Lubbock's Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki)

Also known as Fairy Wrasse, Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Multicolor Wrasse, Orangeback Wrasse, Small-mouthed Wrasse, Tricolor Fairy Wrasse, Yellowback Wrasse


Also known as Fairy Wrasse, Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Multicolor Wrasse, Orangeback Wrasse, Small-mouthed Wrasse, Tricolor Fairy Wrasse, Yellowback Wrasse.

Found in medium to large schools, in the arms of branching corals, over coral bottoms, and around coral heads of outer reefs.
They feed on zooplankton.
Length - 8cm
Depth - 4-45m
Widespread Western Central Pacific

Most reef fish seen by divers during the day, are grazers, they cruise around, just above the surface of the coral, or snoop into crevices, foraging for food.
Wrasses have small protruding teeth, which they use to graze the bottom, taking in a variety of algae, crustaceans, such as crabs, eggs, shrimps, snails and worms. Any hard coats or thick shells, are then ground down by their pharyngeal jaws, and the delicacies inside digested.
From juvenile to adult, wrasses dramatically alter their colour and body shapes.
Wrasses are always on the go during the day, but are the first to go to bed and the last to rise.
Small wrasses dive below the sand to sleep, and larger wrasses wedge themselves in crevices. Ref:


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