Australian Anchovy (Engraulis australis)

Also known as Bait, Baitfish, Blue Bait, Frogmouth, Frogmouth Pilchard, Herrings, Smig, Southern Anchovy, Whitebait


Also known as Bait, Baitfish, Blue Bait, Frogmouth, Frogmouth Pilchard, Herrings, Smig, Southern Anchovy, Whitebait.

Found in schools, around bays, estuaries, and inlets, older individuals move out to sea in winter, and back in spring.
They feed on zooplankton in the water column.
Length - 16cm
Depth - 0-200m
Widespread Southwest Pacific

Herrings are the largest of the schooling baitfish and are one of the most important fish in the food chain! Ref:


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