Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.
Also known as No other name. Found in freshwater, over the Usumacinta River Basin in Mexico. Length 39cm Depth - ?m Central America - Usumacinta River Basin, Mexico Catfish have venomous spines.. more
Also known as Black-blotched Moray, Black-blotched Moray Eel, Black Spotted Moray, Black Spotted Moray Eel, Coral Eel, Giraffe Eel, Honeycomb Moray, Honeycomb Moray Eel, Laced Moray Eel,.. more
Also known as Firefish, Goblinfish, Lacy Firefish, Lacy Goblinfish, Lacy Rockfish, Lacy Stingfish, Merlot Scorpionfish, Merlet's Scorpionfish, Stingfish, Weedy Scorpionfish. Found singly, over soft bottomed coral slopes, of.. more
Also known as Nudibranch, White Tritoniopsis. Found singly or in pairs over rubble and sandy areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed nocturnally on soft corals. Length.. more
Also known as Christmas Wrasse, Green-barred Wrasse, Green-blocked Wrasse, Ladder Christmas Wrasse, Ladder Trilobatum, Lunate-tailed Wrasse. Found singly or in schools, over mixed algae, coral, and rocky.. more
Also known as Christmas Wrasse, Green-barred Wrasse, Green-blocked Wrasse, Ladder Christmas Wrasse, Ladder Trilobatum, Lunate-tailed Wrasse. Found singly or in schools, over mixed algae, coral and rocky.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, pairs, or small schools, over shallow, coral and rocky reefs. They feed on filamentous algae and detritus. Length -.. more
Also known as Amphipod Crustaceans, Benthic Amphipod, Dalmatian Ladybug Amphipod, Dalmatian Ladybug, Ladybug, Sea Ladybug, Sea Ladybug Amphipod. Found in large numbers, on corals, crinoids, hydroids, nudibranch's, and.. more
Also known as Bonefish, Bonyfish, Elops, Fiddler, John, Long John, Riverfish, Silverfish, Skipjack, Springer, Tarpon. Found in large schools over shallow muddy areas of brackish estuaries and lagoons.. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel, Giant Farmerfish, Lagoon Damselfish, Purple-spotted Demoiselle, Sweetlip Damsel, Sweetlip Damselfish. Found singly or in pairs, sheltering in the arms of branching corals, over.. more
Also known as Polyclad Flatworm, Purple-spotted Flatworm, Purple-spotted Yellow Flatworm, Yellow Flatworm. Found singly or in pairs, over rubble areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on colonial.. more
Also known as Blue Rainbow, Blue Rainbowfish, Kutubu Rainbowfish, Lacustris Rainbow, Lake Kutubu Rainbow, Turquoise Rainbow, Turquoise Rainbowfish. Found amongst rocks, and vegetation cover, in highland lakes,.. more
Also known as Black Sturgeon, Bony Sturgeon, Common Sturgeon, Dogface Sturgeon, Freshwater Sturgeon, Great Lakes Sturgeon, Red Sturgeon, Rock Sturgeon, Rubber Nose, Ruddy Sturgeon, Shellback Sturgeon, Smoothback,.. more
Also known as Axelrodi Rainbowfish, Yellow Rainbowfish. Found in schools, surrounded by dense vegetation, over clear water, highland lakes and streams. They feed on algae, insects, and plant material. Length.. more
Also known as Char, Great Lake Char, Great Lake Trout, Grey Trout, Lake Char, Lake Trout, Laker, Land-locked Salmon, Mackinaw Trout, Masamacrush, Mountain Trout, Namaycush, Salmon Trout,.. more
Also known as Anomura Crab, False Crab, Porcelain Crab, Porcellana Lamarck. Found under rocks, in shallow waters and rock-pools, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on plankton. Length -.. more
Also known as Branching Coral, Bushy Finger Coral, Finger Staghorn Coral, Staghorn Coral. Found on upper reef slopes, a common coral on reefs. Colonies can be over.. more
Also known as Espe's Rasbora, False Harlequin, False Harlequin Rasbora, Harlequin Rasbora, Lamp Chop Harlequin, Narrow Wedge Harlequin, Rasbora Espei, Slim Harlequin Rasbora. Found in schools, in areas.. more
Also known as Banded White Sea Cucumber, Medusa Worm Cucumber, Pygmy Snake Sea Cucumber, Sea Worm, Sponge Sea Cucumber, Sponge Synaptid, Synaptid Sea Cucumber, Worm Sea Cucumber,.. more
Also known as Bream, Godbless, Lane Light Grunt, Mexican Snapper, Moonlight Grunt, Pot Snapper, Redfish, Red-tailed Snapper, Spot Snapper. Found singly or in large schools, drifting during.. more
Also known as Bream, Godbless, Lane Light Grunt, Mexican Snapper, Moonlight Grunt, Pot Snapper, Redfish, Red-tailed Snapper, Spot Snapper. Found singly or in large schools, drifting during.. more
Also known as Baldwin's Dwarf Basslet, Baldwin's Serranid, Cod, Dwarf Sea Bass, Hind, Lantern Basslet, Lantern Sea Bass, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, over rock and weedy areas, of.. more
Also known as Blue Spot Toby Pufferfish, Blue-spotted Toby. Found singly or in pairs, over outer reef slopes. They feed on filamentous algae and invertebrates. Length - 11cm Depth - 6-60m Widespread.. more
Also known as Clam, Common Giant Clam, Elongate Giant Clam, Elongated Clam, Elongated Giant Clam, Giant Clam, Maxima Clam, Maxima Giant Clam, Mollusc, Rugose Clam, Small Giant.. more
Also known as Air-breathing Loach, Chinese Loach. Found in the freshwater systems of China. They feed on small crustaceans and insect larvae. Length - 15cm Depth - ?m Asia - China, May.. more
Also known as Triton Shell. Found under and over corals and rocky substrates, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on other molluscs and sea urchins Length - 12cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Coral Goby, Gorgonian Goby, Gudgeon, Seawhip Goby, Whip Coral Goby, Whip Goby, Whiteline Seawhip Goby. Found in groups, living exclusively, on or in close association.. more
Also known as a Great Coral Worm Shell, Large Worm Snail, Operculate Worm Snail, Vermitid Gastropod, Vermitid Worm Shell, Worm Shell, Worm Shelled Gastropod, Worm Snail. Found singly.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Fanged Blenny, Horseface Blenny, Pacific Fanged Blenny, Panamic Fanged Blenny, Pink Banded Blenny, Reef Blenny. Found singly, or in pairs, wedged in.. more
Also known as Large-eyed Dentex, Reds, Sea Bream, Wallis Bay Reds. Found on rock and sandy bottoms, descending to greater depths with growth. They migrate between coast and.. more
Also known as Many-eyed Snake Eel, Many-eyed Worm Eel, Ocellated Snake Eel, Ocellated Worm Eel, Yellow-spotted Snake Eel. Found singly, usually buried with just the head showing, in.. more
Also known as Big-toothed Cardinal, Big-toothed Cardinalfish, Bigtooth Percelle, Big-toothed Percelle, Eight-lined Cardinalfish, Largetooth Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Pacific Tiger Cardinalfish, Tiger Cardinal, Tiger Cardinalfish. Found singly, pairs, or in.. more
Also known as Big-toothed Cardinal, Big-toothed Cardinalfish, Bigtooth Percelle, Big-toothed Percelle, Eight-lined Cardinalfish, Largetooth Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Pacific Tiger Cardinalfish, Tiger Cardinal, Tiger Cardinalfish Found singly, pairs, or in.. more
Also known as Coral Goby, Gudgeon, Large-headed Goby, Reef Goby. Found amongst or under rocks and stones, over inshore shallow lagoons. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 4.4cm Depth - 6-10m Widespread.. more
Also known as Atlantic Cutlassfish, Australian Cutlassfish, Australian Hairtail, Beltfish, Common Hairtail, Cox's Hairtail, Grey Ribbonfish, Hairtail, Hairytail, Large-headed Hairtail, Large-headed Ribbonfish, Northern Hairtail, Pacific Cutlassfish, Ribbonfish,.. more
Also known as American Black Bass, Bass, Black Bass, Florida Largemouth Bass, Gamefish, Green Bass, Green Trout, Largemouth, Largemouth Bass, Northern Largemouth Bass. Found over mud and sand.. more
Also known as Spinyhead Flounder, Spot-tail Flounder, Spotted-tail Flounder, Warthog Flounder. Found singly, over mud and sand bottoms, of coastal waters. They feed on fish, benthic invertebrates, and worms. Length.. more
Also known as Foureye, Four-eyed Fish, Four-eyes, Striped Four-eyed Fish, Stargazer. Found in schools, usually on the surface of the water, rarely under the water in freshwater, sometimes.. more
Also known as Big Bend Gambusia, Largespring Mosquitofish. Found in large springs. They feed on detritus, small insects and zooplankton. Length - 2.5cm Depth - ?m Widespread North America These fish are prolific.. more
Also known as Deep Flounder, False Brill, Flounder, Large-toothed Flounder, Left-eyed Flatfish, Smoothscale Brill, Smooth-scaled Brill. Found singly, on mud and sandy bottoms, over shallow estuaries, and coastal.. more
Also known as Dwarf Slingjaw Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Slingjaw, Slingjaw Wrasse, Telescopefish, Thicklip Wrasse. Found singly, over reefs, of protected inshore waters. The mouth of this wrasse.. more
Also known as Branching Coral, Solid Table Coral, Staghorn Coral, Table Coral. Found growing in table like colonies, on sheltered areas of back reef margins, fringing upper reef.. more
Also known as Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Redspot Monocle Bream, Redspot Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Twospot Monocle Bream, Yellow-streaked Monocle Bream, Whiptail. Found in small schools, over mud and sand.. more
Also known as Australian Squirrelfish, Lattice Soldier, Lattice Squirrelfish, Latticework Soldierfish, Orangefin Soldierfish, Purple Soldierfish, Scarlet Soldierfish, Small-eyed Squirrelfish, Violet Soldierfish, Violet Squirrelfish. Found singly or in.. more
Also known as Coralfish, Lattice Butterflyfish, Lattice Coralfish, Latticed Coralfish, Raffle's Butterflyfish, Raffle's Coralfish, Rafflessii Butterflyfish. Found singly or in pairs, in shallow waters, over protected reef.. more
Also known as False-eye Grubfish, False-eyed Grubfish, Grubfish, Ocellate Weaver, Ogilby's Grubfish, Sandsmelt, Spothead Grubfish, Weever, Weeverfish. Found singly or in small schools, often resting on their fins,.. more
Also known as Ascidian Tunicate, Calloused Tunicate, Colonial Ascidian, Colonial Ascidian Tunicate, Compound Ascidian, Daisy Ascidian, Dark Ascidian, Encrusting Colonial Ascidian, Golden Star Ascidian, Golden Star Tunicate,.. more
Also known as Flat Lettuce Coral, Hexacoral. Found in colonies, attached to crevices of lower reef slopes, over protected coral and rocky reefs. Distinctive and uncommon. They feed on.. more
Also known as Black-and-Gold Cyerce, Black-and-Gold Sap Sucking Slug, Many Petalled Sea Slug, Many Petalled Slug, Nudibranch, Sacoglossan, Sacoglossan Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs over rubble.. more
Also known as Bowl Coral, Cabbage Coral, Cap Coral, Cup Coral, Encrusting Pore Coral, Leaf Coral, Lettuce Coral, Plate Coral, Scroll Coral, Swirling Plate Coral, Vase Coral. Found.. more
Also known as Leaf Fish, Paperfish, Paper Scorpionfish, Sailfin Leaf Fish, Sailfin Leaf Scorpionfish, Swayfish, Threespine Scorpionfish, Three-spined Scorpionfish. Found singly or in pairs, blending in with.. more
Also known as Tentacled Dragonet, Weedy Dragonet. Found singly over rubble, sand, and weedy areas, of sheltered lagoons, reefs, and in tide-pools rich in algae growth. Sometimes buried.. more
Also known as Feathery Filefish, Leafy Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket, Prickly Filefish, Prickly Leatherjacket, Tassle Filefish, Tasselled Leatherjacket. Found singly, often camouflaged, in weedy areas of coastal reefs and trawling.. more
Also known as Glauert's Seadragon, Sea Dragon, Weedy Seadragon. Found singly, or in pairs, anchored with their tails, in kelp beds, and over sand patches, close to reefs,.. more
Also known as Crested Blenny, Jumping Blenny, Leaping Rockskipper, Lizard Skipper, Rock Hopper, Rockskipper, Walking Blenny. Found singly, skipping from pool to pool, over very shallow, coastal.. more
Also known as Jumping Mullet, Leaping Grey Mullet, Sharpnose Mullet, Small Mullet. Found in schools, over estuaries, lagoons, and coastal reefs. They feed on algae, plant detritus, and zooplankton. Length.. more
Also known as Dwarf Livebearer, Dwarf Top Minnow, Lesser Killifish, Midget Livebearer, Mosquito Fish, Poeciliid Fish, Pygmy Livebearer. Found in schools, over heavily vegetated standing or slow-flowing brackish.. more
Also known as Blowfish, Burrowing Puffer, Pufferfish, Swellfish, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found over shallow, murky waters, of estuaries and coastal shorelines. They feed on algae and crustaceans. Length - 15cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Leather Zebra, Marbled Grouper, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, or in schools, often seen following other fish and eels to catch their prey, which.. more
Also known as Leathercoat, Leatherjack, Mackerel, Needlejack, Runner, Shoemaker, Trevally. Found in large, fast moving schools, often leaping out of the water, over sandy beaches of bays and.. more
Also known as Elegant Armed Anemone, Hexacoral, Leathery Anemone, Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple Tip Anemone, Sebae Anemone. Found attached to branching corals or amongst dead coral, rubble, and.. more
Also known as Crinoid, Feather Star Criniod, Feather Starfish, Sea Lily, Storked Sea Lily. Found singly or in groups, during the day anchored to gorgonians, high on.. more
Lembeh area photo's more
Also known as Branch Coral, Branching Coral, Broccoli Coral, Cauliflower Coral, Formosan Soft Coral, Kenya Tree Coral, Lemnalia Tree Coral, Soft Tree Coral. Found over reef flats and.. more
Also known as Lemon Damselfish, Molucca Damsel, Molucca Demoiselle, Yellow Damsel, Yellow Damselfish. Found in small schools, sheltering in the arms of branching corals, over clear water lagoons.. more
Also known as Octocoral, Sea Feather, Sea Finger, Sea Quill. Found in shallow waters, on soft sandy bottoms, often withdrawing into the substrate during the day. They feed.. more
Also known as Calcareous Sponge, Chagos Calcite Sponge, Coral Reef Sponge, Indo-Pacific Coral Reef Sponge, Lemon Sponge Coral, Marine Sponge, Red Sea Sponge, Yellow Sponge Coral. Found hanging.. more
Also known as Lemon Angelfish, Lemonpeel, Lemonpeel Angel, Lemonpeel Dwarf Angelfish, Lemonpeel Pygmy Angelfish, Yellow Angelfish. Found singly, or in pairs, over lower surge zones, of shallow lagoons,.. more
Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Leopard Anemone Commensal Shrimp, Leopard Shrimp, Pontoniid Shrimp, Sea Anemone Shrimp. Found living with their host anemone - Tiger.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Honeycomb Blenny, Leopard Rockskipper, Pink-spotted Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Rockskipper, Sailfin Blenny, Short-bodied Blenny, Spotted Coral Blenny. Found singly or in harems,.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Leopard Nudibranch, Leopard Sea Slug, Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Blue-dotted Coral Trout, Bluespot Trout, Blue-spotted Sea Bass, Cod, Common Coral Trout, Coral Grouper, Coral Trout, Hind, Leopard Cod, Leopard Coral Trout, Leopard Trout,.. more
Also known as Flounder, Panther Flounder. Found partially buried, or out foraging for food, over silty mud and sand bottoms, of inner reef flats and seaward reefs. They feed.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Leopard Cod, Leopard Coral Cod, Leopard Grouper, Leopard Rockcod, Redspot Coral Cod, Red-spotted Coral Cod, Red-spotted Rockcod, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly and secretive,.. more
Also known as Albino Gibbiceps Pleco, Albino Sailfin Pleco, Armored Catfish, Armored Sailfin Catfish, Clown Pleco, Common Pleco, Gibby Pleco, Gibbiceps Pleco, Janitorfish, Leopard Sailfin Pleco, Leopard.. more
Also known as Ground Sharks, Leopard Houndshark, Zebra Shark. Found in mixed schools, over shallow, to intertidal deeper waters, on mud and sand areas bottoms, close to kelp.. more
Also known as Barbell, Frogfish. Found singly, over rock and sandy bottoms, or around shipwrecks, in deepwater, rocky off-shore reefs. They feed on benthic fish and invertebrates. Length - 38cm Depth.. more
Also known as Leopard Ray, Panther Electric Ray, Red Sea Torpedo Ray, Scalloped Torpedo Ray, Torpedo Ray. Found singly, often partially buried in the substrate, over mud and.. more
Also known as Cod, Leopard Perch, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly or in schools, close to caves and crevices, over deep, inshore reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed.. more
Also known as Black-spotted Wrasse, Eastern Leopard Wrasse, Guinea Fowl Wrasse, Reticulated Wrasse, Vermiculated Wrasse. Found singly, or in small schools, over mixed coral, rubble and sand bottoms,.. more
Also known as Black-spotted Wrasse, Eastern Leopard Wrasse, Guinea Fowl Wrasse, Reticulated Wrasse, Vermiculated Wrasse. Found singly, or in small schools, over mixed coral, rubble, and sand bottoms,.. more
Also known as Black Goby, Gudgeon, Leopard Goby, Reef Goby. Found singly, close to crevices and holes, in vertical rock walls, of inshore reefs. They feed on algae, crustaceans.. more
Also known as Blue Crab, Brachyura Crab, Dwarf Crab, Swimming Crab, True Crab. Found over rocky bottoms, of estuaries, marshes, and shorelines. They feed on crustaceans, fish, plant remains,.. more
Also known as Bancroft's Numbfish, Brazillian Electric Ray, Caribbean Electric Ray, Small Electric Ray, Spotted Torpedo Ray, Torpedofish, Trembler. Found often buried in the sand during the day,.. more
Also known as Brain Coral, Pillow Coral. Found over a wide range of reef habitats, this is one of the most common stony corals. Colonies are massive to smaller.. more
Also known as Brachyura Crab, Corallimorph Crab, Decorator Crab, Decorator Spider Crab, Majid Crab, Small Spider Crab, Spider Crab, True Crab. Found on hard bottoms, of coral.. more
Also known as Frecklefin Spiny Eel, Peacock Eel, Peacock Spiny Eel, Spot-finned Spiny Eel, Swamp Eel. Found over soft bottoms of lowland peats and wetlands, in medium to.. more
Also known as Leaf Coral, Lettuce Leaf Coral, Purple Lettuce Coral, Scaled Lettuce Coral, Tan Lettuce Leaf Coral, Thick Lettuce Leaf Coral. Found on shallow back reef flats.. more
Also known as Frilly Sea Slug, Lettuce Nudibranch, Lettuce Slug, Nudibranch, Sacoglossan, Sapsucking Slug, Sea Lettuce, Solar-powered Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, over vegetated areas, of.. more
Also known as Bubble Coral, Grape Coral, Lichtenstein Bubble Coral, Octopus Coral, Pearl Bubble Coral, Pearl Coral, Poor Mans Bubble Coral, Tipped Bubble Coral, Tipped Bubblegum Coral. Found.. more
Also known as Barrel Sponge, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Thin Wall Barrel Sponge, Tubular Sponge. Found in colonies, on ledges and walls, of coral and rocky reefs. Varies.. more
Also known as Brachyura Crab, Mottled Crab, Mottled Lightfoot Crab, Red Rock Crab, Rock Crab, Rocky Shore Crab, Sally Lightfoot Crab, Sally Longlegs, Shore Crab, Swift-footed Crab,.. more
Also known as Blackblotch Lizardfish, Blacktail Lizardfish, Black-tailed Lizardfish, Javelin Lizardfish, Javelinfish, Tail-blotch Lizardfish, Tailspot Lizardfish, Snakefish. Found singly, pairs, or in small schools, half buried, or resting.. more
Also known as Blue Coral Crab, Commensal Crab, Coral Crab, Coral Guard Crab, Guard Crab, Red Coral Crab, Red-dotted Guard Crab, Trapeze Crab, True Crab, Xanthid Crab. Found.. more
Also known as Atlantic Longarm Octopus, Indonesian Longarm Octopus, Longarm Octopus, Long-armed Sand Octopus, Mimic Octopus, Sand-dwelling Octopus. Found singly, on muddy, sandy bottoms, blending in with the.. more
Also known as Lindae Flatworm, Polyclad Flatworm. Found singly or in pairs, on coral and rubble areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on colonial ascidians. Length - 8cm Depth.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Dot Dash Blenny, Linear Clown Blenny, Lineatus Blenny, Lined Blenny, Lined Combtooth, Lined Combtooth Blenny, Lined Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny,.. more
Also known as Coralfish, Line Butterflyfish, Lined Butterfly, Newmoon Coralfish, Spotnape Butterflyfish. Found singly or in pairs, over lagoons and seaward reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on.. more
Also known as Lined Puller, Puller. Found singly or in loose schools, near the ceiling or at the entrance to large caves, and above upper edges of outer.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Fang Blenny, Sabretooth Blenny, Sabre-toothed Blenny, Striped Blenny, Striped Lineatus Blenny, Yellow-lined Harptail, Yellow-lined Harptail Blenny. Found singly or in pairs, over.. more
Also known as Bristle Worm, Fire Bristle Worm, Marine Fireworm, Marine Worms, Rock Worm, Sea Caterpillar, Sea Mice, Segmented Sea Worm, Segmented Worm, Tubeworm. Found hiding in crevices,.. more
Also known as Gold-lined Rabbitfish, Gold-lined Spinefoot, Golden Rabbitfish, Golden Spinefoot, Golden-lined Rabbitfish, Golden-lined Spinefoot, Goldenspot Spinefoot, Goldspot Rabbitfish, Goldspot Spinefoot, Gold-spotted Spinefoot, Lined Spinefoot, Spinefoot, Streaked.. more
Also known as Black-lined Blenny, Coral Blenny, Lined Blenny, Narrow-lined Blenny, Rock Blenny, Rockskipper, Rock-skipping Blenny, Thin-lined Blenny, Thin-lined Rockskipper, Tide-pool Blenny. Found in schools, living in cracks.. more
Also known as Horsefish, Northern Seahorse, Oceanic Seahorse, Spotted Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs, anchored with their tails to gorgonians and seagrasses, over muddy bottoms, sometimes around.. more
Also known as Blue-banded Surgeon, Blue-banded Surgeonfish, Blue-lined Surgeonfish, Clown Surgeon, Clown Surgeonfish, Clown Tang, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Lined Surgeon, Pyjama Clown, Striped Surgeon, Striped Surgeonfish, Tang Clown,.. more
Also known as Blue-banded Surgeon, Blue-banded Surgeonfish, Blue-lined Surgeonfish, Clown Surgeon, Clown Surgeonfish, Clown Tang, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Lined Surgeon, Pyjama Clown, Striped Surgeon, Striped Surgeonfish, Tang Clown,.. more
Also known as Line Wrasse, Lined Tamarin, Sandreef Wrasse, White-dashed Wrasse, White-dashes Wrasse. Found in small harems over drop-offs and coastal slopes of lagoons and seaward reefs. They.. more
Also known as Fine-lined Nembrotha, Lined Nembrotha, Lineolata Sea Slug, Nudibranch, Polycerid Nudibranch, Robin Nudibranch, Robin Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas,.. more
Also known as Common Ling, Cuskfish, European Ling, Molva, Molva Ling, Rockling. Found singly, over rocky bottoms, around crevices, rocks, and wrecks, of deep water, coastal shelves.. more
Also known as Godeffroy's Sea Cucumber, Medusa Worm, Serpentine Sea Cucumber, Sticky Snake Sea Cucumber, Synaptid Sea Cucumber, Tripang, Wormfish. Found singly or in pickles, during the.. more
Also known as Lumpy Erect Tube Sponge, Marine Sponge, Pado Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tube Sponge. Found on drop-offs and slopes, of coral and rocky reefs. Varies in colour. They.. more
Also known as Lipspot Moray Eel, Textile Moray, Whitelip Moray, White-lipped Moray, White-lipped Reef Eel. Found during the day in caves, crevices, under ledges, and amongst rubble, usually.. more
Also known as Lipstick, Lipstick Headstander. Found in pairs, under, and around densely grown weedy areas, over coastal drainage ditches and rivers, of the upper Amazon River Basin. They.. more
Also known as Giant Mantis Shrimp, Giant Spearing Mantis Shrimp, Spearer Mantis Shrimp, Spearing Mantis Shrimp. This large mantis shrimp, is found in a very large hole, in.. more
Also known as Collar Blenny, Coral Blenny, Little Clown Blenny, Maldive Blenny, Maldives Collar Blenny, Maldivian Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly or in pairs, peeping out.. more
Also known as Highcrest Triplefin, Threefiny, Threefin Blenny, Threefin, Triplefin. Found singly, under ledges or resting on rocks, over exposed surge zones of reef margins. They feed on benthic.. more
Also known as Beachrunner Crab, Blackback Land Crab, Black-backed Land Crab, Black Land Crab, Brachyura Crab, Little Nipper, Purple-backed Shore Crab, Terrestrial Crab, Tropical Land Crab, True.. more
Also known as Atlantic Black Skipjack, Atlantic Little Tuna, Atlantic Little Tunny, Black Skipjack, False Albacore, Fat Albert, Little Tuna, Spotted Bonito. Found in schools, close to.. more
Also known as Silver Porgy. Found singly, over coral and sponge bottoms, of artificial reefs and off-shore platforms. They feed on invertebrates. Length - 46cm Depth - 0-120m Widespread Western Atlantic Porgies.. more
Also known as Shark Remora, Sharksucker, Slender Sharksucker, Slender Suckerfish, Slender Suckingfish, Striped Remora, Striped Suckerfish, Suckerfish, Suckingfish, Whitefin Sharksucker, White-tailed Remora. Found singly or in schools, either.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Livingstonii, Livingston's Hap, Malawi Cichlid, Mbuna. Found singly, and very territorial, over most habitats, but common over soft bottoms, with vegetated areas, in.. more
Also known as Brain Coral, Dented Brain Coral, Flat Brain Coral, Flower Bouquet Coral, Greater Brain Coral, Lobed Brain Coral, Meat Coral, Modern Coral, Open Brain Coral,.. more
Also known as Arctic Ctenophore, Common Northern Comb Jelly, Deep Sea Comb Jelly, Lobed Sea Gooseberry, Lobate Ctenophore, Northern Comb Jelly, Oblong Comb Jelly, Sea Gooseberry. Found singly,.. more
Also known as Lochi Chromodoris, Lochi Sea Slug, Loch's Chromodoris, Loch's Magnificent Slug, Nudibranch, Toothpaste Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral.. more
Also known as - No other name Found singly, resting on coral heads and sponges, over shallow, clear water, rocky shores, of coral reefs. They feed on small benthic.. more
Also known as Atlantic Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta Atlantic Loggerhead Turtle, Loggerhead, Loggerhead Sea Turtle. Found foraging for food in shallow estuaries, coastal reefs, and over open seas. They feed.. more
Also known as Coral Goby, Gudgeon, Loki's Goby, Reef Goby, Seawhip Goby, Whip Coral Goby, Whip Goby, Whiteline Seawhip Goby. Found singly, or in pairs, living with gorgonian.. more
Also known as Atra Sea Cucumber, Black Beauty, Black Cucumber, Black Lollyfish, Black Sea Cucumber, Blackfish, Holothuria Lolly, Lolly, Lollyfish Sea Cucumber, Tripang. Found singly often covered.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Blue Kenyi Cichlid, Golden Zebra Cichlid, Kenyi Cichlid, Kenyi Mbuna, Kennyi Mbuna, Lake Malawi Cichlid, Lombardio Mbuna, Malawi Cichlid, Mbuna Malawi African.. more
Also known as Brachyura Crab, Decorator Crab, Prickly Spider Crab, Soft Coral Spider Crab, Spider Crab, Spiny Spider Crab, True Crab. Found camouflaged with debris, rubbish, and weed,.. more
Also known as Anemone Partner Shrimp, Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, Red Sea Anemone Shrimp. Found living symbiotically with corals and sea anemones, over coral.. more
Also known as Banded Feather Star, Crinoid, Feather Star Criniod, Feather Starfish, Palm Frond Feather Star, Sea Lily, Storked Sea Lily. Found singly, or in colonies, attached to.. more
Also known as Anomura Crab, Plated Lobster, Rugose Squat Lobster. Found under boulders and in crevices, over mud, sand and rocky substrates, in shallow to deeper waters of.. more
Also known as Bigfin Bigeye, Bulleye, Deepwater Bullseye, Glasseye, Goggle Eye, Longfin Bigeye, Red Soldierfish. Found singly, or in small schools, during the day in caves and.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Longfin Sleeper Goby, Long-finned Sleeper Goby, Ocellate Glider Goby, Ocellated Goby, Ocellated Gudgeon, Sand Sifting Goby, Sleeper Goby, Striped Sleeper Goby, Teardrop Sleeper.. more
Also known as Bigfin Reef Squid, Calamari Squid, Common Pelagic Squid, Cuttlefish, Glitter Squid, Indo-Pacific Squid, Loliginid Squid, Northern Calamari, Oval Squid, Pacific Reef Squid, Tropical Squid. Found.. more
Also known as Bigfin Reef Squid, Calamari Squid, Common Pelagic Squid, Cuttlefish, Glitter Squid, Indo-Pacific Squid, Loliginid Squid, Northern Calamari, Oval Squid, Pacific Reef Squid, Tropical Squid. Found.. more
Also known as Bigmouth Trevally, Chub Mackerel, Indian Mackerel, Longjaw Mackerel, Mouth Mackerel, Rake-gilled Mackerel, Short Mackerel, Striped Mackerel. Found in tightly packed schools, often with wide.. more
Also known as Popeye Fish, Pop-eyed Fish, White-spotted Stargazer. Found singly, buried in gravel, mud, and sandy areas, with just the eyes and mouth showing, waiting for their.. more
Also known as Elegant Sand Diver, Threadfin Sand Diver. Found in harems, hovering above sandy slopes, diving head first into the sand if disturbed, or buried in the.. more
Also known as Bridled Rock Whiting, Bridled Weed Whiting, Longray Rock Whiting, Longray Weed Whiting, Long-rayed Rock Whiting, Stranger, Weed Whiting. Found in large, loose schools, over soft.. more
Also known as Day Sarpon, Grinner, Handsaw Fish, Longnose Lancetfish, Longsnout Lancetfish, Pacific Lancetfish, Scaleless Lizardfish, Wolf Fish. Found around the world mainly in deep warmer waters but.. more
Also known as Clobberhead, Fatherlasher, Granny Fish, Long-spined Bullhead Sea Scorpion, Long-spined Sea Scorpion, Lucky Proach, Rock Sculpin, Rockfish, Sea Scorpion, Spikey. Found singly, on rocky bottoms, in.. more
Also known as Ghost Shrimp, Longarm Shrimp, Longimanus Shrimp, Penaeid Shrimp. Found singly, on mud and sandy bottoms, often buried in the sand with just their eyes showing. They.. more
Also known as Band-dot Goatfish, Dot-and-dash Goatfish, Long-barbeled Goatfish, Long-rayed Goatfish. Found singly or in small schools, foraging for food over sand and weedy bottoms, of lagoons and.. more
Also known as Bream, Longnose Emperor, Longnose Pigface Bream, Long-nosed Emperor, Pigface Bream, Pigface Bream Emperor, Small-tooth Emperor, Small-toothed Emperor, Trumpet Emperor, Yellow-banded Emperor. Found singly, or in.. more
Also known as Ashen Conger Eel, Ash-coloured Conger, Blacklip Conger, Black-edged Conger, Indian Conger, Longfin Conger, Mustache Conger, Mustache Conger Eel. Found singly, over reef flats, and seagrass.. more
Also known as Angelfish Pennant, Bannerfish, Black-and-White Bannerfish, Black-and-White Butterflyfish, Black-and-White Heniochus Bannerfish, Coachman, Common Bannerfish, Coralfish, False Moorish Idol, Featherfin Bullfish, Featherfin Coralfish, Heniochus Butterfly, Longfin.. more
Also known as Longfin Platax Batfish, Longfin Spadefish, Longfin Teira, Orbicular Batfish, Roundface Batfish, Roundface Spadefish, Roundface Teira, Round-faced Batfish, Round-faced Spadefish, Round-faced Teira, Tall-fin Batfish .. more
Also known as Longfin Platax Batfish, Longfin Spadefish, Longfin Teira, Orbicular Batfish, Roundface Batfish, Roundface Spadefish, Roundface Teira, Round-faced Batfish, Round-faced Spadefish, Round-faced Teira, Tall-fin Batfish .. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel, Honey Damselfish, Longfin Gregory. Found singly or in pairs, over coral and rubble areas, of sheltered inshore lagoons and fringing reefs. Very territorial. They.. more
Also known as Farmer Damsel, Honey Damselfish, Longfin Gregory. Found singly or in pairs, over coral and rubble areas, of sheltered inshore lagoons and fringing reefs. Very territorial. They.. more
Also known as Brown-headed Emperor, Longspine Emperor, Masked Emperor, Mozambique Emperor, Pigface Bream, Redfin Emperor, Tail-saddle Emperor, Tail-saddled Emperor. Found singly or in small schools, over sandy areas.. more
Also known as Bar-breasted Rockcod, Barred-chest Rockcod, Barrelchest Grouper, Cod, Coral Cod, Gilbert's Rockcod, Hind, Honeycomb Cod, Honeycomb Grouper, Honeycomb Rockcod, Longfin Cod, Longfin Rockcod, Long-finned Cod,.. more
Also known as Anthias, Basslet, Long-finned Basslet, Long-finned Perchlet, Sea Perch, Silverspot. Found singly and secretive in crevices, around bommies, and amongst small boulders, over sandy slopes.. more
Also known as Jack Pike, Long-finned Seapike, Pike, Skipjack Pike, Yellowfin Pike. Found in schools over rocky areas of coastal bays. They feed on fish. Length - 84cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Flying Fish, Grunt Fish, Gurnard, Japanese Sea Robin, Longwing Sea Robin. Found singly, on rubble, and sandy bottoms, sometimes partially buried in sand, over bays.. more
Also known as Black-pitted Sand Eel, Burrowing Snake Eel, Estuary Snake Eel, Worm Eel. Found singly or in loose groups, usually buried, or with just their heads.. more
Also known as Amberjack, Armed Trevally, Horse Trevally, Jackfish, Kingfish, Long-finned Cavalla, Longfin Cavalla, Longfin Kingfish, Longtail Cavalla, Longtail Trevally, Round Trevally, Scad, Trevally. Found singly when inshore,.. more
Also known as Gurnard, Sea Robin. Found singly, walking over sandy bottoms searching for prey, by using their fins to forage for food, in very deep waters, of.. more
Also known as Cofferfish, Cowfish, Horned Boxfish, Horned Trunkfish, Long-horned Cowfish, Trunkfish. Found singly, over mud, sand, and weedy bottoms, of coastal bays, estuaries, and harbours. They feed by.. more
Also known as Cofferfish, Cowfish, Horned Boxfish, Horned Trunkfish, Long-horned Cowfish, Trunkfish. Found singly, over mud, sand, and weedy bottoms, of coastal bays, estuaries, and harbours. They feed by.. more
Also known as Bigmouth Leatherjacket, Deepbody Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket, Longjaw Queenfish, Trevally. Found in schools, over shallow coastal waters of bays, estuaries and coastal rivers. They feed on benthic crustaceans,.. more
Also known as Large-mouthed Squirrelfish, Longspine Squirrelfish, Switchtail. Found singly or in small schools, during the day hiding near dark recesses, dispersing at night hunting for food, over.. more
Also known as Bait, Baitfish, Long-horned Anchovy, Longjaw Glassnose, Orangemouth Thryssa. Found in schools, close to shore, around bays, estuaries, and inlets. They feed on crustaceans and zoea larvae. Length.. more
Also known as Butler's Frogfish, Flagpole Frogfish, Psychedelic Frogfish. Found singly, pairs, or in trios, sitting on sponges, etc, camouflaged, with the colour and pattern of their seat.. more
Also known as Big Longnose Butterflyfish, Big Long-nosed Butterflyfish, Black Long-nosed Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Extra Longnose Butterfly, Forcepsfish, Long-beaked Butterflyfish, Longbill, Longnose Butterfly, Long-nosed Butterflyfish, Long-nosed Coralfish, Long-snouted.. more
Also known as Big Long-nosed Butterflyfish, Common Longnose Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Forceps Butterflyfish, Forceps Fish, Longnose Butterfly, Longnose Coralfish, Long-nosed Butterflyfish, Long-nosed Coralfish, Long-snouted Butterflyfish, Long-snouted Coralfish, Yellow.. more
Also known as Billfish, Billy Gar, Garfish, Garpike, Longnose Garpike, Long-nosed Gar, Needlenose Gar. Found in sluggish backwaters, oxbows, lakes, pools, and large rivers. They feed on crustaceans and.. more
Also known as Longnose Hawk, Long-nosed Hawkfish. Found singly or in pairs, perched on black corals and large gorgonians, over steep, outer reef slopes, exposed to strong currents. They.. more
Also known as Alligatorfish, Crocodilefish, Hooknose, Poacher Fish, Rockhead, Starsnout, Sturgeon Poacher. Found in very deep, cold waters, of the ocean. They feed on benthic crustaceans, invertebrates, and worms. Length.. more
Also known as Blowfish, Common Puffer, Lobeskin Puffer, Longnose Pufferfish, Pufferfish, Sugar Toad, Swellfish, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found blending in with the background, over sand, and weedy areas, of.. more
Also known as Flat-faced Seahorse, Lowcrown Seahorse, Low-crowned Seahorse, Smooth Seahorse, Threespot Seahorse, Three-spotted Seahorse. Found singly, or in pairs, anchored to vegetation or debris with their tails,.. more
Also known as Brachyura Crab, Decorator Crab, Doubtful Spider Crab, Imitator Crab. Found in shallow waters, covered in rubbish, seaweed, shells, sponges, etc., attached by hooks to its.. more
Also known as Black Sucker, Finescale Sucker, Jasper Longnose Sucker, Long-nosed Sucker, Northern Sucker, Red Sucker, Red-sided Sucker, Siberian Sucker, Sturgeon Sucker. Found over shallow, gravel bottoms, and.. more
Also known as Longnose Kingfish, Club-nosed Trevally, Dusky Trevally, Grunting Trevally, Horse Mackerel, Scad. Found singly or in small schools, over open waters of coastal reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Atlantic Longnose Butterflyfish, Butterbun, Caribbean Longsnout Butterflyfish, Caribbean Long-snouted Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Poey's Butterflyfish, Rosy Butterflyfish. Found singly, or in pairs, around reef drop-offs, usually.. more
Also known as Crocodilefish. Found singly or in small schools, over sandy areas, close to coral reefs. They feed nocturnally on crustaceans and fish. Length - 25cm Depth - 0-100m Widespread Indo-Pacific Flatheads.. more
Also known as Horsefish, Long-snouted Seahorse, Reidi Seahorse, Slender Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs, anchored with their tails to gorgonians and seagrasses, over muddy bottoms of estuaries.. more
Also known as Banded Diadem Urchin, Black Longspine Urchin, Diadema Sea Urchin, Longspine Sea Urchin, Long-spined Black Urchin, Long-spined Sea Urchin, Long-spined Urchin, Needle-spined Urchin, Needle-spined Sea.. more
Also known as Grassy Sweetlip, Lance Emperor, Lancer, Large-eye Bream, Pigface Bream, Threadfin Bream, Threadfin Emperor, Yellow-spotted Emperor. Found singly or in schools, over sandy areas and in.. more
Also known as Cod, Highfin Grouper, Hind, Longspine Rockcod, Rockcod, Spotted Grouper, Streakyspot Grouper, Streakyspot Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, over rock and sand bottoms, of coral reefs. They feed.. more
Also known as Bellowfish, Common Bellowfish, Common Snipefish, Deepbody Snipefish, Long-nosed Snipefish, Slender Snipefish, Spine Trumpetfish, Trumpetfish. Found in small schools, close to the bottom, over the lower.. more
Also known as Miss Darlington, Rufus Squirrelfish, Wrenchman. Found singly or in small schools, close to caves and crevices during the day, dispersing at night hunting for food,.. more
Also known as Brachyura Crab, Swimming Crab, True Crab. Found over mud and sandy bottoms, amongst broken shells and corals, in both shallow, and very deep waters of.. more
Also known as Blackspot Sea Perch, Blackspot Snapper, Dory Snapper, Fingermark Bream, Golden Snapper, Humpback Red Snapper, Moses Perch, Red Bream, Redspot Snapper. Found in small to large.. more
Also known as American Tadpole Shrimp, Living Fossil, Mini Horseshoe Crab, Rice Tadpole Shrimp. Found in freshwater ponds and pools. They feed on algae, insects and organic debris. Length -.. more
Also known as Atlantic Lookdown, Bluntnose, Dollarfish, Flat Jack, Hairfin Lookdown, Hair-finned Dory, Hair-finned Silverfish, Horsefish, Horsehead, Lookdown Fish, Lookdown Jack, Lookdown Moonfish, Moonfish, Moonshine, Silver Lookdown,.. more
Also known as - No other name Found singly, or in loose schools, over shallow, rocky, coastal shorelines, rich in algae growth. They feed on filamentous algae. Length - 30cm Depth.. more
Also known as Acan Lord, Aussie Acan, Australian Emerald Lace Coral, Candy Cane Coral, Candy Stripe Coral, Closed Brain Coral, Lord Coral, Lord Red-and-Blue Coral, Lord Red-and-Green.. more
Also known as Alpheid Shrimp, Cauliflower Coral Shrimp, Coral Guard Snapping Shrimp, Coral Snapping Shrimp, Goby Shrimp, Lottini Pistol Shrimp, Pistol Shrimp, Pocillopora Shrimp, Snapping Shrimp, Spotted-claw.. more
Also known as Bubbletail Slug, Egg Sea Slug, 'Nudibranch' (but they are not), Pleasant, Chelidonura, Tailed Slug, Yellowmargin Swallowtail Slug. Found singly or in pairs, crawling on.. more
Also known as Coral Scorpionfish, Firefish, Goblinfish, Shortfin Goblinfish, Shortfin Rockfish, Short-finned Scorpionfish, Short-spined Scorpionfish, Shortfin Scorpionfish,Stingfish. Found singly or in pairs, well camouflaged over sandy bottoms, of.. more
Also known as Carpinte Cichlid, Electric Blue Escondido Texas Cichlid, Electric Blue Texas Cichlid, Green Texas Cichlid, Pearlscale Cichlid, Texas Cichlid. Found in both fast flowing, and still.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Lubbock's Combtooth Blenny, Lubbock's Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, or in pairs, resting on boulders, over coral and rubble areas,.. more
Also known as Fairy Wrasse, Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Multicolor Wrasse, Orangeback Wrasse, Small-mouthed Wrasse, Tricolor Fairy Wrasse, Yellowback Wrasse. Found in medium.. more
Also known as Baggety, Henfish, Lumpsucker, Paddle-cock, Sea Hen. Found singly, on rocky bottoms or in floating seaweeds, usually over shallow waters in summer and deeper waters.. more
Also known as Blue Fusilier, Metallic-blue Fusilier, Moon Caesio, Moon Fusilier. Found in large schools, sometimes mixed with other fusiliers, feeding midwater, over upper edge's of steep slopes.. more
Also known as Blowfish, Green Bough Backed Blowfish, Green Puffer, Green Rough-backed Puffer, Green Rough-backed Pufferfish, Moontail Puffer, Pufferfish, Rabbithead Puffer, Rough Golden Toadfish, Toadfish. Found singly, pairs,.. more
Also known as Barbells, Frogfish, Portuguese Toadfish. Found singly, often buried in sand or rock crevices, with just their eyes showing, over shallow, coastal bays and lagoons. They feed.. more
Also know as Luther's Partner Goby, Luther's Shrimpgoby, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby, Watchman Goby. Found in pairs, sharing their burrow with an alpheid shrimp, over rubble and sandy.. more
Also known as Emperador, Luvaro, Silver King. Found singly, near the surface or in deep waters of the oceans. They feed on jellyfish and gelatinous zooplankton. Length - 200cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Asteroid, Luzon Starfish, Orange Luzon Sea Star, Orange Luzon Starfish, Orange Sea Star, Orange Starfish, Starfish. Found singly or in constellations, over rubble and sandy.. more
Also known as Cowry, Eglantine Cowry, Eyed Cowry, Porcelain Lynx. Found in small groups, during the day under coral slabs, stones and half exposed crevices of coral and.. more
Also known as Blue Gudgeon, Dartfish, Dart Goby, Goby, Gudgeon, Hover Goby, Lyretail Dartfish, Lyretail Goby, Monocle Dartfish, Monofin Dartfish, Monofin Dartgoby, Monoptera Dartfish, Worm Goby. Found.. more
Also known as Many-rayed Handfish, Red Hawkfish, Soaring Hawkfish, Swallowtail Hawkfish. Found singly, perched on corals and rocks, or hovering above bottoms, close to small coral heads and.. more
Also known as Bronzehead Hogfish, Hogfish, Lyretail Pigfish. Found singly or in pairs, over steep walls and slopes of seaward and outer reefs rich with invertebrate growth. They feed.. more
Also known as Ambon Cleaner Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, Dwarf Cleaner Shrimp, Humpback Cleaner Shrimp, Red-striped Cleaner Shrimp, Striped Cleaner Shrimp, Striped Small Cleaner, Yellowleg Cleaner.. more