found singly, swimming above.. more

Blackline Rasbora - Carps---Danios

Also known as Borapet Rasbora, Brilliant Rasbora, Redtail Rasbora, Red-tailed Rasbora. Found in schools, in mid to upper levels of slow flowing turbid waters of canals, ditches, drains,.. more

Blackline Shrimpgoby - Gobies

Also known as Gudgeon, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, True Goby. Found singly or in pairs, sharing their burrow with an alpheid shrimp, over muddy areas of sheltered coastal.. more

Blackline Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as Blackline-tail Tetra, Costae Tetra, Schooling Tetra. Found in large schools, over heavily vegetated margins, of rivers and their tributaries. They feed on crustaceans, insects, plants,.. more

Blacklip Abalone - Sea Snails

Also named as Abalone, Black-lipped Abalone, Ear Shell, Mutton Fish, Mutton Shells, Red-ear Shell, Sea Ears, Variable Abalone. Found in caves, crevices, fissures, and vertical rock surfaces, in.. more

Blacknose Dwarfgoby - Gobies

Also known as Blacknose Sueviota, Dwarf Goby, Gudgeon. Found singly, in crevices and in tube sponges, over current exposed steep slopes, and walls. Length - 2cm Depth - 18-20m Widespread Indo-West.. more

Blackpatch Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Blackbelly Picassofish, Blackbelly Triggerfish, Blackblotch Triggerfish, Black-tailed Triggerfish, Bursa Trigger, Bursa Triggerfish. Found singly or in loose schools, over coral, rubble, and seagrass beds, of.. more

Blacksaddle Snake Eel - Eels---Snake Eels

Also known as Blackneck Snake Eel, Dark-shouldered Snake Eel, Headsaddle Snake Eel, One-banded Snake Eel. Found singly, usually buried, or with just their head showing, with a few.. more

Blacksaddled Coral Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Blacksaddle Coral Grouper, Blacksaddle Grouper, Black-saddled Coral Trout, Black-saddled Leopard Grouper, Bluespot Coral Trout, Bluespot Trout, Blue-spotted Coral Trout, Chinese Footballer, Chinese Footballer Cod,.. more

Blacksaddled Coral Grouper (Juvenile) - Groupers

Also known as Blacksaddle Coral Grouper, Blacksaddle Grouper, Black-saddled Coral Trout, Black-saddled Leopard Grouper, Bluespot Coral Trout, Bluespot Trout, Blue-spotted Coral Trout, Chinese Footballer, Chinese Footballer Cod,.. more

Blackside Hawkfish - Basses---Hawkfishes

Also known as Black-sided Hawkfish, Forster's Hawk, Forster's Hawkfish, Freckled Hawkfish, Freckle-faced Hawkfish. Found singly, pairs or in harems, perched on coral and rocks, over clear soft bottoms,.. more

Blacksmith - Damselfishes

Also known as Blacksmith Chromis, Blacksmith Damselfish, Blacksmith Fish, Puller. Found in schools, close to the bottom and rocky areas, over steep banks, and in kelp beds. They feed.. more

Blacksmith (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Blacksmith Chromis, Blacksmith Damselfish, Blacksmith Fish, Puller. Found in schools, near the bottom, close to rocks, over steep banks and in kelp beds. They feed on.. more

Blackspot Sergeant - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackspot Sergeant Major, Grey Damselfish, Pacific Damselfish, Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Spot Damsel, Yellow-banded Sergeant Major. Found singly or in small schools, around harbours, jetties, and.. more

Blackspot Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Blackspot Lyretail Angelfish, Black-striped Angelfish, Japanese Swallowtail Angelfish, Lyretail Angelfish, Spotbreast Angelfish, Swallowtail Angel, Swallowtail Angelfish, Zebra Swallowtail. Found in pairs or harems, around.. more

Blackspot Barb - Carps---Minnows-Carps

Also known as Featherfin Barb, Filament Barb, Filamented Barb, Filamented Dawkins Barb, Filamentosus Barb, Indian Tiger Barb, Longfin Barb. Found in schools, over clear water estuaries, lakes, marshes,.. more

Blackspot Cleaner Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Blackspot Cleanerfish, Breastspot Cleanerfish, Cleanerfish, Cleaner Wrasse, False Bluespot Wrasse, Gold Barrier Reef Cleaner, Multicolour Cleaner Wrasse, Orange Cleaner Wrasse, Orangetail Cleaner Wrasse, Spotbreast.. more

Blackspot Goatfish - Goatfishes

Also known as Blacksaddle Goatfish, Black-saddled Goatfish, Onespot Goatfish, Red Goatfish, Tailspot Goatfish. Found singly or in small schools foraging for food over rock and sandy bottoms of.. more

Blackspot Piranha - Characins---Piranhas-Pacus

Also known as Black-eared Piranha, Blackshoulder Piranha, Cariba Piranha, Orinoco Piranha, Red-bellied Piranha, Red Piranha. Found in schools, over freshwater, flooded forests, lakes, rivers and streams. They feed on.. more

Blackspot Razorfish - Wrasses

Also known as Pacific Razorfish, Razorfish, Razor Wrasse, Sand Wrasse, Taiwanese Razorfish. Found singly, over sandy bottoms, of lagoons and reefs, diving into the sand when alarmed and.. more

Blackspot Sergeant (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackspot Sergeant Major, Grey Damselfish, Pacific Damselfish, Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Spot Damsel, Yellow-banded Sergeant Major. Found singly or in small schools around harbours, jetties and.. more

Blackspot Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Ehrenberg's Sea Perch, Ehrenberg's Snapper. Found singly, pairs, or large schools, close to freshwater runs-offs, over shallow coastal reefs. They feed on fish and invertebrates. Juveniles found.. more

Blackspot Tuskfish - Wrasses

Also known as Blue Tuskfish, Green Wrasse, Purple Grouper, Rainbowfish, Tuskfish, Yellow-bellied Tuskfish. Found singly over sand and weedy reef flats in shallow coastal waters of lagoons and.. more

Blackstripe Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Black-banded Cardinalfish, Black-banded Soldierfish, Black-striped Cardinal, Black-striped Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish. Found singly or in pairs during the day in crevices and under ledges dispersing at night.. more

Blackstripe Topminnow - Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers----Topminnows

Also known as American Topminnow. Found over quiet surface waters, close to margins of creeks, ponds, lakes and small rivers. They feed on insects, terrestrial invertebrates and benthic larvae. Length.. more

Blacktail Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Black-edged Puller, Black-tailed Chromis, Blueline Chromis, Puller. Found singly, pairs or in schools, over outer reef crests of seaward reefs rich in coral growth. They feed.. more

Blacktail Comber - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found over hard and rocky bottoms, of sub-tidal areas. They feed on crustaceans and fish. Length - 40cm Depth - 2-90m Widespread Eastern Atlantic Sea Bass.. more

Blacktail Grubfish - Sand Dwellers---Sandperches

Also known as Grubfish, Queensland Sandperch, Sandsmelt, Spotted Grubfish, Spotted Weever, Weever, Weeverfish. Found singly or in small schools, over gravel bottoms, between corals and reef patches, close.. more

Blacktail Reef Shark - Sharks---Ground-Requim Sharks

Also known as Blacktip Reef Shark, Blackvee Whaler, Bronze Whaler, Fowler's Whaler Shark, Graceful Shark, Graceful Whaler Shark, Grey Reef Shark, Grey Shark, Grey Whaler Shark, Longnose.. more

Blacktail Sergeant - Damselfishes

Also known as Blacktail Sergeant Major, Black-tailed Sergeant, Black-tailed Sergeant Major, Sergeant, Sergeant Major. Found singly or in loose schools, over shallow protected waters, close to breakwaters, docks.. more

Blacktail Snailfish - Sculpins---Snailfishes

Also known as Black-tailed Liparid, Larval Blacktail Snailfish. Found on mud bottoms, in very deep waters of the ocean. They feed on small crustaceans, invertebrates and worms. Length - 54cm Depth.. more

Blacktail Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Blacktail Seaperch, Dark-tailed Snapper, Flame-coloured Snapper, Flametail Snapper, Red-margined Sea Perch, Silver Snapper, Yellow-margined Seaperch, Yellow-margined Snapper, Yellow-striped Snapper. Found singly or in loose schools,.. more

Blacktip Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Banded Reef Cod, Banded Rock Cod, Blacktip Cod, Blacktip Rockcod, Blacktip Sea Bass, Black-tipped Cod, Black-tipped Grouper, Black-tipped Rockcod, Black-tipped Sea Bass, Cod, Football.. more

Blacktip Reef Shark - Sharks---Ground-Requim Sharks

Also known as Black-fin Reef Shark, Black-finned Shark, Blacktip Shark, Black-tipped Reef Shark, Black Tips Nilow. Found singly or in shivers often over intertidal zones, near mangroves, reef.. more

Blacktip Reef Shark (Juvenile) - Sharks---Ground-Requim Sharks

Also known as Black-fin Reef Shark, Black-finned Shark, Blacktip Shark, Black-tipped Reef Shark, Black Tips Nilow. Found singly or in shivers, often over intertidal zones, close to mangroves,.. more

Blacktip Soldierfish - Squirrelfishes-Soldierfishes

Also known as Finspot Soldierfish, Pale Soldier, Pinecone Soldierfish, Splendid Soldierfish, Splendid Squirrelfish, Toothed Crimson Squirrelfish. Found in pairs or schools, during the day hiding in caves and.. more

Blacktip Sole - Flatfishes---Soles

Also known as Aesop Sole, Banded Sole, Blue-edged Sole, Flatfish Sole, Tiger Sole, Tonguefish. Found singly, buried beneath the sand, exposing only its eye and tubular nostril, over.. more

Blacktip Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Blacktip Kingfish, Papuan Trevally, Trevally, Yellowtail Kingfish. Found singly, or in small schools, over deep rocky reefs, of clear coastal waters, and in estuaries. They feed.. more

Blacktip Tripodfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triplespines

Also known as Long-nosed Triplespine, Long-nosed Tripodfish, Tripodfish, Weber's Tripodfish. Found over muddy sand flats, along coastlines. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length - 30cm Depth - ?-65m Widespread Indian Ocean, Western.. more

Blackvent Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Black-backed Damsel, Blackvent Damselfish, Yellow Demoiselle. Found singly, or in pairs, over shallow, rubble and sandy substrates, close to small reef patches in lagoons. They feed.. more

Bladed Leather Coral - Soft Corals

Also known as Devils Hand Coral, Devils Hand Leather Coral, Leather Ridge Coral, Pimply Leather Coral, Pimply Leathery Soft Coral. Found over reef tops and slopes, of coral.. more

Bleeker's Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as - No other name. Found singly or in small schools, often mixed with other species, foraging for food over corals, in clear coastal water channels,.. more

Bleekeri Hawkfish - Basses---Hawkfishes

Also known as Indian Hawkfish, Spotted-tail Hawkfish. Found singly perched on corals and rocks over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on crustaceans and small fish. Length - 8cm Depth -.. more

Blennie Trigloide - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Grey Blenny, Gurnard Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, during the day hiding in crevices and troughs in steep walls, coming out.. more

Blob Sculpin - Sculpins---Fatheads

Also known as Blobfish, Blobfish Sculpin, Deepsea Sculpin, Deepsea Blob Sculpin, Flathead Sculpin, Giant Blob Sculpin. Found singly, or in schools, close to the bottom, over very deep.. more

Blood-stained Frog Shell - Sea Snails

Also known as Frog Shell, Frog Snail. Found in caves, or beneath dead corals, around bommies, over coral and rocky reefs. Shells are often heavily encrusted. They feed.. more

Blotch-necked Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Blackpearl Moray, Pearly Moray, Pearly Moray Eel, Pearly Reef Eel, Trunk-eyed Moray. Found during the day hiding amongst dead corals venturing out to forage for.. more

Blotched Foxface - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Blackblotch Foxface, Blotched Foxface Rabbitfish, Foxface, Foxface Rabbitfish, Onespot Foxface, Onespot Foxface Rabbitfish, Onespot Rabbitfish, Spinefoot. Found in pairs, amongst the arms of branching corals,.. more

Blotched Stingray - Rays---Stingrays-American Round Stingrays

Also known as Chilean Round Ray, Thorny Round Ray, Thorny Round Stingray. Found singly, or in shivers, over soft bottoms, of shallow water reefs. They feed on small crustaceans,.. more

Blotcheye Soldierfish - Squirrelfishes-Soldierfishes

Also known as Berndt's Soldierfish, Bigscale Soldier, Bigscale Soldierfish, Orange-finned Soldierfish, Pinecone Soldierfish, Yellowfin Soldierfish, Yellowfin Squirrelfish. Found singly or in small schools, hiding during the day in.. more

Blotchfin Scorpionfish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Ornate Scorpionfish, Red Blotchfin Scorpionfish, Stingfish. Found singly, or in pairs, well camouflaged, over sandy bottoms, or resting amongst corals and sponges, over shallow, coastal.. more

Blotchwing Flyingfish (Juvenile) - Needlefishes---Flyingfishes

Also known as Atlantic Flyingfish, Fourwing Flyingfish, Mediterranean Flyingfish, Piebald Flyingfish, Single Bearded Flyingfish. Found close to the surface or flying for long distances in coastal areas. They feed.. more

Blubberlip - Grunts

Also known as Black Sweetlip, Blubberlip Bream, Brown Blubberlip, Brown Sweetlip, Dusky Sweetlip, Gibbus Sweetlip, Gibbus Thicklip, Harry Hotlip, Harry Hotlips, Harry Sweetlip, Humpback Sweetlip, Rubberlip Bream,.. more

Blubberlip Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Blue-spotted Seaperch, Maori Bream, Maori Seaperch, Maori Snapper, Multi-coloured Snapper, Scribbled Snapper, Speckled Snapper, Yellowfin Snapper. Found singly or in small schools, over shallow inshore.. more

Bludger Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Bleekers Jackfish, Bludger, Naked-breast Trevally, Scad, Trevally. Found singly or in small schools close to coral and rocks over deep off-shore reefs. They feed on crustaceans.. more

Blue Blanquillo (Juvenile) - Tilefishes

Also known as Banded Blanquillo, Blue Latovittatus, Blue Tilefish, Eye-of-the-Sea, False Whiting, Sand Tilefish, Striped Blanquillo. Found singly or in pairs, in self-made burrows and caves, at the.. more

Blue Acara - Cichlids

Also known as Blue Acara Cichlid, Blue Coscarob, Electric Blue Acara, Green Coscarob, Pulcher. Found in turbid, standing waters, as well as clear, free flowing streams. They feed on.. more

Blue Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Bermuda Blue Angelfish, Bermuda Meringue, Blue Angel, Corn Sugar, Corn Sugar Angelfish. Found swimming above the reef tops, of coral and rocky reefs rich in.. more

Blue Angelfish (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Bermuda Blue Angelfish, Bermuda Meringue, Blue Angel, Corn Sugar, Corn Sugar Angelfish. Found swimming above the reef tops, of coral and rocky reefs, rich in.. more

Blue Bell Sea Squirt - Ascidians

Also known as Colonial Ascidian, Namei Sea Squirt, Sea Squirt, Sea Tunicate, Tunicate. Found on drop-offs, often at the base of slopes, over coral and rocky reefs. They.. more

Blue Blanquillo - Tilefishes

Also known as Banded Blanquillo, Blue Latovittatus, Blue Tilefish, Eye-of-the-Sea, False Whiting, Sand Tilefish, Striped Blanquillo. Found singly or in pairs, in self-made burrows and caves at the.. more

Blue Button Jellyfish - Jellyfish

Also known as Blue Button, Blue Button Jelly, Disc Hydroid, Stinger, Stinging Bluebottle. Found near the surface, drifting in bays, estuaries and lagoons also out in the oceans,.. more

Blue Catfish - Catfishes---North American Freshwater Catfishes

Also known as Arkansas Blue, Blue Runner, Channel Catfish, Forktail Catfish. Found during the day, over gravel, mud, and sand, moving at night to deeper swifter waters of.. more

Blue Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue Damselfish, Blue Reef Chromis, Puller, Sapphire Devil. Found singly or in schools, either close to coral crevices for shelter, or feeding in the.. more

Blue Club Tunicate - Ascidians

Also known as Blue Sea Squirt, Blue Transparent Sea Squirt, Blue Tunicate, Blue Yellow Ringed Sea Squirt, Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Sea Squirt, Tunicate. Found in colonies, in.. more

Blue Crab - Crabs

Also known as American Blue Crab, Atlantic Blue Crab, Bluepoint, Brachyura Crab, Chesapeake Blue Crab, Common Blue Crab, Maryland Blue Crab, Portunid Crab, Shelling Crab, Swimming Crab,.. more

Blue Devil - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue Damselfish, Blue Demoiselle, Blue Devil Damselfish, Cornflower Sergeant Major, Electric Blue Damselfish, Hedley's Damselfish, Orangetail Damselfish, Redtail Australian Damsel, Sapphire Devil, Sapphire Devil.. more

Blue Discus - Cichlids

Also known as Amazonian Discus, Brown Discus, Disco Royal Blue, Golden Checkerboard Discus, Green Discus, Royal Blue, Snakeskin Yellow Discus, South American Cichlid, Symphysodon Discus, Yellow Discus. Found.. more

Blue Dragon Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Aeolid Nudibranch, Aeolus, Blue Dragon, Blue Dragon Nudibranch, Blue Dragon Sea Slug, Blue Serpent Pteraeolidia, Dragon Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Solar-powered Sea Slug, Violet Sea Slug. Found.. more

Blue Flasher Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Blue Flasher, Blue Flasher Fairy Wrasse, Cyaneus Flasher Wrasse, Dwarf Flasher Wrasse, Filament Wrasse, Filamented Fairy Wrasse, Filamented Flasher Fairy Wrasse, Filamented Flasher Wrasse,.. more

Blue Gudgeon - Gobies---Wormfishes

Also known as Blue Gudgeon Goby, Dart Goby, Dartfish, Goby, Green Goby, Green-eyed Dartgoby, Goby, Gudgeon, Hover Goby, Long-finned Gudgeon, Pale Dartfish, Pearly Dartfish, Pearly Dartgoby,.. more

Blue Knifefish - Basses---Halfmoons

Also known as - no other name. Found singly or in small schools, moving erratically and rapidly over inshore reefs. They feed on planktonic crustaceans. Length - 20cm Depth - 0-30m Widespread.. more

Blue Land Crab - Crabs

Also known as Brachyura Crab, Florida Blue, Florida Blue Crab, Giant Blue Crab, Giant Land Crab, Great Land Crab, Land Crab, Terrestrial Crab, True Crab. Found away from.. more

Blue Lyretail - Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers---African Rivulines

Also known as Clown Killi, Clown Killifish, Gardneri Killifish, Gardneri Panchax Killifish, Gardner's Killi, Gold Killi, Gold Killifish, Golden Gardneri Killi, Lyretail Killi, Nigerian Killi, Steel-blue Aphyosemion,.. more

Blue Maomao - Basses---Halfmoons

Also known Blue Mao Mao, Blue Sweep, Hardbelly, Sweep, Violet Sweep. Found in schools, over inshore waters. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 40cm Depth - 0-30m Southwest Pacific - Australia, New.. more

Blue Panchax - Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers---Killifishes

Also known as Blue-eye, Blue Panchax Killifish, Estuarine Ricefish, Leadhead, Panchax, Panchax Minnow, Silverhead, Spotted Medaka, Spotted Ricefish, Tinhead, Whitespot. Found in schools, over clear, freshwater canals,.. more

Blue Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Blueman, Blue Parrot. Found singly or in large schools, foraging for food, over vegetated, sandy areas, of coral reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed on.. more

Blue Parrotfish (Juvenile) - Parrotfishes

Also known as Blueman, Blue Parrot. Found singly or in large schools, foraging for food, over vegetated, sandy areas of coral reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed on.. more

Blue Ridge Coral - Soft Corals

Also known as Blue Coral, Colonial Coral, Indo-Pacific Blue Coral, Octocoral, Stony Blue Octocoral. Found in large colonies, over exposed, or very shallow waters of reef flats and.. more

Blue Runner - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Black Jack, Blue Runner Jack, Bluestripe Jack, Crevalle, Egyptian Scad, Golden Jack, Green Jack, Hardtail, Hard-tailed Jack, Horse Mackerel, Jackfish, Mackerel, Runner, Trevally, Whiteback.. more

Blue Salmon Catfish - Catfishes---Sea Catfishes

Also known as Blue Catfish, Graeffe's Salmon Catfish, Lesser Salmon Catfish, Salmon Catfish. Found over coastal marine and brackish estuaries, lagoons and freshwater rivers. They feed on crustaceans, detritus,.. more

Blue Sea Chub - Basses---Sea Chubs

Also known as Ashen Drummer, Drummer, Highfin Chub, Highfin Rudderfish, Long-finned Drummer, Rudderfish, Snubnose Chub, Snubnose Drum, Snubnose Drummer, Snubnose Rudderfish, Stone Bream, Topsail Chub, Topsail Drummer. Found.. more

Blue Sea Cucumber - Sea Cucumbers

Also known as Lollyfish, Rough Sea Cucumber, Tripang. Found singly, over coral patches, of coral reefs, and in deep water, on rubble and sandy slopes of outer reefs. They.. more

Blue Sea Slug - Sea Slugs

Also known as Blue Dragon, Blue Dragon Sea Slug, Blue Glaucus, Blue Ocean Slug, Blue Sea Dragon, Blue Sea Lizard, Blue Tide Animal, Glaucus Atlanticus Sea Slug,.. more

Blue Sea Squirt - Ascidians

Also known as Blue Spot Ascidian, Blue Spot Sea Squirt, Bluebell Sea Squirt, Bluebell Tunicate, Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Little Bottles, Moluccan Ascidian, Sea Squirt, Tunicate, Zooids. Found.. more

Blue Sea Squirt - Ascidians

Also known as Blue Ring Sea Squirt, Blue Tunicate, Bluebell Sea Squirt, Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Little Bottle, Sea Squirt, Tunicate, Yellow Ring Sea Squirt. Found in colonies.. more

Blue Sea Star - Sea Stars

Also known as Asteroid, Blue Linckia, Blue Linckia Sea Star, Blue Linckia Star, Blue Linckia Starfish, Blue Starfish, Linckia Sea Star, Pacific Blue Sea Star, Snake Sea.. more

Blue Shiner - Carps---Minnows-Carps

Also known as Shiner. Found over rocky runs, of small to medium rivers. They feed on terrestrial insects. Length - 10cm Depth - ?m Widespread North America This is a federally.. more

Blue Sphinx Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Blueblack Nudibranch, Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Warty Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, around caves and walls, over shaded areas of exposed reefs. They feed on.. more

Blue Swimmer Crab - Crabs

Also known as Australian Blue Swimmer Crab, Blossom Crab, Blue Crab, Blue Edible Crab, Blue Manna Crab, Blue Swimmer, Bluespot Rock Crab, Edible Flower Crab, Flower Crab,.. more

Blue Tang - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Atlantic Blue Tang, Atlantic Blue Tang Surgeonfish, Blue Barber, Blue Caribbean Tang, Blue Doctor, Blue Doctorfish, Blue Tang Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail.. more

Blue Tang (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Atlantic Blue Tang, Atlantic Blue Tang Surgeonfish, Blue Barber, Blue Caribbean Tang, Blue Doctor, Blue Doctorfish, Blue Tang Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail.. more

Blue Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Banded Trevally, Bar Jack, Barred Jack, Barred Trevally, Blue Kingfish, Ferdau's Cavalla, Ferdau's Trevally, Ferdy, Forskal's Jackfish, Scad, Trevally, Yellow-spotted Trevally. Found singly or in.. more

Blue Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Blue-and-Gold Triggerfish, Blue-and-Rippled Triggerfish, Blue-lined Triggerfish, Brown Triggerfish, Brown-and-Gold Triggerfish, Jigsaw Triggerfish, Rippled Triggerfish, Yellow-spotted Triggerfish. Found singly or in pairs, over sandy areas, close.. more

Blue Triggerfish (Juvenile) - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Blue-and-Gold Triggerfish, Blue-and-Rippled Triggerfish, Blue-lined Triggerfish, Brown Triggerfish, Brown-and-Gold Triggerfish, Jigsaw Triggerfish, Rippled Triggerfish, Yellow-spotted Triggerfish. Found singly or in pairs, over sandy areas, close.. more

Blue Tuskfish - Wrasses

Also known as Bluebone, Bluefish, Bluebone Grouper, Blue-toothed Tuskfish, Grey Tuskfish, Tuskfish, Whitespot Tuskfish. Found singly, over sheltered areas of flat shelf bottoms, reef flats and seagrass beds.. more

Blue Unicorn - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blue Unicornfish, Bluetail Unicornfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found in schools, patrolling mainly along outer reef walls, in pursuit of plankton. They feed on plankton. Length.. more

Blue Volcano Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Blue Sponge, Boreal Sponge, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Soft Blue Tube Sponge, Tubular Sponge. Found hanging and spreading, over ledges and walls, of coral and.. more

Blue-and-Gold Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Blue-striped Snapper, Pargos. Found singly or in large schools, over coral and rocky areas of coastal reefs. They feed nocturnally on cephalopods, crustaceans and small fish. Length.. more

Blue-and-yellow Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Blue-and-yellow Reefcod, Cod, Coral Cod, Hins, Rockcod, Trout, Yellowfin Grouper, Yellow-finned Grouper, Yellowtail Reefcod, Yellowtail Rockcod. Found singly, in deep waters, over coral and rocky.. more

Blue-and-yellow Grouper (Juvenile) - Groupers

Also known as Blue-and-yellow Reefcod, Cod, Coral Cod, Hins, Rockcod, Trout, Yellowfin Grouper, Yellow-finned Grouper, Yellowtail Reefcod, Yellowtail Rockcod. Found singly, in deep waters, over coral and rocky.. more

Blue-axil Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue Axis Chromis, Bluespot Puller, Dusky Chromis, Dusky Puller, Puller. Found singly, or in small schools, close to shelter of caves and ledges, of steep,.. more

Blue-barred Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Blue-barred Orange Parrotfish, Bluechin Parrotfish, Blue-chinned Parrotfish, Bluetrim Parrotfish, Cream Parrotfish, Flame-breasted Parrotfish, Globe-headed Parrotfish, Green-blotched Parrotfish, Yellowscale Parrotfish. Found singly, or in small schools,.. more

Blue-black Urchin - Sea Urchins

Also known as Black Diadem Sea Urchin, Blue-black Sea Urchin, Dark Coloured Sea Urchin, Diadema Urchin, Sea Hedgehog. Found in shallow waters, hiding during the day, amongst coral,.. more

Blue-dashed Rockskipper - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Blue-streaked Blenniella, Blue-streaked Blenny, Blue-streaked Rockskipper, Bullethead Rockskipper, Coral Blenny, Eyespot Blenny, False Mudskipper, Peppered Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly hiding in.. more

Blue-eye Cichlid - Cichlids

Also known as Blue-eye, Blue-eyed Cichlid, Cutter's Cichlid, Jade-eyed Cichlid, Tiger Cichlid. Found close to banks, in shallow slow moving waters, over mud, rock and sand bottoms of.. more

Blue-finger Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Marine Sponge, Pacific Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tropical Marine Sponge, Vase Sponge. Found in deep water gullies on slopes and terraces of coral and rocky reef. They.. more

Blue-girdled Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Bluegirdle Angelfish, Blue-girdled Angel, Majestic Angelfish, Narvarchus Angelfish, Young Blue-girdled Angel. Found singly or in pairs, over channels, clear lagoons and protected outer reef slopes,.. more

Blue-green Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue Puller, Blue-green Chromis, Blue-green Puller, Blue-green Reef Chromis, Green Chromis, Green Chromis Damsel, Green Puller, Green Reef Chromis, Puller. Found in large schools,.. more

Blue-lashed Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Archer Butterflyfish, Bennett's Butterfly, Bennett's Butterflyfish, Bennett's Coralfish, Coralfish, Eclipse Butterflyfish. Found in pairs, over lagoons and seaward reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed.. more

Blue-lined Large-eye Bream - Emperors-Scavengers

Also known as Blue-lined Sea Bream, Emperor Fish, Grey Large-eye Bream, Iodine Bream, Large-eye Bream, Maori Sea Bream, Rippled Barenose, Robinson's Sea Bream, Robinson's Perch, Sea Bream,.. more

Blue-lined Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blueline Surgeonfish, Blueline Tang, Blue-lined Tang, Cuvier's Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Greyhead Surgeonfish, Lancetfish, Pacific Blueline Surgeonfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found singly or in small schools, over.. more

Blue-lined Triggerfish (Juvenile) - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Blueline Triggerfish, Bluestripe Triggerfish, Goldback Triggerfish, Goldenback Trigger, Goldenback Triggerfish, Outrigger Triggerfish. Found singly, or in schools, over outer reef slopes, and deep seaward.. more

Blue-lined Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Rainbowfish, Ribbonfish, Sandreef Wrasse, Scarlet-banded Ribbonfish, Whiteline Wrasse. Found singly or in small harems, over reef flats, of clear lagoons and seaward reefs. They feed on.. more

Blue-lipped Bristletooth - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Bluelip Bristletooth, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Reef Tang, Short-tail Bristletooth, Straited Surgeonfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Twospot Surgeonfish, Yelloweye Bristletooth. Found singly or in small schools, around upper.. more

Blue-ringed Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Annularis Angelfish, Blue King Angelfish, Blue Ring Angelfish, Ringed Angelfish. Found singly, or in pairs, in and around bays, caves, harbours, under jetties, and.. more

Blue-ringed Octopus - Octopuses

Also known as Blue Ring Octopus, Greater Blue-ringed Octopus. Found singly, in their burrows or foraging for food, over mixed sand and rubble areas of bays, lagoons.. more

Blue-spined Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Bluefin Kingfish, Coastal Kingfish, Coastal Trevally, Diverse Trevally, Japanese Trevally, Malabar Trevally, Onion Trevally, Onionring Trevally, Shortfin Trevally, Trevally. Found in small schools, over.. more

Blue-spotted Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Lined-tail Blenniella, Pacific Blue-spotted Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Rockskippper. Found over shallow, exposed shores, and in tide-pools, rich in algae growth. They.. more

Blue-spotted Cornetfish - Cornetfishes

Also known as Arrowshaft, Commerson's Cornetfish, Coronet, Cornetfish Smooth Flutemouth, Flutefish, Flutemouth, Red Cornetfish, Reef Cornetfish, Smooth Cornetfish, Smooth Flutemouth. Found singly or in schools, over rock and.. more

Blue-spotted Cornetfish - Cornetfishes

Also known as Flutemouth, Tobacco Pipefish, Tobbaco Trumpetfish, Trumpetfish, Unarmed Trumpetfish. Found singly, over hard rocky bottoms and seagrass flats of coastal reefs. They feed on crustaceans, small fish.. more

Blue-spotted Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Azure-spotted Damsel, Blue-spotted Damselfish. Found over off-shore coral reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 12cm Depth - 5-30m Widespread Eastern Indian Ocean Damselfish are egg layers. First they clear a.. more

Blue-spotted Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Brazilian Damsel, Brazilian Damselfish, Demoiselle, Dusky Damselfish, Farmer Damsel, Trinidad Gregory. Found in murky shallow waters, over coral and rocky bottoms, close to the shoreline.. more

Blue-spotted Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Bluespot Cod, Blue-spotted Hind, Blue-spotted Rockcod, Bommie Cod, Cod, Coral Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly over seagrass beds, in shallow, protected, coastal reefs, rich.. more

Blue-spotted Large-eye Bream - Emperors-Scavengers

Also known as Blue-spotted Seabream, Grey Large-eye Bream, Large-eyed Bream. Found singly or in schools, over rubble and sandy bottoms and slopes, close to coral and rocky reefs.. more

Blue-spotted Puffer - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also know as Blowfish, Blue-spotted Pufferfish, Pufferfish, Stellate Puffer, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found singly, over mixed coral, rubble, sand, and weedy bottoms, of coral reefs. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length.. more

Blue-spotted Ruddertail Dragonet - Dragonets

Also known as Bluespot Dragonet, Side-spotted Dragonet, Spotted Dragonet. Found singly or in pairs, sometimes buried during the day, but will raise fins if disturbed, over protected mud.. more

Blue-spotted Spinefoot - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Blue-spotted Foxface Rabbitfish, Coral Rabbitfish, Coral Spinefoot, Indian Coral Rabbitfish, Ocellated Orange Spinefoot, Orange Spinefoot, Spinefoot, Spotted Rabbitfish, Spotted Spinefoot, Yellow Foxface Rabbitfish, Yellow.. more

Blue-spotted Stingray - Rays---Stingrays

Also known as Blue-spotted Maskray, Blue-spotted Ray, Blue-spotted Stingaree, Kuhl's Stingray, Spotted Stingray, Whip Stingray. Found singly, often resting on sandy bottoms, close to or under ledges.. more

Blue-spotted Toby - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Bullseye Puffer, Pufferfish, Sharpnose Pufferfish, Toby. Found singly, over rubble and sandy areas of seaward reefs. They feed on crustaceans, invertebrates and zooplankton. Length - 10cm Depth -.. more

Blue-spotted Tuskfish - Wrasses

Also known as Blackspot Tuskfish, Blue Tuskfish, Tuskfish, Yellow Tuskfish. Found singly or in pairs, around boulders and rocks, over sand and weedy areas of inshore coral reefs.. more

Blue-spotted Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Blue-spotted Tamarin, Blue-spotted Tamarin Wrasse, Chisel-tooth Wrasse, Diamond Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse, Speckled Wrasse, Spotted Chisel-tooth Wrasse. Found singly or in pairs, over surge zones.. more

Blue-striped Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Blue-lined Butterfly, Bluestripe Butterflyfish, Bluestripe Fremblii Butterfly, Coralfish. Found singly, or in pairs, over coral and rocky reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on the.. more

Blue-striped Chub - Basses---Sea Chubs

Also known as Blue-striped Sea Chub, Drummer, Rainbow Chub, Rudderfish. Found singly, or in schools, often with other chubs, around bommies, drop-off's, rocky shores, and walls, as well.. more

Blue-striped Dottyback - Dottybacks

Also known as Dottyback Springeri, Red Sea Dottyback, Springeri Dottyback, Springer's Dottyback, Springer's Pseudochromis. Found singly or in pairs, hiding in branching corals, over lagoons and fringing reefs... more

Blue-striped Fangblenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Blueline Sabretooth Blenny, Blue-lined Blenny, Blue-lined Sabretooth Blenny, Blue-striped Blenny, Blue-striped Sabretooth Blenny, Blunt-nosed Blenny, Cleaner Mimic, False Cleanerfish, Fang Blenny, Imposter Fangblenny, Sabretooth.. more

Blue-striped Grunt - Grunts

Also known as Bluestriped Sweetlips, Boar Grunt, Dogfish, Golden Grunt, Humpback Grunt, Redmouth Grunt, Sweetlips, Yellow Grunt. Found in small schools, along drop-offs and reef edges, of.. more

Blue-throated Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Bluehead, Bluehead Parrotfish, Bluenose, Bluenose Parrotfish, Bluethroat Wrasse, Blue-throated Parrotfish, Kelpie, Lilac-banded Parrotfish, Parrotie, Rocky Bream, Rocky Cod, Rotfish, Winter Bream. Found singly or in.. more

Blueback Damsel (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Batavia Damsel, Blueback Damselfish, Lemon Damsel, Molucca Damsel, Moluccan Damselfish, Pink-spotted Damsel. Found singly or in small schools, over murky areas, of shallow lagoons and.. more

Blueband Goby - Gobies

Also known as Blueband Glider Goby, Bluecheek Goby, Bluestreak Goby, Bluestreak Sleeper, Goldenhead Sleeper, Goldenhead Sleeper Goby, Golden-headed Sleeper Goby, Goldhead Sleeper Goby, Gold-headed Sleeper Goby, Gudgeon,.. more

Bluedot Goby - Gobies

Also known as Blue-speckled Rubblegoby, Gudgeon, Miller's Damsel, Reef Goby. Found in large colonies, over coral and rubble areas, of estuaries, coral and rocky reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length.. more

Bluefin Driftfish - Mackerels---Driftfishes

Also known as Blackrag, Eyebrow, Eyebrow Fish, Parasitic Driftfish, Scissortail, Silver Driftfish, Short-finned Trevalia. Found singly, in the arms of jellyfish, (maybe for protection or a food.. more

Bluefin Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Blue Jackfish, Blue Trevally, Blue Ulua, Bluefin Jack, Bluefin Kingfish, Blue-finned Trevally, Blue-spotted Jack, Blue-spotted Trevally, Jackfish, Kingfish, Pacific Bluefin Trevally, Spotted Trevally, Trevally,.. more

Bluefish - Bluefishes

Also known as Boston Bluefish, Choppers, Elf, Fatback, Greenfish, Horse Macerel, Jumbos, Marine Oiranha, Razorbacks, Salmon Bluefish, Shad, Skip Jack, Skip Mackerel, Snap, Snappers, Mackerel, Snapping Mackerel,.. more

Bluegill - Basses---Sunfishes

Also known as Blue Bream, Bluegill Sunfish, Bream. Found in schools, in deep weed beds, over lakes, ponds, reservoirs and sluggish streams. Colours variable especially between juvenile to adult. They.. more

Bluegrey Mbuna - Cichlids

Also known as African Cichlid, Blue Mbuna, Bluegrey Mbuna Cichlid, Electric Blue Johanni, Electric Blue Johanni Cichlid, Johanni, Johanni Cichlid, Johanni Mbuna, Mbuna. Found in pairs, or small.. more

Bluehead - Wrasses

Also known as Bluehead Wrasse, Blue-headed Wrasse, Lunate-tailed Wrasse. Found singly or in pairs, over sand and seagrass beds, of inshore bays and coastal reefs. They feed on.. more

Bluehead (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Bluehead Wrasse, Blue-headed Wrasse, Lunate-tailed Wrasse. Found singly or in pairs, over sand and seagrass beds, of inshore bays and coastal reefs. They feed on.. more

Blueline Demoiselle - Damselfishes

Also known as Bluefin Damselfish, Blueline Damselfish, Blue-lined Demoiselle, Blueline Yellow Damsel, Neon Damsel. Found in small schools, over rock, and rubble areas, of sand channels, and.. more

Bluelined Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Blue Line Grouper, Blue-lined Coral Cod, Blue-lined Hind, Blue-lined Rockcod, Blue-lined Sea Bass, Bluestripe Grouper, Chocolate Hind, Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, over shallow,.. more

Bluelip Parrofish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Manytooth Parrotfish, Slender Parrotfish. Found in schools, foraging for food over sand, seagrass beds, and in weedy areas, of coral and rocky reefs, rich in.. more

Bluelip Parrofish (Juvenile) - Parrotfishes

Also known as Manytooth Parrotfish, Slender Parrotfish. Found in schools, foraging for food, over sand, seagrass beds, and in weedy areas, of coral and rocky reefs, rich in.. more

Bluelipped Bristletooth (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Bluelip Bristletooth, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Reef Tang, Short-tail Bristletooth, Straited Surgeonfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Twospot Surgeonfish, Yelloweye Bristletooth. Found singly or in small schools, around upper.. more

Bluemoon Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Black Crescent Parrotfish. Found foraging for food, over rubble and sandy areas, of silty lagoons and protected reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed on benthic.. more

Bluepatch Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Forsten Parrotfish, Forsten's Parrotfish, Rainbow Parrotfish, Tricolor Parrotfish, Whitespot Parrotfish. Found singly, foraging for food, over coral and rocky bottoms, of exposed, outer lagoons and.. more

Bluepatch Parrotfish (Juvenile) - Parrotfishes

Also known as Forsten Parrotfish, Forsten's Parrotfish, Rainbow Parrotfish, Tricolor Parrotfish, Whitespot Parrotfish. Found singly, foraging for food, over coral and rocky bottoms, of exposed, outer lagoons and.. more

Blueside Wrasse - Wrasses

Also know as Bluehead Fairy Wrasse, Blue-headed Fairy Wrasse, Blue-scaled Fairy Wrasse, Blue-scaled Wrasse, Blue-sided Fairy Wrasse, Blue-sided Wrasse, Blue-sided Velvet Wrasse, Coralline Wrasse, Red-eyed Wrasse,.. more

Bluespine Unicornfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Bluespine Surgeonfish, Bluespine Tang, Bluespine Unicorn, Brown Unicornfish, Doctorfish, Humphead Unicornfish, Lancetfish, Longhorn Unicornfish, Longnose Unicornfish, Long-snouted Unicornfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Unicorn Tang. Found singly.. more

Bluespine Unicornfish (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Bluespine Surgeonfish, Bluespine Tang, Bluespine Unicorn, Brown Unicornfish, Doctorfish, Humphead Unicornfish, Lancetfish, Longhorn Unicornfish, Longnose Unicornfish, Long-snouted Unicornfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Unicorn Tang. Found singly.. more

Bluespot Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Blueblotch Butterflyfish, Blue-blotched Butterflyfish, Bluedash Butterflyfish, Coral Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Grey-blotched Butterflyfish, Two-spot Coralfish. Found singly or in pairs, over shallow coastal waters, of lagoons and.. more

Bluespot Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Bluespot Cardinal, Nurseryfish. Found singly, or in small schools, sheltering during the day, dispersing at night, foraging for food, over coral and rocky reefs. They.. more

Bluespot Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Azurespot Damselfish, Orangetail Damsel. Found singly or in small schools, sheltering in branching corals, close to lagoons, passages, and shorelines. They feed on benthic algae. Length -.. more

Bluespot Damsel (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Azurespot Damselfish, Orangetail Damsel. Found singly or in small schools, sheltering in branching corals, close to lagoons, passages and shorelines. They feed on benthic algae. Length -.. more

Bluespot Mullet - Mullets

Also known as Blackspot Mullet, Bluespot Grey Mullet, Bluetail Mullet, Evensand Mullet, Grey Mullet, Longarm Mullet, Long-armed Mullet, Long-finned Mullet, Sand Mullet, Speigler's Mullet. Found in schools, in.. more

Bluespotted Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Gold Heart Trigger, Golden Heart Triggerfish, Spotted Triggerfish. Found over rock and sandy bottoms, in coastal waters. They feed on bivalves and crabs. Length - 60cm Depth -.. more

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Bluecleaner Wrasse, Bluestreak, Bluestreak Cleanerfish, Bridled Beauty, Bridled Beauty Cleanerfish, Cleanerfish, Cleaner Wrasse, Common Cleaner Wrasse, Dental-floss Cleanerfish, Gadfly Fish, Haremic Cleaner Wrasse, Striped.. more

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Bluecleaner Wrasse, Bluestreak, Bluestreak Cleanerfish, Bridled Beauty, Bridled Beauty Cleanerfish, Cleanerfish, Cleaner Wrasse, Common Cleaner Wrasse, Dental-floss Cleanerfish, Gadfly Fish, Haremic Cleaner Wrasse, Striped.. more

Bluestripe Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Blue-banded Angelfish, Blueline Angel, Blueline Angelfish, Blue-lined Angelfish, Blue-striped Angelfish, Coralfish, Northern Angelfish. Found singly, in shallow waters, over coral and rocky coastlines, rich.. more

Bluestripe Herring - Herrings-Shads-Sardines-Menhadens

Also known as Blueline Herring, Fourspot Herring, Fourspot Sardine, Goldspot Herring, Goldspot Sardine, Murray Island Sardine, Oily Herring, Small-spotted Herring, Spotback Herring, Spotted Herring. Found in large schools,.. more

Bluestripe Pipefish - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as African Bluestripe Pipefish, Black-sided Pipefish, Blue-and-Orange Cleaner Pipefish, Blue-striped Pipefish, Fantail Pipefish, Flagtail Pipefish, Pacific Bluestripe Pipefish. Found singly or in pairs, hiding in crevices,.. more

Bluetail Trunkfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Boxfishes

Also known as Arabian Boxfish, Arabian Trunkfish, Bluetail Boxfish, Cowfish, Trunkfish. Found singly, close to sheltered areas of reefs, rich in coral growth. Males and juveniles are brightly.. more

Bluethroat Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Black Triggerfish, Bluebelly Sufflamen Trigger, Bluebelly Triggerfish, Flagtail Triggerfish, Golden-finned Triggerfish, Golden-lined Triggerfish, Halfmoon Trigger, Halfmoon Triggerfish, Halfmoon Picasso Fish, Haremic Triggerfish, White Rim.. more

Blunt Decorator Crab - Crabs

Also known as Camposcia Decorator Crab, Decoration Crab, Decorator Crab, Decorator Spider Crab, Retusa Decorator Crab, Retusa Spider Crab, Rubbish Crab, Seaweed Decorator Crab, Spider Crab, Spider.. more

Blunt Slipper Lobster - Lobsters---Slipper Lobsters

Also known as Blunt-headed Slipper Lobster, Marine Lobster, Scaly Slipper Lobster, Sea Crawfish, Shovel-nosed Lobster. Found singly or in small pods, hiding in crevices and under rocks during.. more

Blunt-headed Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Bluehead Wrasse, Blue-headed Wrasse, Blunthead Wrasse, Blunt-headed Wrasse, Lunate-tailed Wrasse, Moon Wrasse, Paddlefin Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Twotone Wrasse. Found in schools over reef flats of.. more

Blunt-headed Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Bluehead Wrasse, Blue-headed Wrasse, Blunthead Wrasse, Blunt-headed Wrasse, Lunate-tailed Wrasse, Moon Wrasse, Paddlefin Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Twotone Wrasse. Found in schools, over reef flats, of.. more

Bluntsnout Gregory - Damselfishes

Also known as Bluntsnout Damselfish, Bluntsnout Farmerfish, Farmer Damsel, Farmerfish. Found singly, or in pairs, defending their territory, amongst the branches of dead, staghorn coral patches, over very.. more

Boa Catshark - Sharks---Ground-Cat Sharks

Also known as Dogfish. Found singly, or in small shivers, during the day often very deep, on the continental shelf and insular slopes. They feed nocturnally on small fish.. more

Boardered Tyannodoris - Sea Slugs

Also known as Bordered Roboastra, Cabbage Nudibranch, Cabbage Patch Nudibranch, Cabbage Patch Sea Slug, Cabbage Sea Slug, Cabbage Snail, Nudibranch, Polycerid Nudibranch, Yellow-lined Polycerid. Found singly or in.. more

Bobbit Worm - Marine Worms---Bristle Worms

Also known as Aphrodite's Worm, Benthic Bristle Worm, Eunice Worm, Giant Reef Worm, Large Elongated Worm, Rainbow Worm, Rock Worm, Sand Striker, Sea Mice, Segmented Sea Worm,.. more

Bocon Toadfish - Toadfishes

Also known as Barbells, Dogfish, Frogfish, Mudfish, Oyster Dog, Sapo Bacon, Tropical Toadfish. Found singly, sometimes partially buried, over rock, sand, and in seagrass beds, of shallow coastal.. more

Boeseman's Rainbowfish - Silversides---Rainbowfishes-Blue Eyes

Also known as Bosemani, Boesemani Rainbow Found in schools, over clear, shallow areas, of lakes thick with vegetation. They feed on algae, crustaceans and insects. Length - 9cm Depth -.. more

Boga - Grunts

Also known as Bogita, Bonnetmouth, Curacao Boga, Slender Bonnetmouth, Snit, Sweetlips. Found in large schools, usually in open waters, near oceanic islands but sometimes close to coral heads.. more

Bohol Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Bohol Discodoris, Dorid Nudibranch, Disco Doris Boholiensis, Flatworm Discodoris, Nudibranch. Found amongst rubble and sandy areas, often hiding during the day, out at night foraging.. more

Bolivian Ram - Cichlids

Also known as Blue Ram, Bolivian Butterfly, Bolivian Butterfly Cichlid, Butterfly Ram, Dwarf Cichlid, Hi-fin Ram, Ruby Crown Cichlid. Found in schools, among leaf debris and tangled tree.. more

Bonaire corals etc to be identified - corals


Bonaire Pictures - Bonaire


Bondi Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as Silver Tetra, Tetra. Found in schools, over small creeks, streams, and tributaries, with vegetation cover. They feed on plant matter. Length - 5cm Depth - ?m South America -.. more

Bonnethead - Sharks---Ground-Hammerhead-Bonnethead-Scoophead Sharks

Also known as Bonnet Hammerhead, Bonnet Shark, Bonnethead Shark, Bonnetnose Shark, Pacific Bonnethead Shark, Shovelhead, Shovelhead Shark. Found usually in small shivers, but have been known to congregate.. more

Boomerang Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Bursa Trigger, Bursa Triggerfish, Lei Trigger, Lei Triggerfish, Pallid Triggerfish, Scimitar Triggerfish, Scythe Triggerfish, Sickle Triggerfish, Whiteline Trigger, Whiteline Triggerfish. Found singly, over drop-offs and.. more

Borneo Spotted Barb - Carps---Minnows-Carps

Also known as Common Barb, Sarawak Barb. Found in schools, over rivers and streams. They feed on small invertebrates and plant matter. Length - 13.7cm Depth - ?m Asia - Borneo Very.. more

Bottlebrush Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Acroporid Coral, Bottlebrush Acropora, Branching Coral, Bush Coral, Staghorn Coral. Found in clear, protected waters, of coral and rocky reefs. Branches have a bottlebrush appearance,.. more

Bottlefish - Bottle

Also known as Brown Bottle, Brown Bottlefish, Green Bottle, Green Bottlefish, Longsnout Bottle, Plonk, Vintage. Found in “Harems†having escaped from their cellar master, bobbing and rolling around,.. more

Bottlenose Dolphin - Dolphins

Also known as Bottle-nosed Dolphin, Common Bottlenose Dolphin, Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin, Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, Red Sea Bottlenose Dolphin, Southern Bottlenose Dolphin. Found in pairs or large.. more

Bower's Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Orangeblotch Parrotfish, Orangespot Parrotfish. Found singly, in channels and over reef slopes of lagoons, coral and rocky reefs rich in coral growth. They feed on filamentous.. more

Bowfin - Bowfins

Also known as Amia, Beaverfish, Blackfish, Cottonfish, Cypress Trout, Freshwater Dogfish, Grindle, Grinnel, Lawyer, Marshfish, Mudfish, Mud Pike, Scaled Ling, Speckled Cat, Western Mudfish. Found in both clear.. more

Bowmouth Guitarfish - Rays---Shovelnose Rays-Wedgefishes

Also known as Bow-mouthed Angelfish, Bow-mouthed Angel Shark, Bow-mouthed Guitarfish, Guitarfish, Mud Skate, Sharkray, Shortnose Mud Skate. Found singly, on mud and sand bottoms, sometimes resting close to.. more

Boxlip Mullet - Mullets

Also known as Grey Mullet. Found in schools, over both brackish and freshwater, close to mouths of rivers, sewage outlets and shorelines. They feed on algae and detritus. Length -.. more

Bracelet Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Borneo Damsel, Bracelet Damsel, Honey Damsel. Found singly, or in small schools, close to shelter of silty reefs, with a scattering of algae, hard and.. more

Brain Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Brain Coral, Grooved Coral, Knobby Coral, Flower Animal. Found in shallow waters of both protected and exposed reefs, in warm waters of the world. These.. more

Branching Anemone - Sea Anemones

Also known as Antler Anemone, Caribbean Branching Anemone, Hidden Sea Anemone, Stinging Anemone. Found singly in recesses of the reef, often partially or completely hidden from view, amongst.. more

Branching Fire Anemone - Sea Anemones

Also known as Beaded-tentacled Anemone, Branching Anemone, Branching Sea Anemone, Fire Anemone, Hells Fire Anemone, Hexacoral, Knobby Fire Anemone, Knobby-tentacled Anemone, Magic Anemone, Pinnate Anemone, Sand Anemone,.. more

Branching Table Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Branching Coral. Found on lower and upper reef channels and slopes, over protected areas of coral and rocky reefs. Very common. They feed on plankton. Length -.. more

Branching Tube Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Encrusting Sponge, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tube Sponge, Tubular Sponge. Found over ledges, slopes and walls, of coral and rocky reefs. Varies in colour. They feed.. more

Brassy Chub - Basses---Sea Chubs

Also known as Bass Seachub, Blue Seachub, Bluefish, Brassy Drummer, Brassy Rudderfish, Brassy Sea Chub, Drummers, Large-tailed Drummer, Long-finned Drummer, Long-finned Rudderfish, Lowfin Chub, Lowfin Drummer, Lowfin.. more

Brassy Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Brassy Kingfish, Greenback Trevally, Papuan Trevally, Tealeaf Trevally, Trevally. Found singly or in schools, swimming high in the water column, over lagoons and seaward reefs,.. more

Brassy Trevally (Juvenile) - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Brassy Kingfish, Greenback Trevally, Papuan Trevally, Tealeaf Trevally, Trevally. Found singly or in schools, swimming high in the water column, over lagoons and seaward reefs,.. more

Bravo Clinid - Blennies---Labrisomids

Also known as Scaly Blenny, Trambollo Bravo. Found singly, resting on the Dorsal and Pectoral Fins, blending in with the background, over ledges, boulder strewn slopes, and wall.. more

Brick-red Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Marine Sponge, Orange Veined Encrusting Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. Found over coral and rocky reefs. Varies in colour. They feed on plankton. Length - ?cm Depth - ?m Widespread Indo-Pacific Sponges.. more

Bridled Burrfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes

Also called Bridled Pufferfish. Found singly, usually over seagrass beds, close to coral reefs, in bays and coastal lagoons. They feed nocturnally on hard shell invertebrates. Length - 38cm Depth -.. more

Bridled Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Marie Jeanne, Nurseryfish, Singlestripe Cardinalfish, Spinyeye Cardinalfish, Spiny-eyed Cardinalfish, Spurcheek Cardinal, Spurcheek Cardinalfish, Tapered-line Cardinalfish. Found singly or in small schools, around bases of coral.. more

Bridled Goby - Gobies

Also known as Bridled Sandgoby, Gudgeon, Sand Goby, Transparent Goby. Found singly, over grass, rocky, and clear, white sandy areas, in both clear and murky waters, close too.. more

Bridled Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Fall Parrotfish, Sixband Parrotfish, Six-banded Parrotfish, Vermiculate Parrotfish. Found singly, or in mixed schools, foraging for food, over shallow waters, of exposed outer reefs, rich.. more

Bridled Parrotfish (Juvenile) - Parrotfishes

Also known as Fall Parrotfish, Sixband Parrotfish, Six-banded Parrotfish, Vermiculate Parrotfish. Found singly or in mixed schools, foraging for food, over shallow waters, of exposed outer reefs, rich.. more

Bridled Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Bridled Trigger, Brown Triggerfish, Masked Filefish, Masked Triggerfish, Starry Triggerfish. Found singly, over open bottoms scattered with coral and rubble, on silty seaward reefs. When.. more

Brighteye Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Brighteye Damsel, Cat's-eye Damsel, Farmer Damsel, Sharpeye Damsel, Stopstart Damsel. Found singly close to the shelter of small holes in coral and rock outcrops, or.. more

Brilliant Rasbora - Carps---Danios

Also known as Blueline Rasbora, Einthoven's Raspora, Longband Respora, Slender Rasbora. Found in schools, over peat swamp, forest streams. They feed on crustaceans, insects, and worms. Length - 9cm Depth -.. more

Bristle Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Crystal Coral, Flower Coral, Forest Green Galaxea Coral, Galaxea Coral, Galaxy Coral, Green Star Coral, Octopus Coral, Star Coral, Starburst Coral, Tooth Coral. Found in.. more

Bristle Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Colonial Stony Coral, Flower Coral, Fluorescence Grass Coral, Forest Green Galaxea Coral, Galaxea Coral, Galaxy Coral, Green Star Coral, Octopus Coral, Tooth Coral, Spiky.. more

Bristle-headed Tube Worm - Marine Worms---Sandcastle Worms

Also known as Fan Worm, Feather Duster, Feather Tube Worm, Honeycomb Worm, Ring Worm, Rock Worm, Segmented Sea Worm, Tubeworm. Found solitary or in small colonies, buried in.. more

Bristlenose Catfish - Catfishes---Armored Catfishes

Also known as Atenna Armored Catfish, Bristlenose Pleco, Bushynose Pleco, Carachama, Common Bristlenose Catfish. Found over clear waters, of the Apurimac River Basin and its tributaries. They feed.. more

Bristletail Filefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Bristletail Leatherjacket, Bristle-tailed Filefish, Bristle-tailed Leatherjacket, Fantail, Green Filefish, Green Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket, Matted Filefish, Matted Leatherjacket, Seagrass Filefish, Seagrass Leatherjacket. Found singly, amongst rubble, in.. more

Bristletail Filefish (Juvenile) - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Bristletail Leatherjacket, Bristle-tailed Filefish, Bristle-tailed Leatherjacket, Fantail, Green Filefish, Green Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket, Matted Filefish, Matted Leatherjacket, Seagrass Filefish, Seagrass Leatherjacket. Found singly, amongst rubble, in.. more

Broad-banded Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Bar-striped Cardinalfish, Barred-striped Cardinalfish, Fourband Cardinalfish, Four-banded Cardinalfish, Four-banded Soldierfish, Four-lined Cardinalfish, Four-striped Cardinalfish, Indian-striped Cardinalfish, Sawcheek Cardinalfish, Striped Cardinalfish, Twostripe Cardinal, Twostripe Cardinalfish,.. more

Broad-banded Shrimpgoby - Gobies

Also known as Blotchy Shrimpgoby, Gudgeon, Periophthalma Prawngoby, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Slender Shrimpgoby. Found singly or in pairs, sharing their burrow with alpheid shrimps, over sandy.. more

Broad-barred Firefish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Antenna Lionfish, Antenna Turkeyfish, Antennata Lion, Antennata Lionfish, Banded Lionfish, Broad-barred Lionfish, Lionfish, Pterois Lionfish, Pterois Turkeyfish, Pterois Zebrafish, Ragged-finned Firefish, Ragged-finned Lionfish, Ragged-finned.. more

Broad-barred Firefish (Juvenile) - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Antenna Lionfish, Antenna Turkeyfish, Antennata Lion, Antennata Lionfish, Banded Lionfish, Broad-barred Lionfish, Lionfish, Pterois Lionfish, Pterois Turkeyfish, Pterois Zebrafish, Ragged-finned Firefish, Ragged-finned Lionfish, Ragged-finned.. more

Broad-striped Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Black-striped Cardinalfish, Broadstripe Cardinal, Broad-striped Soldierfish, Narrow-striped Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Striped Cardinalfish. Found singly or in small schools, in shallow and deep drop-offs, over clear water,.. more

Broadbill Swordfish - Jacks---Swordfish

Also known as Atlantic Swordfish, Broadbill, Harpoon Swordfish, Marlin. Found singly, pairs, or small, loose schools, in any depths of water, sometimes in coastal waters, but usually.. more

Broadclub Cuttlefish - Cuttlefishes

Also known as Cephalopod, Reef Cuttlefish. Found in both shallow ,to deeper waters, of coral and rocky reefs. Colourful visual displays for camouflage, to deter predators and.. more

Broadclub Cuttlefish (juvenile) - Cuttlefishes

Also known as Cephalopod, Reef Cuttlefish. Found in both shallow to deeper waters, of coral and rocky reefs. Colourful visual displays, for camouflage, to deter predators and when.. more

Broadhead Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Crocodilefish, Sand Flathead, White-speckled Flathead. Found singly, often partially buried in the sand, for camouflage, over coral, rock, and sandy fringing reefs. They feed .. more

Bronze Corydoras - Catfishes---Callichthyid Armored Catfishes

Also known as Albino Aeneus Cory Cat, Albino Cory, Armored Catfish, Bronze Catfish, Bronze Cory, Brown Cory, Cory, Corydoras Albino, Lightspot Corydoras, Wavy Catfish. Found in schools, over.. more

Bronze Featherback - Bony Tongues---Featherbacks-Knifefishes

Also known as Asian Bronze Featherback, Asian Knifefish, Asiatic Knifefish, Common Knifefish, Ghost Knifefish, Grey Featherback. Found in both brackish and clear waters, of canals, floodplains, lakes, ponds,.. more

Brook Trout - Salmons---Salmonids

Also known as American Brook Trout, Aurora Trout, Baiser, Breeder, Brook Char, Brookie, Bunnylake Brook Trout, Char, Coaster, Common Brook Trout, Eastern Brook Trout, Eastern Speckled Trout,.. more

Broom Filefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Broom Leatherjacket, Brush-sided Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket. Found singly or in pairs, over gutters and rubble patches, of clear, coastal and outer reefs, rich in coral growth. They.. more

Broomtail Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Maori Wrasse, Red Sea Wrasse, Thicklip Wrasse. Found singly, over rubble, sand and seagrass beds of fringing reef slopes rich in coral growth. They feed on.. more

Brown Box Crab - Crabs

Also known as Alaska King Crab, Box Crab, Brown King Crab, King Crab, Lithodid Box Crab, Puget Sound Box Crab. Found on, or buried in the substrate, over.. more

Brown Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Cavalley Pilot, Puller, Sergeant Cromis, Yellowedge Chromis, Yellow-edged Chromis. Found in small to large schools, over patch reefs, steep slopes, and outer reef banks. They feed.. more

Brown Coral Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Dusky Blenny, Highfin Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, hiding amongst the branches of dead, and live corals, over sheltered lagoons and.. more

Brown Coral Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Algae Blenny, Black Blenny, Coral Blenny, Dusky Blenny, Gold Sailfin Blenny, Golden Sailfin Blenny, Highfin Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, hiding in the.. more

Brown Drombus - Gobies

Also known as Brown Shore Goby, Gudgeon, Reef Goby. Found close to their burrow, which they share with Alpheid Shrimps, in shallow waters, over gravel and sandy bottoms,.. more

Brown Garden Eel - Eels---Conger-Garden Eels

Also known as Atlantic Garden Eel. Found in large colonies, over sandy bottoms, half buried in the sand, waving their heads around, pointing into the current feeding, quickly.. more

Brown Land Crab - Crabs

Also known as Blue Land Crab, Brachyura Crab, Butcher Crab, Chestnut Crab, Chestnut Land Crab, Land Crab, Mangrove Crab, Red Claw Crab, Terrestrial Crab, True Crab. Found in.. more

Brown Mesh Sea Star - Sea Stars

Also known as Brown Mesh Starfish, Galathea Sea Star, Galathea Starfish, Starfish. Found singly or in constellations, mainly on rocky habitat, in shallow waters, over coral and rocky.. more

Brown Puller - Damselfishes

Also known as Onespot Chromis, Onespot Demoiselle, Onespot Puller. Found in small to large schools, over rocky reefs. They feed on benthic algae, invertebrates, and weeds. Length - 16cm Depth -.. more

Brown Sandfish Sea Cucumber - Sea Cucumbers

Also known as Black-spotted Sea Cucumber, Brown Sandfish, Brown Sea Cucumber, Chalkfish, Chalkfish Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Tripang, Yellow Sea Cucumber. Found singly, sometimes partially buried in rubble, sand,.. more

Brown Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blackspot Surgeonfish, Brown Surgeon, Doctorfish, Dusky Surgeonfish, Elongate Surgeonfish, Lancetfish, Lavender Surgeonfish, Lavender Tang, Spot-cheeked Surgeonfish, Spot-cheeked Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found in small to.. more

Brown Surgeonfish (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blackspot Surgeonfish, Brown Surgeon, Doctorfish, Dusky Surgeonfish, Elongate Surgeonfish, Lancetfish, Lavender Surgeonfish, Lavender Tang, Spot-cheeked Surgeonfish, Spot-cheeked Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found in small to.. more

Brown Tube Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Cinnamon Tube Sponge, Demospongiae, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tube Sponge, Tubular Sponge. Found growing upwards, over canyons, in crevices, around mangrove ponds, and on walls,.. more

Brown-and-White Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Banded Butterfly, Banded Butterflyfish, Belted Butterflyfish, Black Pyramid Butterflyfish, Black Zoster Butterflyfish, Brushtooth Butterflyfish, Brushy-toothed Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Girdled Butterflyfish, Pyramid Butterflyfish, Zoster Butterflyfish. Found in.. more

Brown-banded Bamboo Shark - Sharks---Carpet-Bamboo Sharks

Also known as Banded Bamboo Shark, Banded Cat Shark, Black-banded Bamboo Shark, Black-banded Cat Shark, Brown-banded Cat Shark, Brown-spotted Bamboo Shark, Brown-spotted Cat Shark, Cat Shark, Carpet.. more

Brown-banded Brittle Star - Sea Stars---Brittle Stars

Also known as Brittle Sea Star, Brittle Star, Serpent Star, Starfish. Found on rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. Long arms covered in soft spikes.. more

Brown-banded Pipefish - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Dark-barred Pipefish, Fijian-banded Pipefish, Red-banded Pipefish, White-faced Pipefish. Found singly, pairs or in groups, over rock and sandy areas, of lagoons and seaward reefs. They feed.. more

Brown-lined Paper Bubble - Sea Snails

Also known as Bubble Snail, Green-lined Paper Bubble, Paper Bubble Shell, Rose Pettle Bubble, Rose Petal Bubble Snail, Striped Bubble Shell, Striped Paper Bubble. Found in.. more

Brown-marbled Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Black Rockcod, Black-spotted Grouper, Black-tipped Cod, Blotch Grouper, Blotchy Grouper, Blotchy Rockcod, Carpet Cod, Cod, Flower Cod, Flowery Cod, Flowery Grouper, Flowery Rockcod, Hind,.. more

Brown-spotted Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Bluespot Coral Cod, Brown-spotted Reef Cod, Brown-spotted Rockcod, Cod, Coral Cod, Coral Trout, Hind, Reefcod, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly in both shallow to very deep.. more

Brown-spotted Spinefoot - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Blue-spotted Spinefoot, Gold-spotted Spinefoot, Honeycomb Rabbitfish, Spinefoot, Star-spotted Rabbitfish, Star-spotted Spinefoot, Starry Rabbitfish, Stellate Rabbitfish. Found in pairs or schools, over coral reefs. They feed on.. more

Brownback Trevally - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Brown-backed Trevally, Trevally. Found in calm, sheltered, coastal waters, of bays, estuaries, coral and rocky reefs. They feed on crustaceans and small fish. Length - 25cm Depth -.. more

Brownstripe Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Bigeye Snapper, Black-striped Snapper, Broadband Seaperch, Brownband Seaperch, Brownband Snapper, Brownstripe Red Snapper, Brownstripe Seaperch, Brown-striped Snapper, Oneband Seaperch, One-lined Snapper, Seaperch, Striped Seaperch. Found.. more

Bubble Coral Shrimp - Shrimps

Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Bubble Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Coral Shrimp, Philippine Shrimp. Found living a symbiotic relationship with bubble corals, over coral and rocky.. more

Bucchich's Goby - Gobies

Also known as Anemone Goby, Gudgeon, Reef Goby. Found hiding in the arms of snake-locks anemone Anemone viridis over gravel, mud, sand and seagrass beds in rock-pools and.. more

Bucktooth Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Kwab, Pink Parrot, Sleep-on-Grass. Found in shallow, protected waters, close to mangroves and seagrass beds. They feed on seagrass blades. Length - 20cm Depth - 1-12m Widespread Western Atlantic,.. more

Bucktooth Parrotfish (Juvenile) - Parrotfishes

Also known as Kwab, Pink Parrot, Sleep-on-Grass. Found in shallow, protected waters, close to mangroves and seagrass beds. They feed on seagrass blades. Length - 20cm Depth - 1-12m Widespread Western Atlantic,.. more

Bucktooth Tetra - Characins---Tetras

Also known as Buck-toothed Tetra, Exodon Tetra. Found in schools, in flowing waters over grassy, sandy rivers. These little fish are aggressive and vicious! They feed on small fish,.. more

Buenos Aires Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as B-A Tetra, Diamondspot Characin, Flag Tetra, Redcross Fish, Tetra. Found in schools, over backwaters, floodplain lakes, oxbows, ponds, rivers, and tributaries of the ParanĂ¡.. more

Buff Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Buff Puller, Gelber Demoiselle, Puller. Found close to corals, over off-shore coral reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on algae, planktonic crustaceans, and fish eggs. Length.. more

Buffalo Sculpin - Sculpins

Also known as - No other name. Found singly camouflaged amongst rocks and seaweed over rock and sandy bottoms of inshore reefs. They feed on algae, small fish and.. more

Buffalo Trunkfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Boxfishes

Also known as Buffalo Boxfish, Buffalo Cowfish, Cowfish, Spotted Trunkfish, Trunkfish. Found around coral, rubble and seagrass beds over off-shore reefs. Colour can vary to blend in with.. more

Buffon's River-garfish - Needlefishes---Internally Fertilized Halfbeaks

Also known as Buffonis Halfbeak, Buffon's Garfish, Halfbeak Fish, Northern Garfish, Northern River Garfish, Stripe-nosed Halfbeak, Viviparous Halfbeak. Found in schools, on the surface levels, of coastal waters,.. more

Bulb-tentacle Sea Anemone - Sea Anemones

Also known as Bubbletip Anemone, Bubble-tipped Anemone, Bulb Anemone, Bulb-tentacle Anemone, Corn Anemone, Hexacoral. Found singly attached to crevices and holes amongst corals and rocks of the reefs,.. more

Bull Chub - Carps---Minnows

Also known as - no other name Found in rocky pools, runs of creeks, and in small to medium rivers. They feed on algae, crustaceans, insects, molluscs and plants. Length.. more

Bull Hydroid Crab - Crabs

Also known as Bull Crab, Bull Spider Crab, Decorator Crab, Decorated Horned Crab, Decorator Horned Crab, Horned Decorator Crab, Horned Spider Crab, Long-horned Spider Crab, Soft Coral.. more

Bull Shark - Sharks---Ground-Requim Sharks

Also known as Bluntsnout Shark, Cub Shark, Estuary Shark, Estuary Whaler Shark, Freshwater Whaler, Ground Shark, Hervey Bay Whaler Shark, Nicaragua Shark, Pigeye Shark, River Whaler, River.. more

Bulldog Dentex - Porgies

Also known as Cape Verde Dentex, Sea Bream. Found on rocky bottoms of reefs. They feed on crustaceans and fish. Length - 50cm Depth - 40-150m Eastern Central Atlantic - Cape Verde Porgies.. more

Bullock's Hypselodoris - Sea Slugs

Also known as Bullockii Sea Slug, Dorid Nudibranch, Hypselodoris Sea Slug, Nudibranch, Purple Nudi, Purple Nudibranch, Variable Hypselodoris. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas,.. more

Bullrout - Scorpionfishes---Waspfishes

Also known as Freshwater Bullrout, Freshwater Stonefish, Kroki. Found singly, lurking amongst weeds, or on gravel, mud, and rocky bottoms, waiting to ambush their prey, in gently flowing,.. more

Bullseye - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Black-finned Cardinalfish, Bullseye Cardinal, Bullseye Cardinalfish, Cardinal, Nurseryfish, Two-eye Cardinalfish. Found in pairs, or small schools, sheltering during the day, over weedy areas, of coral.. more

Bullseye Jawfish - Jawfishes

Also known as Happy Jawfish, Leopard Jawfish, Subtropical Jawfish. Found singly, with just the head showing, in rock lined burrows, over rubble and sandy bottoms. They feed mainly on.. more

Bullseye Puffer - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Blowfish, Bullseye Pufferfish, Common Puffer, Gulf Puffer, Pufferfish, Swellfish, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found singly, or in schools, over soft bottoms, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed.. more

Bumphead Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Galapagos Parrotfish, Humphead Parrotfish, Reef Buffalo. Found in pairs, and small schools, foraging for food, over shallow, coastal waters, of reefs, rich in red.. more

Bundoon Fangblenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Bundoon Blenny, Coral Blenny, Fang Blenny, Sabretooth Blenny, Sabretooth Combtooth Blenny. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, swimming above the bottoms, around dead.. more

Burbot (Juvenile) - Cods---Hakes-Burbots

Also known as American Burbot, Coneyfish, Eelpout, Freshwater Cod, Freshwater Cusk, Freshwater Eel, Lawyer, Ling, Lingcod, Lush, Maria, Mud Shark, Thin-tailed Burbot. Found in schools, sheltering during.. more

Burgundy Anemone - Sea Anemones

Also known as Goa Sea Anemone, Hexacoral. Found attached to large rocks, and rubble, over coral and rocky coastlines. Closed, or partially open during the day, opening completely.. more

Burgundy Bubble Algae - Algae

Also known as Baggy Seaweed, Burgundy Crust Algae, Jelly Bubbles, Jelly Fingers, Red Algae, Seaweed. Found on stalks in small bunches, of soft, gelatinous lobes, on coral and.. more

Burmese Loach - Carps---Pointface Loaches

Also known as Asian Loach, Burmese Golden Loach, Burmese Zebra Loach, Gold Zebra Loach, Golden Zebra Loach, Hora's Loach, Indian Loach. Found in schools, over mixed gravel and.. more

Burrowing Crayfish - Crayfish

Also known as Central North Burrowing Crayfish, Freshwater Crayfish. Found in colonies, close to their burrows in banks of streams, swamps, and wetlands. They feed on deceasing organic matter. Length.. more

Burrowing Sea Urchin - Sea Urchins

Also known as Boring Sea Urchin, Boring Urchin, Burrowing Urchin, Rock-boring Sea Urchin, Sea Hedgehog, Star Urchin. Found burrowed into coral or limestone rocks, over reefs. They feed on.. more

Bus Stop Chromodoris - Sea Slugs

Also known as Horned Chromodoris, Lumpy Chromodoris, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, crawling over rock and lava sand, of coral and rocky reefs, rich in algae growth. They.. more

Butter Catfish - Catfishes---Sheatfishes

Also known as Pabdah Catfish, Pabo Catfish. Found in rivers and streams. They feed on crustaceans and molluscs. Length - 21cm Depth - ?m Widespread Asia Siluridae can often be found in.. more

Butter Hamlet - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Bad Luck, Black Hamlet, Cod, Hamlet, Hind, Rockcod, Trout, Yellowtail Hamlet. Found singly, close to the bottom, around piers, reef faces, and slopes, of shallow.. more

Butterfly Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Rockskipper. Found singly, or in pairs, over hard mud and rocky bottoms, in shallow, to very deep reefs, more.. more

Butterfly Goby - Gobies

Also known as Gudgeon, Sleeper Bandit Goby, Sleeper Goby, Tailspot Goby, White-lined Goby, White-spotted Goby. Found singly or in pairs, hovering above, and close to their burrows, over.. more

Butterfly Hillstream Loach - Carps---Hillstream Loaches

Also known as Borneo Loach, Borneo Sucker, Butterfly Loach, Chinese Butterfly Loach, Chinese Butterfly Place, Chinese Hillstream Loach, Chinese Sucker, Hillstream Loach, Hong Kong Pleco, Leverett's Hillstream.. more

Butterfly Perch - Groupers---Fairy Basslets-Streamer Basses

Also known as Butterfly Sea Perch, Red Perch. Found in large schools, over exposed areas of reef, with strong tidal movement, often in deep waters. They feed on.. more

Butterfly Whiptail - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Coral Bream, Spinecheek, Threadfin Bream, Threadtail Bream, Whiptail, Whiptail Bream. Found singly or in small schools, over silty, muddy areas of coastal bays to deep.. more

Butterfly Whiptail (Juvenile) - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Coral Bream, Spinecheek, Threadfin Bream, Threadtail Bream, Whiptail, Whiptail Bream. Found singly, or in small schools, over muddy, silty areas, of coastal bays to deep.. more

Button Polyp - Zoanthids

Also known as Bright Eagle Eyes, Colonial Anemone, Eagle-eye Zoanthid, Green Sea Mat, Hornet, Moonlight Zoanthid, Sea Mat. Found in colonies, over sub-tidal areas, often covering vast areas.. more

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