Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.
Also known as Barracuda, Bastard Mackerel, Hoo, Jack Mackerel, King Mackerel, Kingfish, Malata Kingfish, Mongrel Mackerel, Ono, Pacific Kingfish, Pike Mackerel, Queenfish, Wahoo Fish. Found singly, or.. more
Also known as Dwarf Palmer, Dwarf Palmer Perch, Glassy Perch, Jewel Eye, Pink-eyed Bass, Reef Barramundi, Sand Bass, Sand Perch, Sea Perch, Waigeo Barramundi. Found during the day,.. more
Also known as Baked Bean Anemone, Beach Ball Anemone, Brain Anemone, Bulb Anemone, Free-swimming Anemone, Grape Anemone, Hexacoral, Swimming Anemone. Found during the days in a bundle like.. more
Also known as Cherry Anemone, Hexacoral, Kotore Anemone, Red Beadlet Anemone, Red Waratah Anemone. Found attached to boulders, overhangs and rocks, in cracks, crevices and shaded areas of.. more
Also known as Iridescent Nudibranch, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs over intertidal areas amongst rubble and sand of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on hydroids. Length - 3.5cm Depth.. more
Also known as Google-eye, Molly, Redeye, Red-eyed Bream, Strawberry Perch, Stump Knocker, Warmouth Bass, Warmouth Sunfish. Found over muddy areas, of freshwater, vegetated lakes, ponds, swamps, and.. more
Also known as Anemone Coral, Daisy Coral, Flower Coral, Flower Pot Coral. Found on coral and rocky reefs. A very aggressive coral that will attack any coral within.. more
Also known as Bobtail Squid, Pygmy Squid, Rossie Squid. Found buried in the sand, on muck bottoms with just their eyes showing, in bays and fiords of the.. more
Also known as American Comb Jelly, Common Comb Jelly, Jellyfish, Leidy's Comb Jelly, Sea Gooseberry, Sea Grape, Sea Jellies, Sea Walnut, Spot-winged Comb Jelly. Found in brackish waters,.. more
Also known as Shore Crab, Yellow Crab, Yellow Round Crab, Yellow Shore Crab. Found in shallow waters, over seaweed and stony areas, of rocky coastlines. They feed on bivalves,.. more
Also known as Clown Anglerfish, Clown Frogfish, Galloping Clown Frogfish, Large-spotted Angler, Wartface Anglerfish, Wartface Frogfish, Wartskin Anglerfish, Wartskin Frogfish, Warty Anglerfish. Found singly, pairs, or in trios,.. more
Also known as Clown Anglerfish, Clown Frogfish, Galloping Clown Frogfish, Large-spotted Angler, Wartface Anglerfish, Wartface Frogfish, Wartskin Anglerfish, Wartskin Frogfish, Warty Anglerfish. Found singly, pairs or in trios,.. more
Also known as Brachyura Crab, Red Swimmer Crab, Red Swimming Crab, True Crab. Found on rock and sand bottoms of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on plankton. Length -.. more
Also know as Kupang Cardinal, Nurseryfish. Found singly, pairs or small schools during the day, sheltering in silty waters close to rocky areas, dispersing at night to feed.. more
Also known as Bocina, Buccine, Common Northern Buccinum, Common Northern Welk, Common Whelk, Edible Whelk, European Waved Whelk, European Whelk, Northern Whelk, True Whelk, Waved Buccine. Found on.. more
Also known as Horse Conch, Knobby Shoulders Shell, Legrand's Spindle, Legrand's Wavy Spindle, Legrand's Wavy Spindle Shell, Spindle Shell, Spindle Snail, Tulip Shell, Wavy Spindle, Wavy Spindle.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Rockskippery, Wavyline Rockskipper. Found over very shallow exposed, reef flats, and over surge zones, of reef margins and outer.. more
Also called Balloonfish, Blowfish, Bridled Burrfish, Burrfish, Globefish, Hedgehog Fish, Pacific Burrfish, Spiny Box Puffer, Spiny Boxfish, Striped Burrfish, Swelltoad, Webbed Burrfish. Found singly, over rubble and seagrass.. more
Also known as Darkbar Chromis, Darker Chromis, Puller, Weber's Puller. Found singly, or in small to large schools, over passages and steep outer reef slopes, of fringing reefs. They.. more
Also known as Nudibranch, Pleurobranch Sea Slug, Side-gilled Sea Slug, Weber's Side-gilled Slug. Found singly, or in pairs, over shallow waters of reef crests, pools, and over seagrass.. more
Also known as Aplesid Slug, Bali Monster, Blunt-end Sea Hare, Dared Sea Hare, Dolabella Sea Hare, Eared Sea Hare, Giant Sea Hare, Giant Warty Sea Hare, Nudibranch,.. more
Also known as Leatherjacket. Found singly, pairs, or in small schools, over seagrass beds, weedy areas, and reef flats, of bays, mangrove lined estuaries, and lagoons. They feed on.. more
Also known as Black-banded Triggerfish, Diamond Triggerfish, Patchy Triggerfish, Picasso Triggerfish, Rectangle Triggerfish, Rectangular Triggerfish, Reef Triggerfish, Saddle-shoe Fish, Wedge Picassofish, Wedge Triggerfish, Wedge-tailed Triggerfish. Found singly or.. more
Also known as Fo Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Samoan Cardinalfish, Samoan Fo. Found singly or in small schools, during the day sheltering around algae covered rocks, dispersing at night to.. more
Also known as Firefish, Goblinfish, Goose Rhinopias, Goose Scorpionfish, Pop-eyed Scorpionfish, Stingfish, Weedy Firefish, Weedy Goblinfish, Weedy Rockfish, Weedy Scorpion, Weedy Stingfish. Found singly, blending in with corals,.. more
Also known as Common Seadragon, Lucas Sea Dragon, Sea Dragon. Found singly or in pairs, anchored by their tails, over corals and seaweeds, on coral reefs, also sometimes.. more
Also known as Pearl-spotted Wrasse, Pearly Wrasse, Pinkbelly Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Reef-flat Wrasse, Saddled Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools, over shallow, exposed weedy areas of.. more
Also known as Pearl-spotted Wrasse, Pearly Wrasse, Pinkbelly Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Reef-flat Wrasse, Saddled Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found singly, or in small schools, over shallow, exposed, weedy areas, of.. more
Also known as Danube Catfish, European Catfish, European Sheatfish, Som Catfish, Wels. Found singly, or in small schools, over well vegetated backwaters, of lakes and rivers, a nocturnal.. more
Also known as Assarius Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Western Australian Butterflyfish, Western Butterflyfish. Found singly or in schools, over rock and sandy-weed flats of coastal reefs. They feed on algae and.. more
Also known as Leafy Murex, Murex Shell, Shortfrond Murex. Found on mud flats, in mangroves, and on oyster banks, of protected bays and lagoons. Beautiful shape, and colour.. more
Also known as Edible West Indian Whelk, Magpie Sea Snail, Magpie Shell, Magpie Snail, Magpie Turbo Sea Shell, Top Snail, Top Whelk, Turbo Shell, West Indian Top.. more
Also known as Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sponges. Length - 6cm Depth - 12-20m Widespread Indo-West Pacific Opisthobranchia.. more
Also known as Brim, Caribbean Sea Bream, Sea Bream, Tropical Sheephead. Found over mud, vegetated sandy bottoms, and in mangrove channels sometimes close to coral reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, West Australian Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, over rubble and sand substrates, in shallow waters of partially exposed reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Common Buffalo Bream, Cornel's Drummer, Drummer, Rudderfish, Silver Drummer, Western Buffalo Bream. Found in small to large schools, in shallow waters of inshore coral and.. more
Also known as Football Sweep, Footballer Sweep, Mado, Neatypus, Sea Chub. Found in large schools, over deep, offshore rocky reefs. They feed on benthic invertebrates and zooplankton. Length - 22cm Depth.. more
Also known as Barbells, Frogfish. Found singly, on mud and sand bottoms, of estuaries and over off-shore trawling grounds. Variable in colour to match their surroundings. They feed on.. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel. Found singly, or in loose schools, over dead reef and rock, in shallow, silty, surge areas of lagoons, reefs and shorelines. Very territorial! They.. more
Also known as Blushing Wrasse, King Coris, King Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Sand Wrasse. Found in harems around sand patches of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on hard shell.. more
Also known as Blushing Wrasse, King Coris, King Wrasse, Rainbow Wrasse, Sand Wrasse. Found in harems, around sand patches of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on hard shell.. more
Also known as Firefish, Goblinfish, Stingfish, Western Red Rockcod, Western Red Scorpion Cod, Western Scorpionfish. Found singly, well camouflaged and blending in with their surroundings, over coral and.. more
Also known as Blackstripe Butterfish, Butterfish, Coral Bream, Spinecheek, Striped Whiptail, Western Australian Butterfish, Western Butterfish, Western Threadfin Bream, Whiptail. Found in schools, over rock and sandy.. more
Also known as Black-axillary Soldierfish, Nurseryfish, Red-striped Cardinalfish, Victorian Cardinalfish. Found singly or in small schools, sheltering during the day around caves, jetties and under ledges, dispersing at.. more
Also known as Basking Shark, Tofu Shark, Typus Shark. Found singly or in shivers, cruising around coral atolls, lagoons, and off-shore, often with schools of pelagic fish in.. more
Also known as Indian Suckerfish, Suckerfish, Whale Remora. Found singly or in pairs, either free swimming, or attached to their host (with a sucker on top of their.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Reef Goby, Seawhip Goby, Whip Goby, Wire Coral Goby, Yong's Coral Goby, Yonge's Wire Coral Goby. Found singly or in pairs, living exclusively on.. more
Also known as Carid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Sea Whip Coral Shrimp, Whip Coral Partner Shrimp, Whip Shrimp, Wire Coral Shrimp. Found only on Black Coral - Cirripathes, taking.. more
Also known as Fairy Wrasse, Flasher Wrasse, Javan Fairy Wrasse, Javan Wrasse, Matador Whipfin Fairy Wrasse, Sand Wrasse, Whip-fin Fairy Wrasse, Yellow Filament Fairy Wrasse. Found in harems,.. more
Also known as Highfin Pony, Highfin Ponyfish, Long-spined Ponyfish, New Holland Ponyfish. Found in small schools, over mud and sandy bottoms, of inshore coastal waters, rarely near reefs. They.. more
Also known as Filamentous Mojarra, Flagfin Mojarra, Long-rayed Mojarra, Long-rayed Silverbiddy, Pursemouth, Silverbelly, Silverbiddy, Threadfin Pursemouth, Threadfin Silverbelly, Threadfin Silverbiddy, Whipfin Mojarra, Whipfin Silverbelly, Whiptail Silverbiddy. Found singly.. more
Also known as Diamond Stingray, Hawaiian Stingray, Whiptail Diamond Stingray, Whip-tailed Stingray. Found on mud and sandy bottoms, in kelp beds and seagrass beds, over bays. They have.. more
Also known as Fan Coral, Gorgonian Sea Fan, Sea Fan, White Gorgonian Sea Fan. Found on coral and rocky reefs, growing like a bramble bush, with unique branches.. more
Also known as European Bream, Flat Bream, Silver Bream. Found in calm, shallow, stagnant, slow-flowing and warm canals, lowland lakes, reservoirs and rivers They feed nocturnally on benthic invertebrates. Length.. more
Also known as Blue Catfish, Bullhead, Channel Catfish, Madtom, North American Catfish, White Bullhead. Found in sluggish waters, over mud bottoms, of open channels, lakes, pools, and backwaters,.. more
Also known as Silver Cichlid. Found over boulder, gravel, rock, and sandy substrates, of rivers and their tributaries. They feed on algae and plants. Length - 27cm Depth - ?m Central America.. more
Also known as Canton Danio, Chinese Danio, Feeder White Cloud, Golden White Cloud, White Cloud, White Cloud Minnow, White Cloud Mountain Fish. Found in schools, over clean sluggish.. more
Also known as Calico Bass, Speckled Perch. Found in murky waters, over mud and sand bottoms of backwater creeks, lakes, ponds, pools and large rivers. They feed on.. more
Also known as Bombin, Fourspot Demoiselle, Two-barred Puller, White Damselfish, White Demoiselle. Found singly or in pairs, over small patch reefs of shallow lagoons, rich in algae and.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, over mud, rock, and sandy bottoms, of coastal shorelines. They feed on crabs, fish, and octopus. Juveniles found in estuaries and.. more
Also known as Boar Grunt, Common Grunt, Dogfish, Grey Grunt, Pug-headed Grunt, Redmouth Grunt, Sweetlips, White Snapper. Found in dense large schools, close to coral formations during the.. more
Also known as Boar Grunt, Common Grunt, Dogfish, Grey Grunt, Pug-headed Grunt, Redmouth Grunt, Sweetlips, White Snapper. Found in dense, large schools, during the day close to coral.. more
Also known as Dogfish, Grey Grunt, Margaret Fish, Margaret Grunt, Margate, Margate Fish, Margot, Sweetlips, White Grunt, White Pogret, Yellow Grunt. Found in pairs and large schools, during.. more
Also known as White Labridens. Found over clear water, rocky substrates, of rivers and their tributaries. They feed on filamentous algae and detritus. Length - 11.2cm Depth - ?m Widespread Central America A.. more
Also known as Affinity Mullet, American White Mullet, Blueback Mullet, Curema Mullet, Harder, Josea, Redeye Mullet, Silver Mullet, Small Mullet. Found in schools, over mud and sandy coastlines,.. more
Also known as Bar, Bluenose Perch, Grey Perch, Sea Perch, Silver Perch, Wreckfish. Found in schools, over mud bottoms, of fresh, or brackish waters, over quiet areas,.. more
Also known as Brummer's Moray, White Ribbon Moray, White Ribbon Moral Eel. Found singly, in reef crevices, or buried in rubble and sandy areas with just the head.. more
Also known as Edible Urchin, Hairy Sea Urchin, Pincushion Hairy Urchin, Pincushion Urchin, Sea Egg, Sea Hedgehog, Shortspine Sea Urchin, West Indian Sea Egg. Found singly or in.. more
Also known as Blacktail, Blacktail Seabream, Sargo, Seabream. Found singly or in small schools, over rock and sandy areas of intertidal surf zones, mouths of estuaries and in.. more
Also known as Blacktail, Blacktail Seabream, Sargo, Seabream. Found singly or in small schools, over rock and sandy areas of intertidal surf zones, mouths of estuaries and in.. more
Also known as Island Hermit, Left-handed Hermit Crab, White Speckled Hermit Crab. Found both day and night, living inside abandoned mollusc shells, which they change periodically, over rubble.. more
Also known as Bryozoan, Sea Mat. Found on overhangs, walls, and sometimes clinging to other invertebrates, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on plankton. Length - 15cm Depth - 15-260m Widespread.. more
Also known as Blurter, Bruised-face Trevally, Crevally, Guelly Jack, Jackfish, Longsnout Trevally, Ranger, Silver Bream, Silver Fish, Silver Trevally, Skipjack Trevally. Skippy Thick-lipped Trevally, Striped Jack,.. more
Also known as Cave Wrasse, Diagonal-line Wrasse, Doubleline Wrasse, Double-lined Wrasse, Possum Wrasse, Starry-eye Possum Wrasse, White-banded Possum Wrasse, White-banded Sharpnose Wrasse, White-barred Pygmy Wrasse. Found singly.. more
Also known as Blackbar Triggerfish, Hawaiian Triggerfish, Huma Huma Trigger, Humu Picasso Triggerfish, Lagoon Huma, Lagoon Triggerfish, Painted Trigger, Painted Triggerfish, Picassofish, Picasso Triggerfish, Prickly Triggerfish, Reef.. more
Also known as Australian Flame Boxfish, Cowfish, Flame Boxfish, High-backed Boxfish, Humpback Boxfish, Humpty Dumpty, Red Boxfish, Smooth Boxfish, Temperate Boxfish, Trunkfish. Found around jetty pylons, over off-shore.. more
Also known as Banded Goby, Banded Sleeper Goby, Brown-barred Goby, Bullet Goby, Dragon Goby, Dusky Barred Goby, Goby Dragon, Gudgeon, Sand Goby, Sleeper Goby, Sleeper-banded Goby, White-spotted.. more
Also known as Sweetlips, Whitebar Rubberlip, White-barred Sweetlip. Found singly, close to shelter during the day, out hunting for food at night, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed.. more
Also known as Banded Maori, Banded Maori Wrasse, Banded Splendour Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Red-banded Wrasse, Redbreast Maori Wrasse, Redbreast Wrasse, Red-breasted Maori Wrasse, Red-breasted Wrasse, Red.. more
Also known as Areolate Grouper, Brown Rock Cod, Cod, Hind,Rankin Cod, Rankin's Rock Cod, Rockcod, Trout, White-blotched Rock Cod, White-spotted Rock Cod. Found singly or in schools, over.. more
Also known as Black Devil Stingray, Black Diamond, Black Diamond Ray, Black Ray, Eclipse Ray, Eclipse Stingray, Leo, Leo Stingray, Leopoldi Black Diamond Stingray, Leopoldi Stingray, Polka-dot.. more
Also known as Cod, Coronation Trout, Hind, Lunar-tailed Grouper, Lyretail Cod, Lyretail Grouper, Lyretail Trout, Moontail Sea Bass, Painted Coral Trout, Rockcod, Trout, White-edge Coronation Trout,.. more
Also known as Murex Shell, Murex Snail, Prickly Pacific Drupe, Prickly Spotted Drupe, Rock Snail, Spotted Drupe, White Lipped Drupe. Found over reef flats and on rocks, over.. more
Also known as White-edged Moray, White-fringed Moray Eel, Whitemargin Moray. Found singly, hiding during the day, in crevices and under rocks, feeding at night over clear coastal waters.. more
Also known as Margined Sole, Shallow-water Sole. Found singly, during the day buried in sand, out foraging for food at night, over shallow coastal lagoons and seaward.. more
Also known as Blotchy Sea Cucumber, Stonefish Sea Cucumber, Tripang, White-bottomed Sea Cucumber, White Patch Sea Cucumber. Found singly, during the day in sandy areas, under large coral.. more
Also known as Coral Bream, Spinecheek, Threadtail Bream, Whiptail, White-ear Whiptail, White-shoulder Whiptail. Found singly or in schools, over shallow, silty, coastal coral reefs. They feed on crustaceans,.. more
Also known as Blue-spotted Bambooshark, Brown-banded Bambooshark, Carpet Shark, Cat Shark, Grey Bambooshark, Hasselt's Bambooshark, Marbled Bambooshark, Marbled Bamboo Catshark, Slender Bambooshark, White-spotted Catshark. Found singly, or in.. more
Also known as Black Boxfish, Blue Boxfish, Blue-spotted Boxfish, Cowfish, Multi-spotted Boxfish, Multi-spotted Trunkfish, Spotted Boxfish, Spotted Trunkfish, Trunkfish, Whitespot Boxfish. Found singly in surge zones, around.. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel, Jewel Damsel, Jewel Damselfish, Marmite, Pacific Jewel Damsel, White-speckled Demoiselle, White-spotted Devil Damsel, Yellowtail. Found singly or in pairs, over dead and live.. more
Also known as Bishop Ray, Bonnet Ray, Bonnet Skate, Duckbill Eagle Ray, Duckbill Ray, Eagle Ray, Lady Ray, Lady-spotted Eagle Ray, Leopard Ray, Mottled Eagle Ray, Rayfish,.. more
Also known as American White-spotted Filefish, Leatherjacket, Orange Filefish, White-spotted Leatherjacket. Found in pairs, amongst gorgonians, over rocky bottoms, of coral reefs. They feed on algae, gorgonians, hydroids, and.. more
Also known as Barred Filefish, Barred Leatherjacket, Barred Yellow Filefish, Leatherjacket, Orangefin File, Orangefin Filefish, Yelloweye Filefish, Yelloweye Leatherjacket. Found singly or in pairs, in caves and.. more
Also known as Pandang Frillgoby, Pandang Goby, Gudgeon, Reef Goby, White-spotted Goby. Found over tidal flats and in tide-pools, of clear, shallow, coastal reef flats and seaward reefs. They.. more
Also known as Indian Spaghetti Eel, Spaghetti Eel, Spaghetti Garden Eel. Found in large colonies, half buried in the sand, over exposed clean sandy slopes, usually waving their.. more
Also know as Broad-barred Toadfish, Pufferfish, Stars-and-Stripes Puffer, Stars-and-Stripes Pufferfish, Stars-and-Stripes Toadfish, Stripebelly Puffer, White-spotted Blowfish, White-spotted Pufferfish. Found singly, protecting their territories, over mixed coral, rocks,.. more
Also know as Broad-barred Toadfish, Pufferfish, Stars-and-Stripes Puffer, Stars-and-Stripes Pufferfish, Stars-and-Stripes Toadfish, Stripebelly Puffer, White-spotted Blowfish, White-spotted Pufferfish. Found singly, protecting their territories, over mixed coral, rocks,.. more
Also known as Hawaiian Sea Cucumber, Holothuroid, Speckled Sea Cucumber, Surf Redfish, Tripang. Found singly, on living corals, and surrounding rubble areas of reefs. They feed on plankton. Length -.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Salted Yellow Doris, White-spotted Dorid, White-spotted Nudibranch, Yellow Dorid. Found singly or in pairs, over mixed coral blocks, and sandy areas, of.. more
Also known as Net-pattern Spinefoot, Pearl-spotted Spinefoot, Pearly Spinefoot, Pin-spotted Spinefoot, Seagrass Rabbitfish, Slimy Spinefoot, Smudgepot Spinefoot, Spinefoot, Spotted Spinefoot, Streaked Spinefoot, White-spotted Rabbitfish. Found singly, or in.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Mustard Guttatus Tang, Mustard Surgeonfish, Mustard Tang, Spotband Surgeonfish, Spotted Surgeonfish, Spotted Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, White-spotted Surgeon. Found in schools, over shallow,.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Mustard Guttatus Tang, Mustard Surgeonfish, Mustard Tang, Spotband Surgeonfish, Spotted Surgeonfish, Spotted Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, White-spotted Surgeon. Found in schools, over shallow,.. more
Also known as Barbells, Frogfish, Starry Toadfish. Found singly, in caves and hollows, beneath corals and rocks, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on crustaceans, small fish, molluscs.. more
Also known as Blacktail Wrasse, New Guinea Wrasse, Tamarin, Tamerin Wrasse, White-spotted Tamarin Wrasse, Yellow Tailband Wrasse. Found singly, pairs or harems, over surge zones of seaward reefs,.. more
Also known as Christmas Tree Hydroid, Feather Hydroid, Fire Hydroid, Fireweed, Philippine Hydroid, Sea Fern, Stinging Bush Hydroid, Stinging Hydroid, White Hydroid, White Stinger. Found in colonies, over.. more
Also known as Black-barred Weaver, Grubfish, Sandsmelt, Whitestreak Grubfish, Weaver, Weaverfish. Found singly, resting on their fins or in small schools, over clear rocky estuaries. They feed on fish.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, over rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sponges. Length - 4cm Depth - 2-30m Widespread.. more
Also known as Common Seahorse, Dwarf Seahorse, New Holland Seahorse, Sydney Seahorse. Found singly, or in pairs, anchored by their tails, amongst shallow, sheltered reefs, rich with algae,.. more
Also known as Hair-finned Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket, Pig-faced Filefish, Pig-faced Leatherjacket, Whitebar Leatherjacket, White-blotched Filefish. Found singly or in small schools, over mud and sand bottoms, of coral and.. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel, White-banded Gregory. Found singly or in loose schools, over live corals, rock, and rubble areas, in both semi-sheltered and high energy zones, of.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Headband Surgeonfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Whiteband Surgeonfish, Whitebar, Whitebar Tang, White-throated Surgeonfish. Found in schools over boulder strewn surge zones of coral.. more
Also known as Dancer Shrimpgoby, Graceful Prawngoby, Graceful Shrimpgoby, Gudgeon, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Whitecap Goby, White-capped Goby, White-capped Prawngoby. Found singly, or in pairs, waving their pectoral.. more
Also known as Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Silverflash Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Vosmer's Spinecheek, Whiptail, Whiteband Monocle Bream, Whiteband Spinecheek, Whitecheek Bream, White-cheeked Monocle Bream, Whitecheek Spinecheek, Whitecheek Threadfin.. more
Also known as Blackear Surgeonfish, Blackear Tang, Black Surgeonfish, Black Tang, Doctorfish, Golden-rimmed Surgeonfish, Golden-rimmed Tang, Goldrim Surgeonfish, Goldrim Tang, Gold-rimmed Surgeonfish, Gold-rimmed Tang, Grey Surgeonfish, Grey.. more
Also known as Shortdisk Sharksucker, Suckerfish, Whitefin Remora. Found either free-swimming, or attached to their host fish, mammals, turtles, etc., by its sucker head, from estuaries to.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Whitefin Surgeon. Found singly or in small schools, over steep, outer reef slopes. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 33cm Depth - 5-20m Widespread.. more
Also known as Marbled Stargazer, Popeye Fish, Pop-eyed Fish, Tube-nosed Stargazer. Found singly, buried in gravel, mud, and sandy areas, with just the eyes and mouth showing, waiting.. more
Also known as Banded Unicornfish, Bluefin Unicorn Tang, Bluefin Unicornfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Longhorn Unicornfish, Nosefish, Ring-tailed Unicornfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Whitemargin Surgeonfish, Whitemargin Unicorn, Whitemargin Unicorn Tang,.. more
Also known as Golden Croaker, Hardhead, Mangrove Snapper, West Indian Croaker, West Indian Drum, White Croaker, Whitemouth Drummer, Yellow Croaker. Found in schools over mud and sandy bottoms.. more
Also known as Bassett-hulls Trevally, Sixband Brown Jack, Trevally, Whitmouth Trevally, Whitetongue Jack. Found in schools, around deepish waters, of the continental shelf. They feed on cephalopods and benthic.. more
Also known as Lagoon Damsel, Palespot Damsel, Palespot Damselfish, Palest Damsel, Whitepatch Damsel. Found singly or in pair, over shallow silty waters, close to coral outcrops and seagrass.. more
Also known as Belcher's Dragonet, Black Caudal Dragonet, Kitefin Dragonet, Searlet Dragonet, Simple-spined Dragonet. Found singly or in pairs, sometimes buried during the day, raising their fins if.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Ocellated Rockcod, Rockcod, Small-spotted Cod, Small-spotted Grouper, Small-spotted Rockcod, Trout, White-spotted Black Cod, White-spotted Black Grouper, White-spotted Black Rockcod, White-spotted Cod, White-spotted.. more
Also known as Whitetail Damselfish, White-tailed Damsel, White-tailed Damselfish, Whitetip Damsel, Yellow-tailed Damselfish. Found singly around coral and rocky outcrops, over shallow sandy areas of lagoons and inshore.. more
Also known as Banded Dascyllus, Banded Humbug, Black-and-White Damselfish, Black-and-White Humbug, Common Humbug, Humbug, Humbug Damsel, Humbug Damselfish, Humbug Dascyllus, Pacific Ocean Humbug, Stripe Damsel, Stripe Damselfish,.. more
Also known as Blunthead Shark, Light-tip Shark, Light-tipped Shark, Whitetip Shark, White-tipped Reef Shark. Found singly or in small shivers, during the day resting on the bottom of.. more
Also known as Bigeye Soldier, Bigeye Soldierfish, Immaculate Soldier, Immaculate Soldierfish, Immaculate Squirrelfish, Red Soldierfish, Red-orange Squirrelfish, Whitetip Soldier, Whitetip Squirrelfish, White-tipped Soldier, White-tipped Soldierfish. Found in large.. more
Also known as Black Sea Whiting, English Whiting, European Whiting, North Sea Whiting, Pollock, True Cod. Found in schools, over gravel, mud, rock, and sandy bottoms, of coastal.. more
Also known as Crown Urchin, Crown Sea Urchin, Knobby Sputnik Sea Urchin, Land Mine Sea Urchin, Large-spined Urchin, Mine Urchin, Sea Hedgehog, Spiky Urchin, Spiny Urchin, Thorn-spined.. more
Also known as Broadstripe Fusilier, Widestripe Fusilier, Yellowstreak Fusilier. Found in schools feeding midwater over corals of coastal lagoons and seaward reefs. Varies in colour from blue to.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Metallic Partner Goby, Metallic Prawngoby, Metallic Shrimpgoby, Prawn Goby, Sand Goby, Shrimp Goby. Found singly or in pairs, sharing their burrow with an alpheid.. more
Also known as Platefish, Solefish. Found singly, over shallow mud and sandy bottoms of the continental shelf. They feed on small benthic fish and invertebrates. Length - 45cm Depth - 15-400m Widespread.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Toothpaste Nudibranch, Willan's Chromodoris. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. Rhinophores have white.. more
Also known as Flying Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs, anchored by their tails, over muddy bottoms, of the continental shelf, rich in algae and seaweeds. They feed by.. more
Also known as Big Skate, Eyed Skate, Winter Big Skate Found singly, or in pairs, over sand and gravel bottoms, in both shallow, and deep waters. They feed on.. more
Also known as Black Coral Xeno Crab, Brachyura Crab, Decorator Crab, Gorgonian Crab, Horned Spider Crab, Imitator Crab, Soft Coral Crab, Spider Crab, True Crab, Whip Coral.. more
Also known as Carid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp. Found on stems of wire corals, blending in with the coral colours, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on algae, parasites.. more
Also known as Longspine Waspfish, Long-spined Waspfish, Sailfin Waspfish, Whiteface Roguefish, Whiteface Waspfish. Found singly, over mud and silty hard bottoms, around corals, rocks, and seagrass beds, of.. more
Also known as Arrowtooth Cardinal, Artus Cardinal, Artus Cardinalfish, Large-toothed Cardinalfish, Lined Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Wolf Cardinal. Found singly or in loose schools, during the day hovering inside caves,.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Leopard Cichlid, Malawi Cichlid, Polystigma Cichlid. Found in small schools, over rock and sandy areas, with lots of vegetation. They feed on smaller fish,.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Northern Wolffish, Ocellated Wolffish, Pacific Wolf-eel. Found singly, or in pairs, sheltering in the same spot, amongst crevices, in the rocks, until a.. more
Also known as Cup-sponge Goby, Dog-snout Spongegoby, Dwarf Goby, Gudgeon, Long-snout Spongegoby, Wolf Goby, Wolfsnout Ghostgoby. Found singly, usually on the underside of floppy sponges, or fan sponges,.. more
Also known as Mime Octopus, Mimic Octopus, Wunderpus. Found singly, on sandy bottoms, occupying burrows in deep sand, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on crustaceans and fish. Length.. more
Also known as Chaenopsid Blenny. Found in crevices, of dead and live corals, also abandoned clam shells and worm tubes, (hence the name tube blennies) over coral reefs... more
Also known as Atlantic Wreckfish, Bass, Bass Grouper, European Wreckfish, Hapuka, Hapuka Cod, Longnose Hapuku, Moeone, Sea Rock Perch, Stone Bass, Wreck Bass. Found singly, or in small.. more
Also known as Albino Halfbeak, Freshwater Halfbeak, Gold Wrestling Halfbeak, Halfbeak, Halfbeak Fish, Malayan Halfbeak, Needle Gar, Platinum Halfbeak, Red Halfbeak, Silver Wrestling Halfbeak. Found in schools, on.. more