Wels Catfish (Silurus glanis)

Also known as Danube Catfish, European Catfish, European Sheatfish, Som Catfish, Wels


Also known as Danube Catfish, European Catfish, European Sheatfish, Som Catfish, Wels.

Found singly, or in small schools, over well vegetated backwaters, of lakes and rivers, a nocturnal species that forages for food close to the bottom.
They feed nocturnally on fish, invertebrates, and sometimes ducks!
Length - 500cm
Depth - 0-30m
Widespread Asia, Europe

This is the largest freshwater fish can reach in excess of 2500cm

Siluridae can often be found in the aquarium trade. The family also includes one of the largest freshwater fish. Ref: https://www.fishbase.de/summary/Silurus-glanis.html


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