Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.
Also known as Abudjubbe Splendor, Abudjubbe’s Splendor Wrasse, Maori Wrasse. Found singly, over shallow lagoons, and fringing reefs, rich in algae and coral growth. They feed on benthic hardshell.. more
Also known as Acapulco Damselfish, Acapulco Gregory, Farmer Damsel. Found singly or in pairs, over shallow waters of rocky reefs. Very territorial. They feed on turfed algae which they.. more
Also known as Achilles Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Orange-spot Surgeonfish, Redspot Surgeonfish, Redtail Surgeonfish, Red-tailed Surgeon, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found singly or in schools over sand bottoms of .. more
Also known as - No other name Found in small groups, on fine rubble areas, over bleached and dead corals. Length - 1cm Depth - ?m Widespread Indo-Pacific Acoelomorphs resemble flatworms in.. more
Also known as Coral Barnacle, Coral-dwelling Barnacle. Found in shallow, inter-tidal waters, on the surface of corals and sponges, over coral and rocky reefs, also on piers, in.. more
Also known as Burrowing Worm, Sand Worm, Worm Cast. Found buried under the sand with their castings on top. They live in shallow waters, in a U shaped,.. more
Also known as Eyes-wide-apart Swimming Crab, Portunid Crab, Swimmer Crab, Swimming Crab, True Crab. Found on rock and sandy bottoms, of coral and rocky intertidal reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Cosmetic Wrasse, Orange Striped Wrasse, Sandreef Wrasse. Found singly, pairs, or in loose schools, over mixed coral and rubble areas, of shallow lagoons and.. more
Also known as Cosmetic Wrasse, Orange Striped Wrasse, Sandreef Wrasse. Found singly, pairs or in loose schools over mixed coral and rubble areas of shallow lagoons and.. more
Also known as African Peacock Cichlid, Aulonocara Malawi, Blue-faced Cichlid, Dragon Blood Cichlid, Dragon Blood Peacock African Cichlid, Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid, Lwanda Cichlid, Malawi Cichlid, Malawi.. more
Also known as African Arowana, Nile Arowana. Found in open waters, over freshwater lakes, flood plains, river basins, and swamps. They feed on plankton. Juveniles found in swamps, amongst aquatic.. more
Also known as Dwarf Cichlid, Dwarf Jewelfish, Riverine Cichlid, Thomas's Cichlid, Thomas's Dwarf Cichlid. Found in pairs, over shallow, muddy waters, in areas bordering open grass.. more
Also known as African Clown Wrasse, African Coris, False Clownfish, Sand Wrasse. Found singly, over mixed coral, rubble and sandy areas, of exposed outer reef flats, lagoons.. more
Also known as African Clown Wrasse, African Coris, False Clownfish, Sand Wrasse. Found singly, over mixed coral, rubble and sandy areas, of exposed outer reef flats, lagoons.. more
Also known as African Clown Wrasse, African Wrasse, Clown Wrasse, Gaimard Rainbow Wrasse, Gaimard Wrasse, Gaimard's Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Red Coris Wrasse, Red-finned Rainbowfish, Sand Wrasse, Tuskfish,.. more
Also known as African Clown Wrasse, African Wrasse, Clown Wrasse, Gaimard Rainbow Wrasse, Gaimard Wrasse, Gaimard's Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Red Coris Wrasse, Red-finned Rainbowfish, Sand Wrasse, Tuskfish,.. more
Also known as - no other name. Found in large schools, over the surface or on the bottoms of coastal waters and estuaries. They feed on algae and organic.. more
Also known as Amberjack, Cilliated Threadfish, Cobblerfish, Cuban Jack, Diamond Trevally, Fiddler, Gamefish, Hairfish, Indian Threadfin Trevally, Pennantfish, Pennant Trevally, Round-headed Pennentfish, Scad, Shoemaker, Silver Mirrorfish, Sunfish,.. more
Also known as Amberjack, Cilliated Threadfish, Cobblerfish, Cuban Jack, Diamond Trevally, Fiddler, Gamefish, Hairfish, Indian Threadfin Trevally, Pennantfish, Pennant Trevally, Round-headed Pennentfish, Scad, Shoemaker, Silver Mirrorfish, Sunfish,.. more
Also known as Black-edged Sweeper, Blackstripe Sweeper, Bullseye, Hatchet Fish, Silver Bullseye, Striped Bullseye, Tominaga's Sweeper, Yellowtail Sweeper. Found singly or in small to large schools, during the.. more
Also know as No other name Found in coastal waters, around coral and rocky reefs. They feed on algae and benthic invertebrates. Length - 75cm Depth - 5-70m Widespread Western Indian Ocean Batfish.. more
Also known as Agassizi Cory Cat, Armored Catfish, Spotted Catfish, Spotted Cory, Spotted Cory Catfish. Found in schools, over gravel bottoms, of the Amazon River Basins. They feed on.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Albino Zebra Maylandia, Ice Blue Zebra, Malawi Cichlid, Maylandia Zebra Mbenji, Mbenji Island Cichlid. Found in large schools, over wave exposed rocky.. more
Also known as Arminid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Ridged Dermatobranchus. Found singly, or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on octocorals. Length - 3cm Depth.. more
Also known as Alex's Damsel, Black-finned Damsel. Found singly or in small schools, swimming above the substrate of lagoons, inshore and offshore reefs. They feed on algae, crustaceans, and.. more
Also known as Australian Devil Ray, Coastal Manta Ray, Devilfish, Inshore Manta Ray, Manta Ray, Munguna, Prince Alfred's Ray, Reef Manta Ray, Residential Manta Ray. Found singly, or.. more
Also known as Double-end Pipehorse, Double-ended Pipefish, Double-ended Pipehorse, Grass Pipefish, Greendragon Pipefish, Painted Flutemouth, Pipehorse, Spiraltail Pipefish, Symmetric Pipehorse. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, amongst.. more
Also known as Almaco Amberjack, Amber, Amberfish, Amberjack, Crevalle, Deepwater Amberjack, European Amberjack, Falcate Amberjack, Greater Amberjack, Highfin Amberjack, Longfin Kingfish, Longfin Yellowtail, Pacific Yellowtail, Rock Salmon,.. more
Also known as Altum Angel, Anglefish, Deep Angelfish, Orinoco Altum Angelfish, Orinoco Angelfish, Peruvian Altum Angelfish, Redhead Altum Angelfish, Zebra Angelfish. Found in schools, over well oxygenated blackwaters,.. more
Also known as Alyta Sea Slug, Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Warty Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, over coral, rock, and rubble areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They.. more
Also known as Ambanoro Goby, Ambanoro Prawngoby, Gudgeon, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Spotted Shrimpgoby, Twinspot Shrimpgoby, Twin-spotted Shrimpgoby. Found singly or in pairs, sharing their burrow with an.. more
Also known as Caribbean Amber Penshell, Oyster, Pen Shell. Found buried in mud, sand, or recesses in the reef, with just the valves slightly exposed, over coral and.. more
Also known as Allied Kingfish, Amberfish, Amberjack, Great Amberfish, Great Amberjack, Great Yellowtail, Greater Amberfish, Greater Yellowtail, Jenny Lind, Purplish Amberjack, Rock Salmon, Sailors Choice, Trevally, Yellowtail,.. more
Also known as Brown-striped Macerel Scad, Japanese Scad, Mackerel Scad, Mexican Scad, Southern Mackerel Scad, Stonebrass, Stonebrass Scad, Temperate Scad. Found in schools, both over inshore, and in.. more
Also known as Ambon Puller, Puller. Found singly or in schools, over steep outer reef slopes, of clear seaward reefs rich in coral growth. They feed on algae,.. more
Also known as Ambon Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, Common Cleaner Shrimp, Humpback Cleaner Shrimp, Humped-back Cleaner Shrimp, Indo-Pacific White-banded Cleaner Shrimp, Indo-Pacific White-striped Cleaner Shrimp, Northern.. more
Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Commensal Crinoid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Crinoid Shrimp. Found in the arms of feather stars, over coral and rocky reefs. Highly variable in colour.. more
Also known as Ambon Damselfish, Ambon Demoiselle, Amboina Damselfish, Amboina Demoiselle, Ammonia Damselfish, Ammonia Demoiselle, Lemon Damselfish, Pallid Damselfish. Found singly pairs or in small schools,.. more
Also known as Ambon Firefish, Ambon Goblinfish, Ambon Rockfish, Ambon Stingfish, Firefish, Goblinfish, Godfrey's Scorpionfish, Hairy Scorpionfish, Stingfish. These shaggy scorpionfish with large growths above eyes, are often.. more
Also known as American Perch, Coontail, European Perch, Lake Perch, Raccoon Perch, Ringed Perch, Ringtail Perch, Striped Perch, Yellow Perch. Found in schools, close to vegetation, in.. more
Also known as Brocaded Carp, Butterfly Koi, Japanese Ornamental Carp, Koi, Koi Carp, Koi Fish. Found in schools, over brackish, and fresh waters, of drainage ditches, lakes, and.. more
Also known as Anchor Bubble Coral, Bubble Coral, Bubble Honeycomb Coral, Hammer Coral, Hammer Euphyllia, Hammerhead Coral, Ridge Coral, Sausage Coral, Torch Coral. Found in small to very.. more
Also known as Orange-dotted Tuskfish, Tuskfish, Whitebelly Tuskfish, Yellowcheek Tuskfish, Yellow-cheeked Tuskfish. Found singly, or in small schools, around mixed coral, rubble, sand, and in seagrass beds, .. more
Also known as Lionfish, Firefish, Turkeyfish, Zebrafish. Found singly, or in family groups, hiding during the day facing inwards in crevices, and under rocks, of coral formations, foraging.. more
Also known as Anemone Carrier, Anemone-carrying Hermit Crab, Anemone Decorated Crab, Coral Hermit Crab, Hermit Crab, Jewelled Anemone Hermit Crab, Lumpy-handed Hermit Crab, Parasite Anemone Hermit Crab,.. more
Also known as Angosturan Cichlid Found over mud, rock, sand, and silty bottoms, of lakes, lower to middle, valley rivers, of the Atlantic slope. They feed on benthic detritus,.. more
Also known as Barred Wire Coral Shrimp, Commensal Crinoid Shrimp, Crinoid Shrimp, Spiderman Shrimp, Whip Coral Shrimp. Found in the branches of black whip corals blending in and.. more
Also known as Anna's Chromodoris, Anna Sea Slug, Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Annae Sea Slug, Anne's Phyllidiopsis, Nudibranch, Warty Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs rich.. more
Also known as Annular Bream, Ringed Seabream, Seabream. Found singly or in small schools, over eelgrass beds and sandy bottoms of coastal areas. They feed on crustaceans, hydrozoans, invertebrates.. more
Also known as Antler Lettuce Coral, Carnation Coral, Hexacoral, Maze Coral, Pectinia Coral, Spiny Cup Chalice Coral. Found in colonies, over surge zones of coral and rocky reefs. They.. more
Also known as Branching Coral, Brush Coral, Cauliflower Coral, Elkhorn Coral. Found on coral and rocky reefs. Can be solid and dome-shaped, branching, flattened, and blade like, fine.. more
Also known as Bruun's Cleaner Shrimp, Bruun's Cleaning Partner Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, Cleaning Partner Shrimp, Cleaning Rock Pool Shrimp, Clear Cleaner Shrimp, Floating Shrimp, Jelly.. more
Also known as Nudibranch. Found singly, or in pairs, amongst grass, mud, rubble, and sand, often buried in the substrate for protection, over intertidal zones, of bays and.. more
Also known as Apolegma Sea Slug, Nudibranch, Purple Nudibranch. Found on rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed exclusively on yellow sponges. Length - 4cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Apple Tun, Grinning Tun, Pacific Grinning Tun, Tun Shell. Found over fine sandy bottoms, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sea cucumbers. Length - 8cm Depth.. more
Also known as Arabian Angel, Asfur Angel, Asfur Angelfish, Crescent Angelfish. Found singly, or in pairs, over semi protected, inshore reefs rich in hard and soft coral growth. They.. more
Also known as Puller, Red Sea Chromis, Yellow-axil Chromis, Yellow-axil Puller. Found in small schools, sheltering in branching corals, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on algae, planktonic.. more
Also known as Arabica Asiatica Cowry, Cowry, Dogrose Cowry, Porcelain Snail, Tiger Cowry. Found singly, during the day under slabs and stones, foraging for food at night, over.. more
Also known as Arabian Sponge Coral, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. Found on dead or living corals, in well lit areas of coral and rocky reefs. Varies in colour.. more
Also known as Arabian Spinecheek, Arabian Threadfin Bream, Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Paleband Monocle Bream, Paleband Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail. Found singly or in small schools, over shallow, sandy.. more
Also known as Arabian Spinecheek, Arabian Threadfin Bream, Coral Breams, Monocle Bream, Paleband Monocle Bream, Paleband Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail. Found singly, or in small schools, over shallow, sandy.. more
Also known as Red Sea Bream, Red Sea Seabream. Found singly, or in small schools, over sandy bottoms, of shallow, coastal coral reefs. They feed on algae and small.. more
Also known as South American Cichlid. Found in the Tocantins and upper Xingu River basins, of the Amazon River Basin. They feed on benthic algae, crustaceans, debris, and weeds. Length.. more
Also known as Giant Arapaima, Pirarucu. Found in freshwaters of the Amazon River Basin. These fish are known to leap out of the water when threatened! Considered the.. more
Also known as Dragonfish, Silver Arowana, Water Monkey. Found close to the shore, lurking, under overhanging branches, in rivers, and streams. They feed on bats, birds, surface fish, and.. more
Also known as Deepsea Snailfish. Found swimming against the current, hovering above the sea floor, looking for victims, in very deep waters of the ocean. When resting it.. more
Also known as Arc-eyed Hawkfish, Archeye Hawkfish, Horseshoe Hawkfish, Monocle Hawkfish, Redeye Hawkfish, Red-eyed Hawkfish, Ringeye Hawkfish, Ring-eyed Hawkfish, Spectacle Hawkfish, White-lined Hawkfish. Found singly, perched on heads.. more
Also known as Archfin Goby, Blue-speckled Shrimpgoby, Gudgeon, Horseshoe Shrimpgoby, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby. Found singly or in pairs, sharing their burrow with alpheid shrimps, over deep coastal.. more
Also known as Armed Box Crab, Arrow Box Crab, Box Crab, Giant Box Crab, Shame-faced Crab. Found over mud and sandy areas, moving slowly along the bottom of.. more
Also known as Areolate Rockcod, Areolated Grouper, Areolated Rockcod, Brown-spotted Grouper, Cod, Flat-tail Cod, Green-spotted Rockcod, Hind, Orange-spotted Rockcod, Reefcod, Rockcod, Spotted Grouper, Squaretail Grouper, Squaretail Rockcod,.. more
Also known as Peacock Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found in small schools, along shallow shorelines, over seagrass beds, algae and weed covered rocky reef flats and lagoons. They feed on.. more
Also known as Peacock Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found in small schools, along shallow shorelines, over seagrass beds, algae and weed covered, rocky reef flats and lagoons. They feed on.. more
Also known as False Pipefish, Longtail Ghostpipefish, Long-tailed Ghostpipefish, Pacific Ghostpipefish, Tubemouth Fish. Found in pairs, or family groups, floating with their head down, mimicking seagrass, over seagrass.. more
Also known as Midas Cichlid, Zaliosus Cichlid. Found in schools, over Lake Apoyo in Nicaragua. They feed on smaller fish, molluscs, and plant material. Length - 20cm Depth - ?m Central America.. more
Also known as Blackspot Tetra, Comma Tetra, Half-red Hemigrammus. Found in schools, in shallow, marginal areas, rich with vegetation, over streams and tributaries of river basins. They feed on.. more
Also known as Asian Arowana, Dragonfish, Gold Arowana, Golden Arowana, Golden Dragonfish, Malayan Bonytongue, Redtail Golden, Super Red Arowana. Found in fresh peaty waters, of forest covered streams. They.. more
Also known as Asian Crab, Black Crab, Blue Crab, Brachyura Crab, Japanese Stone Crab, Japanese Swimming Crab, Lady Crab, Paddle Crab, Portunid Crab, Shore Swimming Crab, Swimmer.. more
Also known as Asparagus Seaweed, Iodine Weed, Macro Algae, Marine Seaweed, Red Algae, Red Sea Plume, Seaweed. Found in small bunches or in large groves, attached to solid.. more
Also known as Arabian Picasso Triggerfish, Arabian Picassofish, Assasi Trigger, Huma Huma Trigger, Lagoon Triggerfish, Picasso Triggerfish, Picassofish, Red Sea Picasso Triggerfish, Reef Triggerfish. Found singly or in.. more
Also known as Atabapo Red, Inirida Spotted Pike Cichlid, Orange Pike Cichlid, Pike Cichlid, Red Pike Cichlid, Spot-tail Cichlid, Spotted-tail Cichlid, Spotted-tail Pike Cichlid. Found hiding, around, and.. more
Also known as Amazonian Catfish, Armored Catfish, Atipa Bosco, Brown Hoplo, Hassar, South American Catfish. Found in schools, over quiet, shallow areas, on soft bottoms, of stagnant drainage.. more
Also known as Deepsea Batfish, Handfish, Sea Bat, Walking Batfish. Found singly, resting on the bottom or partially covered in mud or sand, close to reef edges, in.. more
Also known as Catalufa, Common Bigeye, Glass Snapper, Glassy Snapper, Goggle Eye, Johnny Diggens, Moonshine Conga, Moonshine Snapper, Red Bigeye. Found in small schools, during the day close.. more
Also known as Atlantic Carangid, Bumper, Goggle-eye, Little Bumper, Pacific Bumper, Plato, Rooter, Spanish Mackerel, Trevally, Yellowtail, Yellowtail Bumper. Found singly, over soft bottoms, of the continental shelf,.. more
Also known as Bacalao, Bank Cod, Bankfish, Bastard, Berryfish, Blackberry Fish, Breeder, Bull Dog, Codfish, Codling, Duffy, Fallfish, Foxy Tomcod, Grogfish, Haberdine, Harbour Tomcod, Hen, Inshore Cod,.. more
Also known as Batfish, Flying Fish, Grunt Fish, Helmet Gurnard, Sea Robin. Found resting, or "flying" over mud, rock, and sandy bottoms, foraging for food with their pectoral.. more
Also known as - No other name Found near the surface, in coastal areas, they can fly for long distances. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 32cm Depth - 0-20m Widespread Atlantic.. more
Also known as Chief Squid, Giant Squid, Ruling Squid, Southern Giant Squid. Found over continental, and island slopes, in very deep waters. They feed on deep sea fish, octopus,.. more
Also known as Aeolus, Atlanticus Sea Slug, Blue Angel, Blue Dragon, Blue Dragon Sea Slug, Blue Glaucus, Blue Ocean Slug, Blue Sea Dragon, Blue Sea Lizard, Blue.. more
Also known as Black Bass, Cod, Coral Cod, Esonue Cod, Giant Grouper, Giant Sea Bass, Goliath Grouper, Hamlet, Hind, Itajara, Jewfish, Reef Cod, Rockcod, Trout. Found.. more
Also known as Freckled Guitarfish, Jumping Jack, Shovelnose Guitarfish, Spotted Guitarfish, Sandshark, Wedgefish. Found singly, often partially buried, or resting on mud, sand, and weedy bottoms, close to.. more
Also known as Arctic Hookear Sculpin, Atlantic Hookear, Hook-eared Sculpin, Hookhorn Sculpin. Found singly, over mud and sandy bottoms in deep to very deep waters. Often caught in.. more
Also known as Blue Mackerel, Cape Horse Mackerel, Common Scad, European Horse Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Pollock, Saurel, Scad, Western Horse Mackerel. Found in large schools,.. more
Also known as Bluestripe Lizardfish, Blue-striped Lizard, Blue-striped Lizardfish, Royal Flagfin, Sand Lizardfish. Found singly or in pairs, half buried or resting on rock and sandy bottoms, in.. more
Also known as Boston Mackerel, Common Mackerel, Joey, Norwegian Mackerel, Pinner, Scottish Mackerel, Shiner, Split. Found in large schools, near the surface of continental shelf waters, in.. more
Also known as Angelfish, Black Sea Bream, Common Pomfret, Ray's Bream, Ray's Sea Bream. Found in small schools, occasionally close to shore but usually oceanic in the sunlight.. more
Also known as Atlantic Blenny, Atlantic Red-lipped Blenny, Black Blenny, Coral Blenny, Devilfish, Horseface Blenny, Redlip Blenny, Red-lipped Blenny, Reef Blenny. Found amongst corals and rocks in the.. more
Also known as Atlantic Needlefish, Billfish, Garfish, King Gar, Needlenose, Saurey Pike, Skipper, Skippy. Found in large schools, in shallow waters close to the shore and in deeper.. more
Also known as Cats Eyes, Comb Jellyfish, Jellyfish, Sea Gooseberry, Sea Gooseberry Comb Jelly, Sea Grape, Sea Jellies, Sea Walnut. Found singly, or in swarms, swimming in open.. more
Also known as Bullhead, Muddler, Puff-belly, Scratch-belly, Web Sculpin, Whip Sculphin, Whippy, Wip. Found over hard substrate and rocky bottoms of coral and rocky reefs. They vary in.. more
Also know as Angelfish, Atlantic Spade, Butterflyfish, Jackass, Leather Coat, Moonfish, Ocean Cobbler, Pot Cover, Sea Donkey, Three-banded Sheephead, Three-tailed Porgy, Tripletail, White Angel, White Angelfish. Found in.. more
Also know as Angelfish, Atlantic Spade, Butterflyfish, Jackass, Leather Coat, Moonfish, Ocean Cobbler, Pot Cover, Sea Donkey, Three-banded Sheephead, Three-tailed Porgy, Tripletail, White Angel, White Angelfish. Found in.. more
Also known as Atlantic Spotted Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel. Found in large schools, often great distances along the shore. They feed mainly on small fish. Length - 90cm Depth - 10-35m Widespread.. more
Also known as Bass, Indo-Pacific Tarpon, Silverfish, Silver-king. Found singly or in large schools, (sometimes in the same spot for years at a time) over coastal bays, estuaries,.. more
Also known as Deepsea Scorpionfish, Spiny Rockfish, Spiny Scorpionfish. Found over mud and sandy bottoms, of the continental shelf and slope. Usually caught by trawlers fishing for shrimp. They.. more
Also known as Black Grunt, Black Perch, Bouy Bass, Bouyfish, Brown Tripletail, Conchy Leaf, Dusky Perch, Dusky Tripletail, Flasher, Jumping Cod, Pacific Tripletail, Sleepfish, Snagdrifter, Surinam Tripletail... more
Also known as Atlantic Wing Shell, Atlantic Winged Oyster, Black Pearl Oyster, Black Winged Oyster, Giant Wing Oyster, Pearl Oyster, Wing Oyster, Winged Oyster, Winged Pearl Oyster. Found.. more
Also known as Atlantic Catfish, Catfish, Devilfish, Ocean Catfish, Ocean Whitefish, Seacat, Seawolf, Wolfeel. Found singly, over rocky areas, sheltering in the same spot amongst crevices in the.. more
Also known as Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Golden Sea Squirt, Robust Sea Squirt, Robust Tunicate, Sea Squirt, Soft Sea Squirt, Tunicate, Urn Ascidian, Urn Sea Squirt. Found in.. more
Also known as Gold-spotted Chromodoris, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs rich in sponge growth. They feed on sponges. Length.. more
Also known as Bait, Baitfish, Blue Bait, Frogmouth, Frogmouth Pilchard, Herrings, Smig, Southern Anchovy, Whitebait. Found in schools, around bays, estuaries, and inlets, older individuals move out.. more
Also known as Australian Combtooth Blenny, Coral Blenny, Pale-spotted Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly or in pairs, peeping out of crevices and holes, over shallow.. more
Also known as Blue-spotted Maskray, Bluespot Stingray, Blue-spotted Stingaree, Blue-spotted Stingray, Maskray. Found singly, often resting on sandy bottoms, close to or under ledges and rocks with.. more
Also known as Aussie Brain Coral, Aussie Worm Brain Coral, Australian Maze Brain Coral, Brain Coral, Honeycomb Coral, Lesser Star Coral, Maze Coral. Found on gravel, rock,.. more
Great Barrier Reef, Lady Musgrave, Ningaloo Reef, Yeppoon Beach. more
Also known as Aussie Cuttlefish, Giant Australian Cuttlefish, Giant Cuttlefish. Found singly, pairs, or in squadrons, changing colour and texture, to match their surroundings, over mud, sand, and.. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel, Orange-tipped Damselfish, Yellowtip Gregory, Yellow-tipped Gregory. Found singly, around dead coral outcrops and rubble areas, of lagoons and outer edges of reefs. Very.. more
Also known as Aussie Land Hermit Crab, Australian Crazy Crab, Australian Terrestrial Hermit Crab, Calico Crab, Crazy Crab, Hermit Crab, Krabooz Hermit Crab, Land Hermit Crab, Terrestrial.. more
Also known as Indo-Pacific Spotted Moray, Mosaic Moray, Mottled Moray, Sawtooth Moray, Sawtooth Moray Eel, Saw-toothed Eel, Spotted Moray. Found singly, in crevices and holes of the.. more
Also known as Coat-of Mail-Fish, Knightfish, Lightfish, Luminescent Pineconefish, Mailfish, Pineapplefish, Port-and-Starboard Brightfish, Port-and-Starboard Lightfish, Sawbelly, Soldierfish, West Australian Knightfish. Found during the day, close to the.. more
Also known as Australian Grubfish, Grubfish, Sand Dweller, Southern Grubfish, Weever, Weeverfish. Found singly, or in small harems, over rubble and seagrass areas, close to coral reefs in.. more
Also known as Axil Hogfish, Axil Pigfish, Axilspot Pigfish, Bicolor Wrasse, Coral Hogfish, Coral Pigfish, Hogfish, Polkadot Wrasse, Turncoat Hogfish, White-spotted Hogfish. Found singly or in small schools,.. more
Also known as Axil Hogfish, Axil Pigfish, Axilspot Pigfish, Bicolor Wrasse, Coral Hogfish, Coral Pigfish, Hogfish, Polkadot Wrasse, Turncoat Hogfish, White-spotted Hogfish. Found singly or in small schools,.. more
Also known as Green Axilspot Wrasse, Greentail Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Sandreef Wrasse. Found singly, over rubble, sand fringes, reef flats, and upper slopes, of lagoons and coastal.. more
Also known as Atlantic Chromis, Atlantic Damselfish, Canary Damselfish, Puller. Found singly, pairs, or in small schools, over rock, sand, and weedy areas, of rocky reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Azorica Nudibranch, Dorid Nudibranch, Elegant Sea Slug, Giant Doris, Hypselodoris Picta Azorica, Nudibranch. Found singly, or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, over coral.. more
Also known as Atlantic Wrasse, Azorean Blue Wrasse, Blue Wrasse, Emerald Wrasse, Small-mouthed Wrasse. Found singly or in harems, over shallow, inshore, rocky reefs, rich in algae cover... more
Also known as Azure Damsel, Azure Damselfish, Bicolor Damsel, Blue Damselfish, Half-blue Damselfish, Half-blue Demoiselle, Yellow-dipped Damsel, Yellow-tailed Damsel. Found in small schools, sheltering in branches of Acropora.. more
Also known as Galapagos Parrotfish. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, foraging for food, over boulder strewn slopes, of stony coral reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed on.. more