Black Jack (Caranx lugubris)

Also known as Bigeye Jack, Black Jackfish, Black Kingfish, Black Trevally, Black Ulua, Coalfish, Crevalle Jack, Giant Jack, Horse-eye Jack, Jackfish, Trevally


Also known as Bigeye Jack, Black Jackfish, Black Kingfish, Black Trevally, Black Ulua, Coalfish, Crevalle Jack, Giant Jack, Horse-eye Jack, Jackfish, Trevally.

Found singly or in schools, near drop-off's, along outer edges of reefs, or in clear oceanic waters.
They feed nocturnally on fish.
Length - 70cm
Depth - 12-350m
Widespread Circumtropical

Jacks are fast swimming fish that can roam over great distances. The larger fish hunt other fish and the smaller fish eat zooplankton. In turn they are hunted by large Tuna and Dolphins. (edit) Ref:


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