Tentacled Flathead (Papilloculiceps longiceps)

Also known as Carpet Flathead, Carpet Flathead Fish, Crocodilefish, Indian Ocean Crocodilefish, Longhead Flathead, Madagascar Flathead


Also known as Carpet Flathead, Carpet Flathead Fish, Crocodilefish, Indian Ocean Crocodilefish, Longhead Flathead, Madagascar Flathead.

Found singly, in shallow waters, sometimes buried and camouflaged, with just their heads showing, or resting over rubble and sandy bottoms, close to coral reefs.
They feed nocturnally on crustaceans and small fish.
Length - 70cm
Depth - 1-15m
Widespread Western Indian Ocean, Mediterranean

Flatheads are closely related to Scorpionfish.
Their eyes are covered by a tasselled curtain which helps to disguise them from predators. The tassels expand and contract with intensity of light. Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/Papilloculiceps-longiceps


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