Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)

Also known as Black Sea Whiting, English Whiting, European Whiting, North Sea Whiting, Pollock, True Cod


Also known as Black Sea Whiting, English Whiting, European Whiting, North Sea Whiting, Pollock, True Cod.

Found in schools, over gravel, mud, rock, and sandy bottoms, of coastal reefs, migrating to the open sea after the first year of life.
They feed on cephalopods, crustaceans, small fish, molluscs, and worms.
Length - 90cm
Depth - 10-200m
Widespread Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean

Gadids are prolific breeders producing several million eggs each spawning, which in turn produces a high population and so is an easy sustainable catch for the commercial trawlling industry. Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/Merlangius-merlangus.html


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