A to Z

Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.

T-Bar Cichlid - Cichlids

Also known as Costa Rican Blue-eyed Cichlid, Jade Eye Cichlid, Sajica Cichlid, T-Bar Sajica Cichlid. Found in moderate to strong currents, over gravel and rocks, in rivers and.. more

Tadpole Madtom - Catfishes---North American Freshwater Catfishes

Also known as Bullhead Catfish, Madtom. Found over detritus, mud, and rock bottoms, in very shallow, backwaters, lowland creeks, lakes, and small to large rivers. They feed on crustaceans,.. more

Tahiti Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Tahitian Butterfly, Tahitian Butterflyfish. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over protected, shallow, lagoon reefs. They feed on plankton. Length - 12cm Depth - 0-25m Widespread Eastern Pacific Butterflyfishes.. more

Tailspot Coralblenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Tailspot Blenny, Tailspot Combtooth Benny. Found singly, or in small schools, over sheltered, living coral, and rocky areas, of lagoons and coastal reefs. They.. more

Tailspot ctenopoma - Gouramies--- Climbing Gouramies

Also known as Bush Fish, Climbing Perch, Gray Ctenopoma, Kingsley's Ctenopoma, Silverbelly Climbing Perch, Silverbelly Ctenopoma, Tailspot Bushfish, Tailspot Climbing Perch, Walking Fish. Found in rivers, streams,.. more

Talang Queenfish - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Giant Dart, Giant Leatherskin, Giant Queenfish, Giant Trevally, Largemouth Queenfish, Leatherjacket, Leatherskin, Queenfish, Queenie, Skinny, Skinnyfish, Talang Leatherskin, Trevally, Whitefish. Found in small schools, around.. more

Talbot's Demoiselle - Damselfishes

Also known as Talbot's Damsel, Talbot's Damselfish. Found singly, over mixed coral and rubble patches, of deep lagoons and fringing reef slopes, rich in coral growth. They feed just.. more

Tan Hamlet - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Cod, Hamlet, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, close to the bottom, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on small crustaceans and tiny fish. Length -.. more

Tan-faced Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Blue Parrotfish, Pacific Slopehead Parrotfish, Reefcrest Parrotfish, Tattooed Parrotfish. Found in small schools, foraging for food, over exposed reef flats, and seaward reefs rich in.. more

Tank Goby - Gobies

Also known as Bar-eyed Goby, Flat-headed Goby, Flathead Goby, Freshwater Goby, Ganges Goby, Ganges Tank Goby, Gudgeon, Indian Freshwater Goby, White Goby. Found in schools, in freshwater estuaries,.. more

Tapestry Turban - Sea Snails

Also known as Banded Turbo, Cateye Snail, Cats Eye Shell, Chevron Snail, Tapestry Turban Shell, Turban Shell, Turban Snail, Turbo, Turbo Grazer, Turbo Tapestry. Found on gravel, rubble,.. more

Tarpon Snook - Snooks

Also known as Blackfin Snook, Combtooth Snook, Culan Snook, Robalo. Found in shallow, murky, or freshwater estuaries, lagoons and coastal reefs. They feed on crustaceans and fish. Length - 56cm Depth.. more

Tartessicum Triplefin - Blennies---Triplefin Blennies

Also known as Mediterranean Triplefin, Threefin, Threefin Blenny, Triplefin. Found close to or in crevices, over very shallow, clear, light-exposed areas of rocky shores of coastal reefs rich.. more

Tarwhine - Porgies

Also known as Bream, Goldline Seabream, Gold-lined Seabream, Natal Stumpnose, Sea Bream, Silver Bream, Silver Seabream, Snapper, Yellowfin Bream. Found singly or in schools, foraging for food, along.. more

Tasmanian Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Bully, Horned Blenny, Southern Blenny, Tasmanian Horned Blenny. Found singly, in shallow waters, nesting or resting in discarded bottles and cans, under jetties, tops.. more

Tasselled Wobbegong - Sharks---Carpet-Nurse Sharks

Also known as Bearded Wobbegong, Ogilbys Wobbegong, Wobbegong. Found singly or in shivers, often resting on the bottom, over the continental shelf and off-shore reefs. They feed on benthic.. more

Tassled Scorpionfish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Firefish, Flathead Scorpionfish, Goblinfish, Smallscale Firefish, Smallscale Goblinfish, Smallscale Rockfish, Smallscale Scorpionfish, Smallscale Stingfish, Stingfish,Tasseled Goblinfish, Tasseled Rockfish, Weedy Stingfish. Found singly, well.. more

Tautog - Wrasses

Also known as Biglow, Blackfish, Black Porgy, Oysterfish, Whitechin, Tog. Found over hard bottoms, close to shore, occasionally entering brackish waters. Active during the day, resting in.. more

Tawny Nurse Shark - Sharks---Nurse Sharks

Also known as Carpet Shark, Giant Sleepy Shark, Madame X, Rusty Catshark, Rusty Shark, Sleeping Shark, Sleepy Shark, Spitting Shark, Tawny Shark. Found singly or in small shivers,.. more

Taylor's Garden Eel - Eels---Conger-Garden Eels

Also known as Leopard Garden Eel. Found singly or in small colonies, half buried over silty sand and seagrass beds, of inshore waters, usually waving their.. more

Taylor's Inflator Filefish (Juvenile) - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Leatherjacket, Pigmy Leatherjacket, Puffer Filefish, Taylor's Leatherjacket, Taylors's Pygmy Leatherjacket. Found singly, amongst crinoids, hard and soft corals, sponges and seaweed beds, over coastal reefs. They.. more

Tear-lobed Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Button Coral, Cat's Eye Coral, Doughnut Coral, Flat Cup Coral, Meat Coral, Solitary Coral, Teary Eye Coral, Tooth Coral. Found attached to rocks or imbedded.. more

Teardrop Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Limespot Butterflyfish, Onespot Butterfly, Onespot Butterflyfish, Pacific Teardrop Butterflyfish, Teardrop Coralfish. Found in pairs and small schools, over reef flats, of clear lagoons and.. more

Teardrop Mosquito - Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers

Also known as Mosquitofish, Stippled Gambusia, Stripped Gambusia. Found in freshwater, vegetated areas, close to banks, of drainage ditches, ponds, rivers and isolated islands. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length.. more

Ten-lined Urchin - Sea Urchins

Also known as Hidden Sea Urchin, Knobby Sea Urchin, Mine Urchin, Pencil Urchin, Red-banded Urchin, Sea Hedgehog, Sputnik Urchin. Found singly, during the day, hiding in holes,.. more

Tench - Carps---Tenches

Also known as Doctorfish, Eurasian Tench, European Tench, Green Tench. Found either buried in mud, or over mud and weedy areas, in shallow, densely vegetated backwaters, of.. more

Tenella Fire Coral - Hydroids

Also known as Branching Fire Coral, Fire Hydroid, Octocoral. Found on coral and rocky reefs. This coral is fast growing like a weed and is known to take.. more

Tennent's Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Doctorfish, Doubleband Surgeonfish, Doubleband Tang, Lancetfish, Lieutenant Surgeon, Lieutenant Surgeonfish, Lieutenant Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found singly, or in schools, over silty waters, around slopes,.. more

Tentacled Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Fringehead Blenny, Horned Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly in crevices and holes amongst boulders and light vegetation over sandy bottoms of.. more

Tentacled Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Carpet Flathead, Carpet Flathead Fish, Crocodilefish, Indian Ocean Crocodilefish, Longhead Flathead, Madagascar Flathead. Found singly, in shallow waters, sometimes buried and camouflaged, with just their.. more

Tenue Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Kangaroo Nudibranch, Longtail Ceratosoma Nudibranch, Longtail Ceratosoma Sea Slug, Many-lobed Ceratosoma, Nudibranch, Purple-edged Ceratosoma, Purple-edged Ceratosoma Nudibranch, T-bar Nudibranch, Tenue Sea Slug. Found.. more

Ternate Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Blue Puller, Golden Chromis, Golden Damselfish, Puller, Striped-tail Puller, Swallowtail Puller, Ternate Damselfish. Found in large schools, in and around the arms of staghorn corals,.. more

Tete Sea Catfish - Catfishes---Sea Catfishes

Also known as Blackfin Shark, Christian Catfish, Columbian Shark, Colombian Shark Catfish, Dwarf Shark, Jordans's Catfish, Shark Catfish, Silver-tipped Shark, Silver-tipped Shark Catfish, West American Catfish,.. more

Tetragonal Fiddler Crab - Crabs

Also known as Blue Fiddler Crab, Fiddler Crab, Pacific Fiddler Crab, Smily Fidler Crab, True Crab. Found sometimes in their thousands, over boulder and stone beaches, as well.. more

Teugelsi Bichir - Bichirs

Also known as African Birchir, Cross River Bichir, Dinosaur Birchir, Dinosaur Eel, Dragonfish, Nessy, Reedfish. Found over slow moving waters, along muddy sides of densely shaded rainforest streams... more

Textile Nerite - Sea Snails

Also known as Textile Nerite Shell, Textile Shell. Found along rocky shorelines, of coastal reefs. They feed nocturnally, on algae and detritus. Length - 5cm Depth - Shallow Widespread Western Indian Ocean These.. more

Thai Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Thai Damselfish. Found singly, or in small schools, over coral reefs, in lagoons and over coastal shorelines. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 7cm Depth - 3-10m Eastern Indian.. more

Thai Pygmy Squid - Squids

Also known as Bobtail Squid, Iridescent Squid, Pygmy Cuttlefish, Pygmy Squid, Thailand Bobtail Squid, Thailanese Bobtail Squid. Found sometimes buried with just their eyes showing, over mud, sand.. more

Thetis Fish - Scorpionfishes---Gurnard Scorpionfishes

Also known as Coral Perch, Gurnard Perch, Ocean Perch, Rough Gurnard Perch. Found over the continental shelf. Usually taken by fisherman in trawling grounds. They feed on small fish.. more

Thicklip Gourami - Gouramies

Also known as Sunset Thick-lipped Gourami, Thick-lipped Gourami. Found in schools, close to floating vegetation in slow moving waters, over irrigation channels, rice paddies, ponds and rivers. They.. more

Thicklip Grey Mullet - Mullets

Also known as Grey Mullet, Lesser Grey Mullet, Thicklip Mullet, Thick-lipped Mullet, Thick-lipped Grey Mullet. Found in schools in brackish and freshwaters of lagoons and inshore reefs. They feed.. more

Thinlip Grey Mullet - Mullets

Also known as Grey Mullet, Thin-lipped Grey Mullet, Thinlip Mullet. Found in schools, often in polluted waters close to shore, also entering lagoons and rivers. They feed on algae,.. more

Thompson's Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Chocolate Surgeon, Chocolate Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Night Surgeonfish, Thompson's Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Whitetail Surgeonfish, White-tailed Surgeonfish. Found singly or in small schools, over coral.. more

Thornback Cowfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Boxfishes

Also known as Backspine Cowfish, Blue-spotted Cowfish, Cofferfish, Cowfish, Short-spined Cowfish, Thornback, Thornback Boxfish, Thornback Cow, Thornyback Cowfish. Found singly, over rubble and sandy bottoms, of clear, outer.. more

Thornback Cowfish (Juvenile) - Puffers-Filefishes---Boxfishes

Also known as Backspine Cowfish, Blue-spotted Cowfish, Cofferfish, Cowfish, Short-spined Cowfish, Thornback, Thornback Boxfish, Thornback Cow, Thornyback Cowfish. Found singly, over rubble, and sandy bottoms, of clear, outer.. more

Thorny Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Crocodilefish. Found singly buried with just their heads showing or resting over mud and sandy bottoms of bays and coastal reefs. They feed nocturnally on.. more

Thorny Sea Star - Sea Stars

Also known as Caribbean Sea Star, Flame Red Thorny Starfish, Knobby Starfish, Orange Knobby Star, Red Knobby Starfish, Red Spiny Starfish, Red Thornback Starfish, Red Thorny Sea.. more

Thorny Seahorse - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Longsnout Seahorse, Long-snouted Seahorse, Longspine Seahorse, Prickly Seahorse, Spiny Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs, anchored by their tails, over shallow, sheltered reefs, amongst algae.. more

Thorny stem sponge - Sponges

Also known as Marine Sponge, Pacific Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tropical Marine Sponge. Found between corals and rocks of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on plankton. Length - ?cm Depth -.. more

Threadfin Acara - Cichlids

Also known as Fairy Cichlid, Heckle's Acara, Heckles Cichlide, Heckel's Thread-finned Acara, Threadfin Cichlid, Threadfin Geophagus, Thread-finned Acara, Thread-finned Cichlid, Thread-finned Eartheater. Found in schools, over mud and.. more

Threadfin Blue Goby - Gobies

Also known as Gudgeon, Mangrove Goby, Sand Goby. Found over mud and sand, in brackish, freshwater and marine habitats, often amongst mangroves and coral reefs, of coastal bays. Length.. more

Threadfin Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Auriga Butterfly, Auriga Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Cross-stripe Butterfly, Diagonal Butterflyfish, Threadfin Butterfly, Threadfin Coralfish, Whip Butterflyfish, Yellow Butterflyfish. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, roaming over.. more

Threadfin Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also know as Bluestreak Cardinalfish, Longspine Cardinal, Longspine Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish. Found in dense schools often mixed with other fish, sheltering during the day, hovering above branches of Porites.. more

Threadfin Pearl Perch - Oceanic Basses---Pearl Perches

Also know as - no other name. Found in stationary schools, close to inshore and offshore reefs, also over submerged reefs of the continental shelf. They feed on.. more

Threadfin Rainbowfish - Silversides---Rainbowfishes-Blue Eyes

Also known as Dwarf Rainbow, Dwarf Rainbowfish, Featherfin Rainbow, Featherfin Rainbowfish, Threadfin Rainbow, Werneri, Werners Rainbowfish. Found in small schools, around the edges of slow flowing billabongs, drainage.. more

Threadsail Filefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes

Also known as Leatherjacket, Threadsail Leatherjacket. Found singly, close to sandy sea floors, amongst corals and seaweeds. They feed on benthic invertebrates and plants. Juveniles found drifting with sargassum rafts. Length.. more

Three Bearded Rockling - Cods---Rocklings

Also known as Threebeard Rockling, Whistler. Found over gravel, mud, rock and sandy bottoms in cold coastal waters. They feed on crustaceans, fish and invertebrates. Length - 60cm Depth - 20-120m Widespread.. more

Three Spot Gourami - Gouramies

Also known as Blue Gourami, Cosby Gourami, Giant Gourami, Gold Gourami, Golden Gourami, Lavender Gourami, Opaline Gourami, Siamese Gourami, Twospot Gourami. Found singly, pairs or in small schools,.. more

Three-bar Porcupinefish - Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes

Also known as Blowfish, Globefish, Hedgehog Fish, Spiny Box Puffer, Spiny Boxfish, Spiny Puffer, Swelltoad, Three-barred Porcupinefish, Toadfish. Found singly, over estuaries, coastal and off-shore reefs. They feed nocturnally.. more

Three-blotched Rabbitfish - Rabbitfishes

Also know as Coral Rabbitfish, Coral Spinefoot, Spinefoot, Threeblotch Rabbitfish, Threeblotch Spinefoot, Three-blotched Spinefoot, Threespot Rabbitfish, Threespot Spinefoot. Found in pairs, over reefs rich in hard corals, especially.. more

Three-lined Monocle Bream - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Spinecheek, Threeline Monocle Bream, Threeline Spinecheek, Three-lined Spinecheek, Whiptail. Found singly, or in small schools, over sandy bottoms, of sheltered.. more

Three-lined Rainbowfish - Wrasses

Also known as Blue-ribbon Wrasse, Fourline Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Red Shoulder Rainbowfish, Sandreef Wrasse, Scarlet-banded Rainbowfish, Three Blueline Wrasse, Three Ribbon Wrasse, Threeline Rainbowfish, Three-lined Ribbon Wrasse, Three-lined.. more

Three-lobed Porcelain Crab - Crabs

Also known as Anomura Crab, False Crab, Painted Porcelain Crab, Pen Crab, Polka-dotted Porcelain Crab, Porcelain Crab, Sea Pen Crab, Sea Pen Porcelain Crab. Found singly, pairs or.. more

Three-ribbon Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Lined Rainbowfish, Rainbowfish, Sandreef Wrasse, Silverbelly Wrasse, Silverstreak Rainbowfish, Silverstreak Wrasse, Silver-streaked Rainbowfish, Silver-streaked Wrasse, Stripebelly Rainbowfish, Stripebelly Wrasse, Striped-belly Rainbowfish, Striped-belly Wrasse, Three-line.. more

Three-ribbon Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Lined Rainbowfish, Rainbowfish, Sandreef Wrasse, Silverbelly Wrasse, Silverstreak Rainbowfish, Silverstreak Wrasse, Silver-streaked Rainbowfish, Silver-streaked Wrasse, Stripebelly Rainbowfish, Stripebelly Wrasse, Striped-belly Rainbowfish, Striped-belly Wrasse, Three-line.. more

Three-spined Stickleback - Sticklebacks-Tubesnouts

Also known as Barnstickle, Barnystickle, Burnstickle, Common Stickleback, Cushy, Doctor, Eastern Stickleback, European Stickleback, Jacksharp, New York Stickleback, Pinfish, Prickly, Prickly Back, Saw-finned Stickleback, Spanicle, Spannistickle, Spanny,.. more

Three-spot Dascyllus (juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Domino, Domino Damsel, Domino Damselfish, Humbug, Pullers, Spot Domino Damselfish, Threespot Damsel, Threespot Damselfish, Threespot Domino Damselfish, Threespot Humbug, Whitespot Humbug, Whitespot Puller. Found in.. more

Three-striped African Glass Catfish - Catfishes---Schilbid Catfishes

Also known as African Glass Catfish, Swallowtail African Glass Catfish, Swallowtail Glass Catfish. Found in schools, over open waters of floodplains, coastal fresh water lagoons and rivers. They.. more

Three-striped Whiptail - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Coral Bream, Small-toothed Whiptail, Spinecheek, Striped Whiptail, Three-banded Threadfin Bream, Threadtail Bream, Whiptail. Found in schools, over shallow, coral and sandy areas, of clear coastal.. more

Threeband Pennantfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Bannerfish, Coralfish, Horned Bannerfish, Horned Coralfish, Pennant Bannerfish, Pennant Butterflyfish, Pennantfish, Threeband Pennant, Threeband Pennant Butterflyfish, Threeband Pennant Coralfish, Three-banded Bullfish. Found singly or in.. more

Threeline Basslet - Basslets

Also known as Three-lined Basslet. Found underneath coral and rock ledges, along outer walls, of deep reefs. Length - 3.5cm Depth - 5-95m Widespread Western Atlantic, Caribbean Some of these colorful Basslets.. more

Threeline Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Threeline Damselfish. Found singly, or in pairs, over very shallow, rocky inshore areas, of coral reefs. They feed on benthic algae and zooplankton. Length - 10cm Depth -.. more

Threespine Toadfish - Toadfishes

Also known as Barbells, Broadbent's Frogfish, Estuarine Frogfish, Freshwater Lionfish, Frogfish, Threespine Frogfish, Three-spined Frogfish, Three-spined Toadfish. Found singly, in crevices and under rocks, or partially buried.. more

Threespot Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Blackspot Angelfish, Bluelips Angel, Bluelips Angelfish, Flagfin Angel, Flagfin Angelfish, Spot Angelfish, Threespot Angel. Found singly, pairs, or in small loose schools, close to corals,.. more

Threespot Damsel - Damselfishes

Also known as Threespot Damselfish, Threespot Demoiselle. Found singly, or in pairs, in holes, amongst coral and rubble, over very shallow, silty, harbours and coastal reefs, rich in.. more

Threespot Damsel (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Threespot Damselfish, Threespot Demoiselle. Found singly, or in pairs, in holes amongst coral and rubble, over very shallow, silty, harbours and coastal reefs, rich in.. more

Threespot Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Threespot Atlantic Damselfish, Yellow Damselfish. Found singly or in small schools, sheltering in the arms of staghorn corals, sometimes in caves at night, over inshore.. more

Threespot Damselfish (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Threespot Atlantic Damselfish, Yellow Damselfish. Found singly or in small schools, sheltering in the arms of staghorn corals, sometimes in caves at night, over inshore.. more

Threespot Dascyllus - Damselfishes

Also known as Domino, Domino Damsel, Domino Damselfish, Humbug, Puller, Spot Domino Damselfish, Threespot Damsel, Threespot Damselfish, Threespot Domino Damselfish, Threespot Humbug, Whitespot Humbug, Whitespot Puller. Found in.. more

Threespot Flounder - Flatfishes---Lefteye Flounders

Also known as Many-eyed Flounder, Triangular Flounder. Found partially buried, in, or on mud, rubble and sand bottoms of the continental shelf. They feed on benthic invertebrates and.. more

Threespot Flounder - Flatfishes---Crested Flounders

Also known as Threespot Crested Flounder, Threespot Righteye Flounder, Three-eyed Flounder. This highly compressed fish, is found partially buried, or on the sand, in caves, under ledges, and.. more

Threespot Leporinus - Characins---Headstanders

Also known as Frederici's leporinus. Found in pairs or schools, in ponds, and in deepest parts of rivers in the dry season, also flooded zones in the rainy.. more

Threespot Squirrelfish - Squirrelfishes-Soldierfishes

Also known as Horned Squirrelfish, Red Squirrelfish, Redcoat, Red-striped Squirrelfish, Tailspot Squirrelfish. Found during the day, in caves and under ledges, out foraging for food at night, over.. more

Threespot Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse, Spot-tail Rainbowfish, Spot-tail Wrasse, Spotted-tail Rainbowfish, Threespot Rainbowfish. Found singly or in small schools, over rubble and sandy areas of reef flats,.. more

Threespot Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse, Spot-tail Rainbowfish, Spot-tail Wrasse, Spotted-tail Rainbowfish, Threespot Rainbowfish. Found singly or in small schools, over rubble and sandy areas, of reef flats,.. more

Threestripe Corydoras - Catfishes---Callichthyid Armored Catfishes

Also known as Armored Catfish, Cory Catfish, False Julii Cory, False Julii Corydoras, Leopard Catfish, Leopard Corydoras, Threeline Catfish, Threeline Cory, Three-lined Cory, Threestripe Cory, Trilineatus Cory. Found.. more

Threestripe Fusilier - Fusiliers

Also known as Striped Fusilier, Three-lined Fusilier, Three-striped Fusilier. Found in schools, often seen feeding midwater, over coral reefs. Varies in colour from blue to red with night.. more

Thumbprint Emperor - Emperors-Scavengers

Also known as Blackblotch Emperor, Blackspot Emperor, Pigface Bream. Found singly or in small schools, over shallow, sandy areas, amongst coral rubble, mangroves, and seagrass beds, close to.. more

Thumbprint Monocle Bream - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Coral Bream, Doubleblotch Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail. Found singly or in loose schools, over mud and sandy bottoms close to reefs and around in-shore waters. They feed.. more

Tidal Spray Crab - Crabs

Also known as Atlantic Cliff Crab, Brachyura Crab, Cliff Crab, Rafting Crab, Sargassum Crab, True Crab, White Crab. Found over intertidal surge zones, around buoys, in crevices, corals,.. more

Tiger Anemone Gorgonian Wrapper - Sea Anemones

Also known as Colonial Anemone, Colonising Anemone, Communal Anemone, Coral Anemone, Gorgonian Wrapper, Gorgonian Wrapper Colonial Anemone, Hexacoral, Jewel Anemone, Parasitic Anemone, Tiger Anemone, Venus Flytrap Sea.. more

Tiger Cardinal - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Dogtooth Cardinal, Dogtooth Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Tiger Cardinalfish. Found singly or in small schools during the day sheltering amongst corals, out at night foraging for.. more

Tiger Cowrie - Sea Snails

Also known as Cowie, Cowrie Tiger, Potato Cowrie, Tiger Shell, Tiger Snail. Found in the arms of branching corals, on ledges, over sand, often close to seaweed areas. They.. more

Tiger Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Rockfish, Rockhind, Tiger Rockfish, Trout. Found singly, hiding amongst coral, rocks, and sponges, ready to ambush their prey, over coral and rocky.. more

Tiger Shark - Sharks---Ground-Requim Sharks

Also known as Leopard Shark, Maneater Shark, Spotted Shark. Found singly, near the surface, or in very deep waters, of estuaries, harbours, jetties, lagoons, reefs, and over the.. more

Tiger Shovelnose Catfish - Catfishes---Long-whiskered Catfishes

Also known as Barred Shovelnose, Barred Sorubim, Shovel-nosed Tiger Catfish, Tiger Catfish. Found resting during the day, in shaded areas of freshwater flooded forests, riverbeds and streams, dispersing.. more

Tiger Snake Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Leopard Moray, Spotted Eel, Spotted Snake Eel, Tiger Eel, Tiger Moray, Tiger Moray Eel, Tiger Reef-eel. Found singly, in crevices, of corals, and rocks, over.. more

Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber - Sea Cucumbers

Also known as Lollyfish, Sand Sifting Sea Cucumber, Thomas Sea Cucumber, Tiger's Tail, Trepang. Found singly or in pickles, with their posterior firmly attached in a recess, over.. more

Tigertail Sea Cucumber - Sea Cucumbers

Also known as Light-spotted Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Sand Sea Cucumber, Sand-sifting Sea Cucumber, Tiger Tail, Tiger Tail Cucumber. Found singly, during the day in crevices and holes, over.. more

Tigertail Seahorse - Pipefishes-Seahorses

Also known as Spotted Seahorse, Tiger-tailed Seahorse. Found in pairs, anchored by their tails, over kelp beds and sponge gardens, of coral reefs, or amongst floating Sargassum rafts. They.. more

Tigertooth Croaker - Drums-Croakers

Also known as Jew Croaker, Longtooth Salmon, Long-toothed Salmon, Rosy Jewfish, Silver Teraglin, Silvery Croaker, Snapper Koi, Snapper Salmon, Tiger-toothed Croaker, Toothed Croaker, Wiretooth, Yankee Whiting. Found in.. more

Timor Snapper (Juvenile) - Snappers

Also known as Sea Perch, Timor Seaperch. Found singly, over coral and rubble reefs. They feed on crustaceans and fish. Juveniles found around outcrops of reef debris, over muddy coastal.. more

Timor Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Bubblefin Wrasse, Sandreef Wrasse. Found singly, pairs, or in loose harems, over mixed coral and rubble areas, of shallow lagoons and coastal reefs, rich.. more

Tinctoria Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Nudibranch, Red-netted Chromodoris, Reticulated Chromodoris, Reticulated Nudibranch, Tinctorial Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They.. more

Tinfoil Barb - Carps---Minnows-Carps

Also known as Albino Tinfoil Barb, Blacktail Tinfoil Barb, Goldfoil Barb, Redtail Tinfoil Barb, River Barb, Schwanenfeld's Barb, Silver Tin Foil Barb, Tinfoil. Found in schools, in.. more

Titan Triggerfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes

Also known as Blue-and-Gold Triggerfish, Bluefin Triggerfish, Blue-finned Triggerfish, Dotty Triggerfish, Giant Triggerfish, Moustache Triggerfish, Titan Trigger. Found singly or in pairs, protecting their areas,.. more

Tobaccofish - Sea Basses-Groupers-Fairy Basslets

Also known as Cod, Goldenfish, Hind, Rockcod, Trout, Tobacco Bass, Tobacco Basslet, Sandfish. Found singly or in small schools, sometimes mixed with goatfish, probing the sand for food,.. more

Tomato Anemonefish - Damselfishes

Also known as Anemonefish, Anemone Clownfish, Blackback Anemonefish, Bridled Anemonefish, Clownfish, Fire Clown, Onebar Anemonefish, Red Anemonefish, Red Clown, Red Clownfish, Red Tomato Clown, Tomato Clownfish. Found in.. more

Tomato Grouper - Groupers

Also known as Blue-spotted Hind, Cod, Coral Trout, Hind, Orange-spotted Cod, Orange-spotted Grouper, Orange-spotted Rockcod, Orange-spotted Sea Bass, Red Coral Cod, Red Coral Trout, Red Grouper, Red.. more

Tomato Jellyfish - Jellyfish

Also known as Edible Jellyfish, Red Bell Jellyfish, Red jellyfish, Rhizostomae Jellyfish, Sea Jellies, Sea Tomato. Found during the day, in deep cold water, at night they rise.. more

Tombstone Coral - Stony Corals

Also known as Boulder Coral, Mayer's Coral. Found in massive colonies, over reef rims and reef tops, on calm, shallow, upper reef slopes of lagoons, coral and rocky.. more

Tomentosa Elysia Sea Slug - Sea Slugs---Sapsucking Slugs

Also known as Hairy Sapsucking Slug, Sacoglossan Sea Slug, Woolly Elysia Found during the day, on coral and rocky reefs, amongst shallow patches of sand and rubble areas. They.. more

Tompot Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Tompot. Found singly or in small schools, over shallow rocky and seaweed covered areas of coastal reefs. They feed on.. more

Tomtate (Juvenile) - Grunts

Also known as Caesar, Gold-lined Grunt, Redmouth Grunt, Sandy Goggle, Seize, Sweetlips, Toctoc, Tomtate, White Grunt, Yellow Tomtate, Yellow-lined Tomtate, Young Grunt. Found in schools, close to shelter.. more

Tomtate Grunt - Grunts

Also known as Caesar, Gold-lined Grunt, Redmouth Grunt, Sandy Goggle, Seize, Sweetlips, Toctoc, Tomtate, White Grunt, Yellow Tomtate, Yellow-lined Tomtate, Young Grunt. Found in schools, close to shelter.. more

Tongan Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Blackfin Damsel, Blackfin Damselfish, Pacific Damselfish, Sergeant, Tonga Blackfin, Tonga Damselfish, Whitebelly Damsel, Whitebelly Damselfish. Found singly or in schools, over corals, of shallow, sheltered.. more

Tongan Fangblenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Coral Blenny, Green Canary Blenny, Fang Blenny, Sabretooth Blenny, Sabre-toothed Blenny, Tongan Blenny, Tongan Canary Blenny, Tongan Green Blenny. Found over shallow waters.. more

Tongan Pictures - Tonga Pictures


Tongue-biter Cymathoid Isopod - Isopods

Also known as Cymathoid Isopod, Parasitic Copepod, Tongue-eating Isopod, Tongue-eating Louse. Found in pairs, permanently attached to fish heads and bodies, they then enter the fishes mouth via.. more

Toothed Goby - Gobies

Also known as Gudgeon, Sand Goby. Found over seagrass beds of inshore reefs. They feed on benthic crustaceans. Length - 7cm Depth - 1-120m Widespread Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean These Gobies feed by.. more

Toothpony - Surgeonfishes---Slimys-Slipmouths-Ponyfishes

Also known as Common-toothed Ponyfish, Large-toothed Ponyfish, Silver Belly, Slimy Ponyfish, Soapy, Soapy Pony, Tooth Ponyfish, Toothed Ponyfish, Toothed Soapy. Found in small schools, over shallow silty bottoms.. more

Toothy Goby - Gobies

Also known as Common Ghostgoby, Ghost Goby, Gudgeon, Manyhost Cling-goby, Manyhost Goby, Mozambique Ghostgoby, Reef Goby. Found living over a variety of hosts including algae, bivalves, broad blade.. more

Torpedo Scad - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Cordyla Scad, Fin-letted Mackerel, Fin-letted Mackerel Scad, Finny Scad, Hardtail Scad, Hardtail Trevally, Horse Mackerel, Kingfish, Russell's Scad, Torpedo Trevally, Trevally. Found in large schools.. more

Tortured Black Coral Whip - Black Corals

Also known as Coiled Coral, Spiral Coral, Whip Coral, Wire Coral. Found over drop-offs, slopes, and terraces, of coral and rocky reefs. This genus has polyps on three.. more

Tosa Commensal Shrimp - Shrimps

Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, Commensal Anemone Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Crinoid Shrimp. Found with their host anemones, on mud, rubble, and sandy bottoms,.. more

Tosa Dwarf Monocle Bream - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Dwarf Monocle Bream, Monocle Bream, Seaperch, Yellow-striped Monocle Bream. Found singly or in loose schools, over flat bottoms, in off-shore reefs. They feed on crustaceans,.. more

Townsend's Anthias - Groupers---Fairy Basslets-Streamer Basses

Also known as Anthias, Basslet, Sea Perch, Townsend's Basslet. Found in harems, sometimes mixed with other Anthias, over mud and rocky bottoms of deepwater reefs. They feed on zooplankton Length.. more

Toxic Finger Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Coral Reef Sponge, Indian Sponge, Marine Sponge, Red Sea Sponge, Red Volcano Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. Found between and under corals and rocks of shallow coral.. more

Trapezium Horse Conch - Sea Snails

Also known as Horse Conch, Spindle Shell, Spindle Snail, Striped Fox Conch, Trapeze Conch Shell, Tulip Shell. Found in both shallow and very deep waters, close to rocky.. more

Trench-head Pygmygoby - Gobies

Also known as Dwarf Goby, Gudgeon, Pygmy Goby, Reef Goby, Rubble Dwarf Goby, Winterbottom's Goby. Found over reef and rubble slopes, of coral reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length -.. more

Trevally Scad - Jacks---Pompanos

Also known as Blackfin Scad, Deep-bodied Crevalle, Duskyfin Crevalle, Herring Scad, Scad, Trevally. Found in dense schools, swimming high above the reef, in shallow coastal waters. They feed on.. more

Triangle Butterflyfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Herringbone Butterflyfish, Triangle Butterfly, Triangular Butterfly, Triangular Butterflyfish, Triangulate Butterfly, Triangulum Butterfly, Triangulum Butterflyfish. Found in pairs, protecting their territory, close to Acropora.. more

Triangular Boxfish - Puffers-Filefishes---Boxfishes

Also known as Smallspine Turretfish, Triangular Turretfish, Trunkfish, Turretfish. Found singly, often close to large remote sponges, in seagrass beds and weedy bottoms, of muddy bays, estuaries,.. more

Tricolor Hermit Crab - Crabs---Hermit Crabs

Also known as Blue-knee Hermit, Blueleg Hermit, Blueleg Hermit Crab, Blueleg Reef Hermit Crab, Blue-legged Hermit Crab, Blue-striped Hermit Crab, Dwarf Blue Hermit, Dwarf Blueleg Hermit Crab,.. more

Tricolor Parrotfish - Parrotfishes

Also known as Three-colour Parrotfish. Found singly or in schools, foraging for food over lagoons and seaward reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed on benthic algae. Length - 25cm Depth.. more

Trilobatum Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Purple-edged Ceratosoma, Three Lobed T-bar Nudibranch, Tribobate Ceratosoma, Trilobatum Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of.. more

Triplespot Blenny - Blennies---Combtooth Blennies

Also known as Bigspot Blenny, Coral Blenny, Onespot Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly, close to their holes, over shallow, semi-exposed coral and rock bottoms of .. more

Tripletail Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Floral Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Thicklip Wrasse, Tri-lobed Maori Wrasse, Tripletail Maori, Tripletail Maori Wrasse. Found singly over shallow reef margins of lagoons and seaward reefs.. more

Tripletail Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Floral Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Thicklip Wrasse, Tri-lobed Maori Wrasse, Tripletail Maori, Tripletail Maori Wrasse. Found singly over shallow reef margins of lagoons and seaward reefs.. more

Tritos Chromodoris - Sea Slugs

Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Spotted Nudibranch, Triton Chromodoris, Tritos Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They.. more

Tropical Bottletail Squid - Squids

Also known as Bobtail Squid, Bottletail Cuttlefish, Bottletail Squid, Koch's Bottletail Squid, Orange Bottletail Squid. Found in shallow, coastal waters and lagoons, often buried on muck bottoms, or.. more

Tropical Conger - Eels---Conger-Garden Eels

Also known as Scheele's Conger, Sea Conger. Found singly, buried in the sand with just the head showing, over lagoons and sheltered bays of seaward reefs. They feed.. more

Tropical Halfbeak - Needlefishes---Halfbeaks

Also known as Coral Reef Halfbeak, Garfish, Insular Halfbeak, Needlefish, Tropical Garfish. Found in large schools, over the surface of lagoons, and seaward reefs, around islands, and coral.. more

Tropical Pomfret - Mackerels---Pomfrets

Also known as - No other name Found in small schools, sometimes close to large islands but usually oceanic, in the sunlight zone in very deep waters. They feed.. more

Tropical Silverside - Silversides

Also known as Baitfish, Balabac Island Silverside, Lined Silverside, Western Hardyhead. Found in schools, close to the surface, over shallow, calm, coastal waters, of mangrove lined coastlines,.. more

Tropical Two-wing Flyingfish - Needlefishes---Flyingfishes

Also known as . Found in schools, close to the surface, or flying and leaping out of the water, flying long distances, in coastal areas and further out.. more

Tropidozoum cellariiforme - Moss Animals

Also known as Sea Mat, Zooids. Found on drop-offs and walls of reef margins, over coral and rocky reefs. A bushy plant, with the branches evenly split into.. more

Trumpetfish - Trumpetfishes

Also known as Atlantic Trumpetfish, Caribbean Trumpetfish, Painted Flutemouth, Trumpet, Trumpeter. Found singly, either snout down, mimicking whip corals, or swimming alongside herbivore fish, changing colour, to match.. more

Trumpetfish (Juvenile) - Trumpetfishes

Also known as Atlantic Trumpetfish, Caribbean Trumpetfish, Painted Flutemouth, Trumpet, Trumpeter. Found singly, either snout down mimicking whip corals, or swimming alongside herbivore fish, changing colour to match.. more

Truncate Spider Shell - Sea Snails

Also known as Common Spider Conch, Conch Shell, Giant Lambis Truncata, Giant Spider Conch, Scorpion Conch, Spider Conch, Spider Sea Shell, Truncate Spider Conch. Found singly, on rubble.. more

Tryoni Nudibranch - Sea Slugs

Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Risbecia Tryoni Nudi, Risbecia Tryoni Sea Slug, Tryoni Nudibranch, Tryon's Hypselodoris, Tryon's Risbecia. Found singly, pairs, or groups, over rubble and sandy.. more

Tub Gurnard - Scorpionfishes---Searobins

Also known as Gurnard, Long-finned Gurnard, Sapphirine Gurnard, Tub, Tubfish, Yellow Gurnard. Found singly, in medium, to very deep waters, over gravel, mud, and sandy bottoms. They feed on.. more

Tube Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Blue Sponge, Branching Vase Sponge, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tubular Sponge. Found attached to the substrate, over ledges and walls, of coral and rocky reefs... more

Tube Sponge - Sponges

Also known as Large Tube Sponge, Marine Sponge, Pink Tube Sponge, Siliceous Sponge. Found attached to dead corals and rocks over reef slopes of coral and rocky reefs. They.. more

Tubed Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Coppery Siphonfish, Crown-of-Thorns Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Sea Urchin Cardinalfish, Tube Siphonfish, Tubifer Cardinalfish, Two-spot Cardinalfish, Two-spot Urchin Cardinalfish, Urchin Cardinal, Urchin Cardinalfish. Found in small schools.. more

Tubelip Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Oneline Wrasse, One-lined Wrasse, Tubemouth Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools, close too, or in the arms of Acropora staghorn corals, over semi-protected lagoons.. more

Tuber Sea Star - Sea Stars

Also known as Mottled Sea Star, Mottled Starfish, Starfish, Tuber Starfish, Warty Mesh Sea Star, Warty Mesh Starfish, Warty Sea Star, Yellow-spotted Nardoa. Found singly or in constellations,.. more

Tuberculated Flathead - Scorpionfishes---Flatheads

Also known as Crocodilefish, Heart-headed Flathead, Tuberculate Flathead. Found singly, sometimes buried into vegetated sand bottoms, over mud and sandy bottoms, of the continental shelf. They feed on crustaceans.. more

Tubular Sea Cucumber - Sea Cucumbers

Also known as Lollyfish, Mediterranean Sea Cucumber, Cotton Spinner. Found singly, or in groups, on rubble, sand, and seagrass beds, of coral reefs, rich in algae growth. They feed.. more

Tucanare Peacock Bass - Cichlids

Also known as Amazon Peacock Bass, Butterfly Peacock Bass, Common Peacock Bass, Eyetail Cichlid, Mono Peacock Bass, Monoculus Peacock Bass, Peacock Bass, Popoca Peacock Bass. Found in schools,.. more

Turbellaria Flatworm - Marine Worms---Flatworms

Also known as Black-and-White Flatworm, Funeral Flatworm, Pleasing Flatworm, Polyclad Flatworm, Polyclad Worm, Pyjama Flatworm. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and.. more

Turkey Moray - Eels---Moray Eels

Also known as Guinea Moray Eel, Guineafowl Moray, Guineafowl Moray Eel, Painted Moray, Spotted Eel, Spotted Moray, White-spotted Moray, Whitemouth Moray. Found singly or in pairs, hiding in.. more

Turquoise Cichlid - Cichlids

Also known as Umbee, Umbee Cichlid. Found in schools, over open waters, of basins, drainage areas, and rivers. They feed on crabs, fish, and shrimps. Length - 47.5cm Depth - ?m Widespread.. more

Turtle Weed - Algae

Also known as Green Algae, Marine Algae, Sea Grass. Found in clumps, over shallow waters, on slopes, terraces, and reef tops, of coral and rocky reefs. Looks like.. more

Turtle-headed Sea Snake - Sea Snakes---Venomous Sea Snakes

Also known as Banded Sea Snake, Egg-eating Sea Snake, Ringed Sea Snake, Ringed Turtlehead Sea Snake, Snake Eel, Turtlehead Sea Snake. Found singly, or in groups during the.. more

Turtlehead Sea Snake - Sea Snakes---Venomous Sea Snakes

Also known as Egg-eating Sea Snake, Ijima's Sea Snake, Ijima's Turtle-headed Sea Snake, Japanese Egg-eating Sea Snake, Ring Turtle-headed Sea Snake, Turtle-head Sea Snake. Found singly, over rocky.. more

Twin Demoiselle - Damselfishes

Also known as Lyretail Damselfish, Twin Damselfish. Found in pairs or schools over rocky bottoms of coral reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 6.4cm Depth - 2-14m Widespread Indian Ocean Damselfish are.. more

Twin Horn Helmet Crab - Crabs

Also known as Bipedal Crab, Helmet Crab, Masked Burrowing Crab, Masked Crab, Sand Crab, True Crab. Found buried in sandy bottoms and seagrass beds, usually with their antennae.. more

Twinbar Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Nurseryfish. Found singly, or in small schools, during the day around ledges and rocks, dispersing at night foraging for food, over silty coastal reefs. They feed.. more

Twinspot Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also known as Blackspot Cardinalfish, Earblotch Cardinalfish, Ear-blotched Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish. Found in schools during the day hovering and sheltering around Acropora corals in caves and crevices, dispersing at.. more

Twinspot Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Puller, Twinspot Damsel, Twinspot Puller. Found singly or in small schools, around black corals, gorgonian sea fans, large sponges, cave openings, crevices and ledges of.. more

Twinspot Damselfish - Damselfishes

Also known as Deepreef Chromis, Twospot Damsel, Twospot Damselfish, Twospot Demoiselle, Whitesaddle Damselfish, White-saddled Damsel, White-saddled Damselfish. Found singly or pairs, over rock and rubble outcrops, in very.. more

Twinspot damselfish (Juvenile) - Damselfishes

Also known as Deepreef Chromis, Twospot Damsel, Twospot Damselfish, Twospot Demoiselle, Whitesaddle Damselfish, White-saddled Damsel, White-saddled Damselfish. Found singly or pairs over rock and rubble outcrops in.. more

Twinspot Goby - Gobies

Also known as Crabeye, Crabeye Goby, Crab-eyed Goby, Four-eyed Goby, Gudgeon, Sand Goby, Signal Goby, Two Crabeye Goby, Twospot Goby, 4-Wheel Drive Goby. Found singly or in.. more

Twistii Razorfish - Wrasses

Also known as Redblotch Razorfish, Sand Wrasse, Yellow-breasted Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools, over open mud and sand slopes, when disturbed they will dive into the.. more

Two Tooth Guard Crab - Crabs

Also known as Brachyura Crab, Commensal Crab, Coral Crab, Coral Guard Crab, Rusty Guard Crab, Swimmer Crab, Trapeze Crab, True Crab. Found hiding during the day, between the.. more

Two-band Chromodoris - Sea Slugs

Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Verrier's Chromodoris. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sponges. Length - 2cm Depth.. more

Two-eyed Coralfish - Surgeonfishes---Butterflyfishes

Also known as Coralfish, Twoeye Coralfish, Twospot Coralfish. Found singly, or in pairs, close to the sponges that they feed on, in both sheltered lagoons, and exposed outer.. more

Two-lined Monocle Bream - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Bridled Monocle Bream, Bridled Spinecheek, Coral Bream, Double-lined Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Spinecheek, Thumbprint Monocle Bream, Twoline Monocle Bream, Twoline Spinecheek, Twospine Spinecheek, Whiptail,.. more

Two-lined Monocle Bream (Juvenile) - Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams

Also known as Bridled Monocle Bream, Bridled Spinecheek, Coral Bream, Double-lined Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Spinecheek, Thumbprint Monocle Bream, Twoline Monocle Bream, Twoline Spinecheek, Twospine Spinecheek, Whiptail,.. more

Two-Spined Angelfish - Surgeonfishes---Angelfishes

Also known as Coral Beauty, Coral Beauty Angel, Coral Beauty Angelfish, Coral Beauty Pygmy Angelfish, Dusky Angelfish, Rusty Angelfish, Twospine Angelfish. Found singly and secretive, or in.. more

Two-striped Sweetlips - Grunts

Also known as Giant Sweetlips, Giant Thicklip, Stripe Sweetlips, Striped Yellow Sweetlips, Sweetlips, Twostripe Sweetlips, Yellow-lined Sweetlips. Found singly or in pairs, during the day around deep reef.. more

Two-tone Chromis - Damselfishes

Also known as Bicolor Chromis, Black-and-White Chromis, Black-and-White Puller, Chocolate Dip, Chocolate-dip Chromis, Chocolate-dip Damselfish, Half-and-Half Chromis, Half-and-Half Puller, Indian Half-and-Half Chromis, Indian Ocean Chromis, Oreo Chromis,.. more

Two-tone Fingerfin - Basses---Trumpeters

Also known as Butterfish, Fingerfin, Morwong, Natal Fingerfin, Two-tone Fingerfish. Found singly, over rocky bottoms of shorelines, to very deep waters, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on.. more

Twoband Anemonefish - Damselfishes

Also known as Anemonefish, Bicinctus Clownfish, Clown Anemonefish, Clownfish, Red Sea Anemonefish, Red Sea Clownfish, Red Sea Twoband Anemonefish, Red Sea Twoband Clownfish, Two-banded Anemonefish, Two-banded Clownfish... more

Twobar Anemonefish - Damselfishes

Also known as African Clownfish, Allardi Clownfish, Allard's Anemonefish, Allard's Clownfish, Anemonefish, Clown Anemonefish, Clownfish, Twobar Clownfish. Found in pairs, or families, with their host anemone, over.. more

Twobar Seabream - Porgies

Also known as Black-banded Bream, Doublebar Bream, Seabream, Two-banded Bream, Two-banded Porgy, Twobar Bream, Twobar Porgy. Found in small schools, hovering or swimming above sandy areas, over shallow.. more

Twobelt Cardinalfish - Cardinalfishes

Also know as Nurseryfish, Twobelt Cardinal, Striped Cardinalfish. Found sheltering during the day, dispersing at night hunting for food, over shallow silty mangrove areas and coastal reefs rich.. more

Twospot Anthias - Groupers---Fairy Basslets-Streamer Basses

Also known as Anthias, Basslet, Bimac Anthias, Bimaculatus Anthias, Purple Goldie, Sea Perch, Twinspot Anthias, Twospot Basslet, Two-spotted Basslet. Found in schools, over dead reefs, in turbid waters.. more

Twospot Banded Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Doublebar Snapper, Twospot Banded Sea Perch, Twospot Lutjanus Biguttatus, Twospot Snapper, Two-spotted Snapper. Found singly or in large schools, swimming low over corals during the.. more

Twospot Goby - Gobies

Also known as Barenape Goby, Doublespot Sandgoby, Gudgeon, Hawaiian Sandgoby, Sand Goby, Twospot Sandgoby. Found singly, or in small schools, over rubble and sandy bottoms, with depressions and.. more

Twospot hogfish - Wrasses

Also known as Candy Hogfish, Coral Hogfish, Coral Pigfish, Golden Hogfish, Hogfish, Twinspot Hogfish, Twospot Pigfish, Twospot Slender Hogfish, Two-spotted Hogfish, Yellow Candy Hogfish, Yellow Hogfish. Found in.. more

Twospot Lizardfish - Grinners---Lizardfishes

Also known as Nose-spot's Lizardfish, Sharpnose Lizardfish, Spotnose Lizardfish. Found singly or in pairs, half buried, or resting on hard areas of sandy bottoms, over steep slopes, of.. more

Twospot Red Snapper - Snappers

Also known as Red Bass, Red Sea Bass, Red Snapper, Redreef Snapper, Twinspot Red Snapper, Twinspot Snapper, Twospot Banded Snapper, Twospot Snapper, Two-spotted Red Snapper. Found singly or.. more

Twospot Red Snapper (Juvenile) - Snappers

Also known as Red Bass, Red Sea Bass, Red Snapper, Redreef Snapper, Twinspot Red Snapper, Twinspot Snapper, Twospot Banded Snapper, Twospot Snapper, Two-spotted Red Snapper. Found singly or.. more

Twospot Surgeonfish - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blue-eye Bristletooth, Blue-eye Surgeonfish, Blue-eye Tang, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Twospot Bristletooth, Twospot Bristletooth Surgeonfish, Twospot Bristletooth Tang, Twospot Tang. Found singly, grazing on.. more

Twospot Turkeyfish - Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes

Also known as Double-Ocellated Scorpionfish, Fu Manchu Lion, Fu Manchu Lionfish, Lionfish, Ocellated Lionfish, Twinspot Lionfish, Two-eyed Lionfish, Twospot Lionfish. Found singly, often sheltering in caves and around.. more

Twospot Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Comet-tailed Wrasse, Doublespot Wrasse, Festive Wrasse, Filament-fin Wrasse, Little Maori, Little Maori Wrasse, Longjaw Wrasse, Maori Wrasse, Ornate Wrasse, Ragged-tail Wrasse, Thicklip Wrasse, Twospot.. more

Twospot Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Biocellate Wrasse, Biocellated Wrasse, False-eye Wrasse, False-eyed Wrasse, Red-lined Wrasse, Sand-Reef Wrasse, Two-spotted Wrasse. Found in small schools over mixed coral and rubble sand patches,.. more

Twostripe Goby - Gobies

Also known as Black-lined Glidergoby, Black-lined Sleepergoby, Gudgeon, Railway Glider, Railway Glidergoby, Railway Sleepergoby, Sand Goby, Sand Sifting Goby, Sleeper Goby, Twostripe Sleepergoby. Found singly or in.. more

Twostripe Pygmygoby - Gobies

Also known as Doublebar Goby, Dwarf Goby, Gudgeon, Neon Goby, Pygmy Goby, Pygmy Skunk Goby, Reef Goby, Twostripe Dwarf Goby, Twostripe Eviota. Found in small schools hovering above.. more

Twotone Pygmy Squid - Squids

Also known as Bobtail Squid, Pygmy Cuttlefish, Pygmy Squid, Tropical Pygmy Squid, Two-toned Pygmy Squid. Found singly or in squads, around mangroves and seagrass beds, over shallow, coastal.. more

Twotone Tang - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blue-lined Sailfin Tang, Blue-lined Tang, Brown Sailfin Surgeonfish, Brown Sailfin Tang, Brown Sailing Tang, Brown Scopas Tang, Brown Tang, Brushtail Tang, Calico Scopas Tang,.. more

Twotone Tang (Juvenile) - Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes

Also known as Blue-lined Sailfin Tang, Blue-lined Tang, Brown Sailfin Surgeonfish, Brown Sailfin Tang, Brown Sailing Tang, Brown Scopas Tang, Brown Tang, Brushtail Tang, Calico Scopas Tang,.. more

Twotone Wrasse - Wrasses

Also known as Half-grey Wrasse, Purple-headed Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found singly, over drop-offs and bottoms of large caves in lagoons and fringing reefs rich in coral growth. They feed.. more

Twotone Wrasse (Juvenile) - Wrasses

Also known as Half-grey Wrasse, Purple-headed Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found singly, over drop-offs, and bottoms of large caves, in lagoons and fringing reefs, rich in coral growth. They feed.. more

Tyler's Toby - Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers

Also known as Clown Toby, Sharpnose Puffer, Toby, Tyler's Pufferfish, Tyler's Toby Puffer. Found singly, or in small schools, hiding in holes and under ledges, over clear lagoons.. more

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