A to Z

Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.

Jack Dempsey - Cichlids

Also known as Blue Jack Dempsey, Diamond Cichlid, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Jack Dempsey Cichlid. Found in weedy areas, over mud and sandy bottoms, of warm, slow moving,.. more

Jack-knifefish - Drums-Croakers

Also known as Black-and-White Drumfish, Donkey Fish, Hardhead, Highhat, Jack-knife, Lance-shaped Ribbonfish, Ribbonfish. Found singly, over shallow and deep reefs of inshore bays and sounds. Front dorsal fin.. more

Jack-knifefish (Juvenile) - Drums-Croakers

Also known as Black-and-White Drumfish, Donkey Fish, Hardhead, Highhat, Jack-knife, Lance-shaped Ribbonfish, Ribbonfish. Found singly, over shallow and deep reefs, of inshore bays and sounds. Front Dorsal Fin.. more

Jaguar Guapote - Cichlids

Also known as Aztec Cichlid, Jaguar Cichlid, Managua Cichlid, Spotted Guapote, Tiger Guapote. Found in oxygen depleted turbid waters, over detritus, mud and sandy bottoms, of lakes,.. more

Jansen's Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Jansen Saddle Wrasse, Lunate-tailed Wrasse. Found in schools, over rocky areas of exposed reef crests, in lagoons and coral reefs. They feed on small fish and.. more

Janus' Brittle Star - Sea Stars---Brittle Stars

Also known as Black Brittle Star, Bristle Star, Brittle Sea Star, Brittle Star, Brittle Starfish, Snake Brittle Star, Starfish. Found during the day, wrapped around corals, in.. more

Japan Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Doctorfish, Goldrim Tang, Gold-rimmed Tang, Japanese Surgeonfish, Lancetfish, Powder Black Surgeonfish, Powder Brown Surgeonfish, Powder Brown Tang, White-faced Surgeonfish, Whitenose Surgeonfish, White-nosed Surgeonfish. Found singly,.. more

Japanese angelshark - Angel sharks

A little-known angelshark, found on or near the bottom. Lives in sandy ground. A carnivore that eats benthic animals. Ovoviviparous. Utilized for human consumption and for preparation.. more

Japanese Filefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Cryptic Filefish, Cryptic Leatherjacket, Hair-finned Filefish, Hair-finned Leatherjacket, Jade Filefish, Jade Leatherjacket, Japanese Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket. Found singly, over muddy, sandy substrates with seagrass and weed.. more

Japanese Filefish (Juvenile) - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Cryptic Filefish, Cryptic Leatherjacket, Hair-finned Filefish, Hair-finned Leatherjacket, Jade Filefish, Jade Leatherjacket, Japanese Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket. Found singly, over muddy, sandy substrates, with seagrass and weed.. more

Japanese Giant Spider Crab - Crabs

Also known as Crabzilla, Giant Crab, Giant Spider Crab, Japanese Giant Crab, Japanese Spider Crab, Spider Crab, Tall-footed Crab, Tall-legged Crab. Found on rock and sandy bottoms,.. more

Japanese Leatherjacket - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Cinhalese Leatherjacket, Kochi Filefish, Kochi Leatherjacket, Leatherjacket. Found singly, over deep, muddy substrates, along coastal reefs, sometimes drifting with large sargassum rafts, in deep waters.. more

Japanese Night Shrimp - Shrimps

Also known as Night Shrimp. Found on sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs at night. Often will perform a dance, by raising their rear body and spinning.. more

Japanese Pygmy Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Japanese Angelfish, Japanese Pygmy Dwarf Angelfish. Found in pairs over coral and rocky reefs rich in algae and coral growth. They feed on algae, benthic invertebrates.. more

Japanese Ricefish - Needlefishes---Ricefishes

Also known as Golden Medaka, Japanese Killifish, Japanese Medaka, Medaka, Medaka Rice-carp, Medaka Ricefish, Paddyfish, Rice Paddy Fish, Tooth-carp. Found in schools over marshes, paddy fields, and ponds,.. more

Japanese Seahorse - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Lemur-tail Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs anchored with their tails over muddy bottoms, in seagrass beds of estuaries and coral reefs, also sometimes.. more

Japanese Warbonnets - Eelpouts-Pricklebacks

Also known as Fringed Blenny, Monkeyface Blenny, Shanny. Found singly or in schools on rocky areas of reefs in bays. They feed on small invertebrates. Length - 55cm Depth - ?m Widespread.. more

Java Rabbitfish - Rabbitfishes

Also known as Blue-spotted Rabbitfish, Blue-spotted Spinefoot, Blue-spotted Trevally, Java Spinefoot, Spinefoot, Streaked Rabbitfish, Streaked Spinefoot, Streaky Spinefoot, White-spotted Rabbitfish. Found in small schools, over shallow brackish coastal.. more

Java Sandperch - Sand Dwellers---Sandperches

Also known as Grubfish, Peppered Grubfish, Sandsmelt, Weever, Weeverfish, Whitestripe Sandperch, Yellowbar Sandperch, Yellow-barred Sandperch, Yellowspot Grubfish. Found singly, amongst boulders and rubble, over protected sandy areas of.. more

Javanese Cownose Ray - Rays---Stingrays-Cownose Rays

Also known as Cowfish, Cownose Ray, Cownose Stingray, Cow-nosed Ray, Eagle Ray, Flap Ray, Flapnose Ray, Java Cownose Eagle Ray, Javanese Cowray. Found in small to very large.. more

Javanese Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackvelvet Damsel, Blackvelvet Damselfish, Blue-banded Damselfish, Bluestreak Damsel, Bluestreak Damselfish, Bluestreak Devil, Bluevelvet Damsel, Bluevelvet Damselfish, Java Damsel, Javanese Damselfish, Javanese Neonvelvet Damsel, Neonvelvet.. more

Javanese Damsel (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackvelvet Damsel, Blackvelvet Damselfish, Blue-banded Damselfish, Bluestreak Damsel, Bluestreak Damselfish, Bluestreak Devil, Bluevelvet Damsel, Bluevelvet Damselfish, Java Damsel, Javanese Damselfish, Javanese Neonvelvet Damsel, Neonvelvet.. more

Jebb's Flatworm - Marine Worms---Flatworms

Also known as Polyclad Worm, Polyclad Flatworm, Wavy Flatworm. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on ascidians and.. more

Jelly Fingers - Algae

Also known as Bubble Green Seaweed, Green Bubbles, Green Hotdog, Jelly Bubbles. Found singly or in small bunches, attached to the substrate over intertidal rocky reefs and clam.. more

Jellybeans (Man Made Hybrids) - Cichlids

Also known as Asian Parrot Chiclid, Blood Parrot Cichlid, Bloody Parrot, Bump-head Cichlid, Flower Horn Cichlid, Flower Horn Midas Cichlid, Golds, Jellybean Parrot Chiclid, Midas Cichlid, Red.. more

Jenny Mojarra - Mojarras

Also known as Common Mojarra, Jenny Lind, Shad, Silver Jenny, Silver Mojarra, Silver Perch, Silverbelly, Silverbiddy. Found singly or in schools, over shallow mud, sand, and vegetated bottoms,.. more

Jewel Anemone - Corallimorphs

Also known as Colour Rock Anemone, Corallimorph Anemone, False Anemone, Hexacoral, Hoplites Corallimoph, Zoantharia. Found in dense colonies, attached in reef crevices and under ledges, over rubble areas.. more

Jewel Tetra - Characins---Characins-Tetras

Also known as Blood Characin, Blood Tetra, Callistus, Callistus Tetra, Minor Tetra, Red Minor Tetra, Red Serpa, Serpa Tetra. Found in schools, over sluggish, stagnant backwaters of.. more

Jewelfish - Cichlids

Also known as African Jewel Cichlid, African Jewelfish, Blue Jewel, Jewel Cichlid, Red Jewel, Red Jewel Cichlid, Scarlet Jewel Cichlid, Two-spotted Jewelfish, West African Jewelfish. Found in.. more

Jewelled Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Algae Blenny, Banded Blenny, Banded Jewelled Blenny, Barred Blenny, Coral Blenny, Eyelash Blenny, Jewel Blenny, Jewelled Eyelash Blenny, Jewelled Rockskipper, Lawnmower Blenny, Lineated Blenny,.. more

John Dory - Dories

Also known as Atlantic John Dory, Doorkeeper's Fish, Girti, St. Peter's Fish, St. Pierre. Found singly, close to the seabed, often in deep waters of the continental shelf. They.. more

Johnston Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue-eye Damsel, Blue-eye Damselfish, Farmer Damsel, Johnston Island Damsel, Johnston Island Damselfish, Widebar Damsel. Found singly, or in small, loose schools, sheltering in the.. more

Jolly Green Giant - Sea Slugs

Also known as Green Ceratosoma Nudibranch, Miamira sinuata, Nudibranch, Sinuate Ceratosoma. Found singly or in pairs, over rubble and sandy areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on.. more

Jolthead porgy - Porgies

Also known as Blue Bone Porgy, Porgy Grunt. Found singly, over vegetated coral, and sandy bottoms, of coastal waters, sometimes found in much deeper waters. They feed on.. more

Josephine's Moon-shell (Egg Casing) - Sea Snails

Also known as Josephine's Moon Snail, Moon Shell, Moon Snail, Necklace Shell, Naticid Snail, Neverita Josephine. Found over inter-tidal, to deeper sandy areas of reefs. They produce a.. more

Jumping Blenny - Blennies---Triplefin Blennies

Also known as Spangled Blenny, Threefin, Threefin Blenny, Western Jumping Blenny. Found in small schools, on shallow inshore exposed platforms, over algae covered rocks and in pools of.. more

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