Lined Fireworm (Pherecardia striata)

Also known as Bristle Worm, Fire Bristle Worm, Marine Fireworm, Marine Worms, Rock Worm, Sea Caterpillar, Sea Mice, Segmented Sea Worm, Segmented Worm, Tubeworm


Also known as Bristle Worm, Fire Bristle Worm, Marine Fireworm, Marine Worms, Rock Worm, Sea Caterpillar, Sea Mice, Segmented Sea Worm, Segmented Worm, Tubeworm.

Found hiding in crevices, under rocks, rubble, and in seagrass beds, of coral and rocky reefs.
They feed on anemones, crustaceans, hard and soft corals.
Length - 20cm
Depth - ?m
Widespread Pacific Ocean

Segmented worms are extremely mobile, have strong jaws for hunting and feeding on their prey.
Some worms are covered in hairs for protection, scavenging on the sea floor for detritus.
Others are delicate fans, protected by their self made tubes, which they retreat back into when threatened, these are filter feeders and feed on plankton. Ref: x

1 comment

  1. Posted by Marta deMaintenon
    October 06, 2021 at 02:26 am - 1 person found this useful.

    Fire worms like this one have no jaws, but the notopodial chaetae carry a toxin. So it can't bite you, but don't touch it!

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