Our A-Z contains a list of all fish/sea creatures that are stored on the site. All listings are by common names and not scientific names.
Also known as California Barracuda, Barracuda. Found in small schools, near the surface, close to shore. They feed on fish. Juveniles found in sheltered bays. Length - 145cm Depth - 0-18m Widespread.. more
Also known as Bird Wrasse, Birdfish, Birdmouth Wrasse, Birdnose Wrasse, Blackbird Bird Wrasse, Blue Clubnose Wrasse, Blue Club-nosed Wrasse, Bluebird Wrasse, Bluegreen Bird Wrasse, Brownbird Wrasse, Green.. more
Also known as Bird Wrasse, Birdfish, Birdmouth Wrasse, Birdnose Wrasse, Blackbird Bird Wrasse, Blue Clubnose Wrasse, Blue Club-nosed Wrasse, Bluebird Wrasse, Bluegreen Bird Wrasse, Brownbird Wrasse, Green.. more
Also known as Bullethead Parrot, Bullet-headed Parrotfish, Greenfin Parrotfish, Pacific Daisy Parrotfish, Spectacled Parrotfish. Found singly, or in large schools, foraging for food, over shallow reef flats, lagoons,.. more
Also known as Bullethead Parrot, Bullet-headed Parrotfish, Greenfin Parrotfish, Pacific Daisy Parrotfish, Spectacled Parrotfish. Found singly, or in large schools, foraging for food, over shallow reef flats, lagoons,.. more
Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Eggshell Shrimp, Fivespot Anemone Shrimp, Glass Anemone Shrimp, Pacific Clown Shrimp, Peacock-tail Anemone Shrimp, Pontoniine Shrimp, Shorthand Commensal.. more
Also known as Cod, Creole Bass, Hind, Red Pacific Creolefish, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly or in small to large schools, high above deep water reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length.. more
Also known as Crowned Toby, Pacific Crowned Pufferfish, Toby. Found singly, over open rubble and sandy areas, of sheltered reefs. They feed on benthic algae, crustaceans, and invertebrates. Length -.. more
Also known as Calf Cowry, Cowry, Deer Cowry, Milk-spotted Cowry. Found under coral slabs, stones and amongst seaweed, sometimes partially buried in sand, over coral and rocky reefs... more
Also known as Coralfish, Double-barred Butterflyfish, Doublesaddle Butterflyfish, Doublesaddle Pacific Butterflyfish, False Doublesaddle Butterfly, False Doublesaddle Butterflyfish, False Purcula Butterflyfish, Pacific Doublesaddle Butterfly, Pacific Doublesaddle Coralfish, Pacific.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Panama Grasby, Panamic Grasby, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, over rocky shores, of coral reefs. They feed on crustaceans and small fish. Length - 39cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Dark Damsel, Farmer Damsel, Hawaiian Damselfish, Pacific Damselfish, South Pacific Gregory, Yelloweye Damsel. Found singly or in pairs, amongst boulders, dead coral, and rocks,.. more
Also known as Bicolor Chromis, Bicolor Damselfish, Black-and-White Chromis, Chocolate Dip Chromis, Chocolate Dip Damselfish, Chromis, Half-and-Half Chromis, Half-and-Half Puller, Puller, Twotone Chromis, Twotone Damselfish, Whitetail Chromis. Found.. more
Also known as Alaska Halibut, Flounder, Halibut. Found partially buried, or out foraging for food, over silty, mud and sand bottoms, of inner reef flats and seaward reefs,.. more
Also known as Leaping Rockskipper, Rock Hopper, Rockskipper. Found singly, in moist shaded pockets of pitted limestone, in the spray zone above the waterline, leaping form hole to.. more
Also known as Bentnose Chimaera, Bentnose Rabbitfish, Bigspine Spookfish, Longnose Chimaera, Longnose Spookfish, Long-nosed Chimaera, Narrownose Chimaera, Ratfish, Smallspine Spookfish, Spearnose Chimaera, Spookfish, Widenose Chimaera. Found singly,.. more
Also known as Longnose Parrotfish, Long-nosed Parrotfish, Pacific Longnose, Pacific Long-nosed Parrotfish, Redstripe Parrotfish. Found in schools, foraging for food, over murky lagoons and outer reefs rich in.. more
Also known as Common Jelly, Common Jellyfish, Greater Moon Jellyfish, Medusa, Moon Jelly, Moon Jellyfish, Saucer Jelly, Saucer Jellyfish, Sea Jelly, White Jellyfish. Found swarming in large.. more
Also known as Cod, Hamlet, Hind, Mutton Hamlet, Pacific Hamlet, Rock Bass, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, during the day hiding in crevices or lying in seagrass beds, often.. more
Also known as Porgy Grunt. Found singly or in schools, over mixed rock and sand bottoms of bays and reef flats. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Juveniles in very shallow.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Eastern Sailfin Tang, Lancetfish, Pacific Sailfin Surgeonfish, Purple-lined Tang, Ringed Tang, Sailfin Surgeonfish, Sailfin Tang, Sailfish Tang, Striped Sailfin Tang, Striped Zebrasoma, Thorntail,.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Eastern Sailfin Tang, Lancetfish, Pacific Sailfin Surgeonfish, Purple-lined Tang, Ringed Tang, Sailfin Surgeonfish, Sailfin Tang, Sailfish Tang, Striped Sailfin Tang, Striped Zebrasoma, Thorntail,.. more
Also known as Japanese Sand Eel, Japanese Sand Lance, Pacific Sand Eel, Sand Burrower, Sand Eel, True Eel. Found in large schools, over sandy bottoms, often buried.. more
Also known as Atlantic Sea Nettle, Brown Sea Nettle, Sea Jelly, Sea Nettle Jellyfish, West Coast Sea Nettle. Found near the surface of coastlines, drifting in bays, estuaries,.. more
Also known as Black Bream, Goldsilk Seabream, Pikey Bream, Seabream. Found singly, or in small schools, over rocky and sandy areas, of intertidal surf zones, mouths of estuaries,.. more
Also known as California Seahorse, Galapagos Seahorse, Giant Seahorse, Ingen's Seahorse, Pacific Giant Seahorse. Found singly or in pairs, anchored with their tails, camouflaged in the branches of.. more
Also known as Pacific Fat Sleeper, Sleeper Goby. Found over brackish, and freshwater creeks, lakes, rivers, and swamps. They feed on crustaceans and fish. Juveniles found close to coastlines. Length.. more
Also known as Brittle Sea Star, Brittle Star, Serpent Star, Spiny Brittle Star, Starfish, Western Spiny Brittle Star. Found entwined, amongst living corals, and rubble, over coral and.. more
Also known as Balloon Lumpfish, Lumpsucker, Spiny Lumpsucker, Spiny Pimpled Lumpsucker. Found singly, attached to rocks or solid objects at low tide, but can be found at.. more
Also known as Fanged Viperfish, Viperfish. Found in very deep waters of the ocean, migrating upwards at night too feed. These fish have light sensitive organs in their.. more
Also known as Australian Crayfish, Australian Eastern Rock Lobster, Common Crayfish, Common Sydney Crayfish, Crayfish, Eastern Crayfish, Eastern Rock Lobster, Eastern Spiny Lobster, Green Cray, Green Crayfish,.. more
Also known as Blotched Bigeye, Bloch's Bigeye, Glasseye, Goggle Eye, Paeony Bullseye, Shortfin Bigeye, Silver Bigeye. Found singly or in small schools, during the day in caves.. more
Also known as Anomura Crab, Hairy Hermit Crab, Hermit Crab, Rocky-shore Hermit Crab, Striped Hermit Crab. Found both day and night, over rubble, sand and in seagrass beds.. more
Also known as Filament Wrasse, Filamented Fairy Wrasse, Filamented Flasher Fairy Wrasse, Filamented Flasher Wrasse, Filamentfin Wrasse, Filamentous Wrasse, Flasher Wrasse, Purple Fin Fairy, Red Filamented Flasher.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Lettered Perch, Pointed Comber, Redfish, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, over rocky bottoms and in seagrass beds, of coral and rocky reefs. Colour varies. They.. more
Also known as Black Angler, Devil Fish, Painted Angler, Painted Anglerfish, Spotted Frogfish. Found singly, pairs or in trios, sitting amongst corals, jetties, pylons, ropes, sponges, etc, camouflaged.. more
Also known as Black Angler, Devil Fish, Painted Angler, Painted Anglerfish, Spotted Frogfish. Found singly, pairs or in trios, sitting amongst corals, jetties, pylons, ropes, sponges, etc, camouflaged.. more
Also known as Bamboo Lobster, Blue Lobster, Blue Spiny Lobster, Common Rock Lobster, Marine Crayfish, Painted Coral Lobster, Painted Crayfish, Painted Lobster, Painted Spiny Lobster, Porcelain.. more
Also known as Bamboo Lobster, Blue Lobster, Blue Spiny Lobster, Common Rock Lobster, Marine Crayfish, Painted Coral Lobster, Painted Crayfish, Painted Lobster, Painted Spiny Lobster, Porcelain.. more
Also known as Marbled Coralcod, Northern Scorpionfish, Painted Stingfish, Stingfish. Found singly and well camouflaged, over shallow, murky, rock and sandy bottoms, in crevices and around inshore rock.. more
Also known as Colonial Tunicate, Lightbulb Sea Squirt, Little Bottles, Red-circled White Sea Squirt, Sea Squirt, Tunicate, Zooids. Found often in dense colonies of cylindrical zooids. Along.. more
Also known as Painted Stinger. Found singly, during the day, buried or resting on mud and sandy bottoms, over estuaries, lagoons, and coastal reefs. They feed nocturnally on.. more
Also known as Australian Slatey, Blacktail, Bluey, Grey Sweetlip, Moke, Morwong, Mother-in-law Fish, Painted Blubberlip, Painted Thicklip, Painted Thick-lipped Grunt, Sailfin Rubberlip, Silver Sweetlips, Slate Bream, Slate.. more
Also known as Australian Slatey, Blacktail, Bluey, Grey Sweetlip, Moke, Morwong, Mother-in-law Fish, Painted Blubberlip, Painted Thicklip, Painted Thick-lipped Grunt, Sailfin Rubberlip, Silver Sweetlips, Slate Bream, Slate.. more
Also known as Blue Dragon Nudibranch, Dorid Nudibranch, Dragon Nudibranch, Neon Sea Slug, Neon Slug Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Pikachu Nudibranch. Found singly, pairs or groups, during the day out.. more
Also known as Hydrozoan, Medusa Jelly, Sea Ants, Sea Jelly, Siphonophore, Zooid. Found floating in open waters, with tentacles extended to ensnare prey. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 300cm Depth.. more
Also known as Coral Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish, Polkadot Cardinalfish, Pyjama Cardinal, Pyjama-spotted Cardinalfish, Spotted Cardinalfish. Found in small schools, during the day sheltering in branching thickets of Porites cylindrica,.. more
Also known as Barrel-sponge Crab, Fairy Crab, Fairy Lobster, Hairy Pale Lobster, Hairy Pale Squat Lobster, Pale Squat Lobster, Sponge Crab. Found in shallow waters, around the.. more
Also known as Common Fusegoby, Gudgeon, Sand Goby, Transparent Cave Goby. Found singly, close to their burrows, over rubble and sand bottoms of reefs. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length.. more
Also known as Babi Wrasse, Powder Pink Wrasse. Found singly or in small harems, around caves, over steep outer reef slopes, rich with invertebrate growth. Looks white.. more
Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Pale-lipped Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Whitespine Surgeonfish, Whitespine Tang, White-spined Surgeonfish. Found singly or in small schools, close to drop-offs, over clear seaward.. more
Also known as Bristlemouth Tang, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Pale-tailed Bristletooth, Red-spotted Surgeonfish, Red-spotted Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Whitetail Bristletooth, Whitetail Bristletooth Tang, Whitetail Kole Tang, Whitetail Yelloweye Tang. Found.. more
Also known as Japanese Parrotfish, Pale Bullethead Parrotfish, Redtail Parrotfish, Red-tailed Parrotfish, Yellow-blotched Parrotfish. Found singly or in small schools, foraging for food, over seaward reefs, rich in.. more
Also known as Herre's Moray, Lichen Moray. Found singly or in small groups, often in tide pools, and shallow, coastal, coral and rocky reefs. They feed nocturnally on crustaceans.. more
Also known as Deepsea Batfish, Handfish, Sea Bat, Walking Batfish. Found singly, resting on the substrate of hard and soft bottoms, or partially covered in mud and sand,.. more
Also known as Google-eye Blenny, Scaly Blenny. Found singly, resting on Pectoral and Dorsal Fins, blending in with the background, over coral, rock, rubble, and seagrass areas, of.. more
Also known as Batavian Parrotfish, Common Parrotfish, Pale-nosed Parrot, Rosycheek Parrotfish. Found in small schools, foraging for food, over corals, on reef flats, in lagoons and seaward reefs,.. more
Also known as Batavian Parrotfish, Common Parrotfish, Pale-nosed Parrot, Rosycheek Parrotfish. Found in small schools, foraging for food, over corals on reef flats, in lagoons and seaward reefs.. more
Also known as Black Chromis, Chromis, Longtail Puller, Paletail Puller, Pale-tailed Damsel, Puller, Whitetail Chromis. Found in large schools, over coastal reef flats, and steep outer reef.. more
Also known as Blue Hippo Tang, Blue Surgeonfish, Blue Tang, Blue-and-Yellow Hippo Tang, Doctorfish, Flagtail Surgeonfish, Hepatus Tang, Hippo Tang, Indo-Pacific Blue Tang, Indo-Pacific Tang, Lancetfish, Pacific.. more
Also known as Blue Hippo Tang, Blue Surgeonfish, Blue Tang, Blue-and-Yellow Hippo Tang, Doctorfish, Flagtail Surgeonfish, Hepatus Tang, Hippo Tang, Indo-Pacific Blue Tang, Indo-Pacific Tang, Lancetfish, Pacific.. more
Also known as Fiddler Crab, Ghost Crab, Pie Crust Crab, Sand Crab, Shore Crab. Found close to their burrows on sand and gravel beaches. These crabs often use.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Reef Goby, Seawhip Goby, Whip Coral Goby, Whip Goby, Yong's Coral Goby, Yong's Wire Coral Goby. Found over fine, white coral sandy areas, of.. more
Also known as Nudibranch, Pallid Glossodoris, White Mantle Glossodoris. Found singly or in pairs, over rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sponges. Length -.. more
Also known as Branching Coral, Elkhorn Coral, Fused Staghorn Coral, Staghorn Coral, Table Coral. Found in encrusting colonies, over intertidal and sub-tidal, shallow, reef edges and tops exposed.. more
Also known as Banner Pompano, Camade Fish, Cobbler, Gaff-topsail, Gamefish, Great Pompano, Joefish, Longfin Pompano, Old Wife, Palometa, Palometa Jack, Permit, Sand Mackerel, Streamers Jack, Wireback. Found.. more
Also known as Dogfish, Pacific Porkfish, Panamic Porkfish, Sweetlips. Found during the day, close to shelter in stationary schools, dispersing at night, hunting for food, over shallow, hard.. more
Also known Chocolate Chip Cookie Sea Star, Chocolate Chip Cookie Starfish, Chocolate Chip Sea Star, Chocolate Chip Starfish, Cortez Starfish, Knobbly Sea Star, Knobby Star, Knobby Starfish,.. more
Also known as Chestnut Moray, Green Moray,Green Moray Eel, Panamic Green Moray Eel. Found singly, during the day lurking in dark crevices, holes, and recesses of the.. more
Also known as Pacific Sergeant Major, Panama Sergeant Major, Panamanian Sergeant, Sergeant Major. Found in large schools, swimming above coral and rocky reefs. They feed during the day,.. more
Also known as Crimson Soldierfish, Pacific Soldierfish Found singly, hiding during the day in small caves or under rocks, dispersing at night, forming small schools, over rock.. more
Also known as Bantayan Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Eyepatch Butterflyfish, Philippine Butterflyfish. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, close to soft corals, over shallow protected, estuaries and reefs. They feed on.. more
Also known as Bignose, Burmese Banded Algae Eater, Rainbow Garra, Rhinohorn Fish, Suckermouth Barb. Found in schools, over mixed gravel, pebble and rock substrates, in canals, ditches,.. more
Also known as Black Sea Cucumber, Black Teatfish, Blackfish, Deepwater Blackfish, Lollyfish, Palauan Sea Cucumber, Panning's Blackfish, Panning's Sea Cucumber, Tripang. Found singly, in moderately shallow waters, over.. more
Also known as Eartheater, Paraguay River Eartheater. Found in schools, over mud and sandy bottoms, of lagoons and streams. They feed on crustaceans, plant debris, and loose scales. Length -.. more
Also known as Bishops Mitre, Mitre, Mitre Snail. Found during the day, burrowed in the sand or under rocks, over intertidal zones, in the open at night foraging.. more
Also known as Devilfish, Papuan Devilfish, Papuan Goblinfish, Papua Scorpionfish, Stingfish. Found singly and well camouflaged, over coral and rocky areas of coastal slopes, estuaries and lagoons, rich.. more
Also known as Devilfish, Papuan Devilfish, Papuan Goblinfish, Papua Scorpionfish, Stingfish. Found singly and well camouflaged, over coral and rocky areas of coastal slopes, estuaries and lagoons, rich.. more
Also known as False-eye Puffer, False-eyed Pufferfish, Orangenose Pufferfish, Papuan Toby Puffer, Pufferfish, Sharp-nosed Puffer, Spotted Sharpnose Puffer, Toby. Found singly or in pairs, over both pristine, and.. more
Also known as Blue-banded Whiptail, Blue-faced Whiptail, Butterfly Bream, China Fish, Coral Bream, Longtail Perch, Paddy, Paradise Butterfish, Paradise Threadfin Bream, Paradisefish, Rainbow, Rainbow Paradisefish, Spinecheek, Whiptail,.. more
Also known as Blue-banded Whiptail, Blue-faced Whiptail, Butterfly Bream, China Fish, Coral Bream, Longtail Perch, Paddy, Paradise Butterfish, Paradise Threadfin Bream, Paradisefish, Rainbow, Rainbow Paradisefish, Spinecheek, Whiptail,.. more
Also known as Chinese Fightingfish, Forktail Fightingfish, Fork-tailed Paradisefish, Paradise Gourami, Roundtail Paradisefish. Found over stagnant waters of lowland channels, farmland, and backwaters, of rivers and streams. They feed.. more
Also known as Orange Rainbowfish, Parkinson's Rainbow, Ramuensis. Found in pairs, or schools, over lowland areas, and rainforest streams. They feed on filamentous algae and insects. Length - 11cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Janitor Fish, Plecostomus, South American Suckermouth Armored Catfish, Suckerfish, Sucker-mouthed Catfish, Sucking Catfish. Found in flood plains, lakes and swamps, in and around River Basins. They.. more
Also known as Pacific Partridge Tun, Pacific Partridge Tun Shell, Tun Shell, Tun Snail. Found over fine sandy bottoms, on reef flats, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Ladder Goby, Little Glidergoby, Little Sleeper, Little Sleepergoby, Sand Goby, Sleeper Goby. Found in pairs, or small schools, sometimes sharing their burrows with other.. more
Also known as Candycane, Candycane Wrasse, Longface Wrasse, Narrow-banded Wrasse, Pastel Slender Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Red-lined Slender Wrasse, Ringed Rainbowfish, Ringed Wrasse, Sand Wrasse. Found singly, high above the.. more
Also known as Black-blotched Rainbowfish, Black-blotched Wrasse, Darkblotch Wrasse, Green Coris, Green Coris Wrasse, Green Wrasse, Green-spotted Wrasse, Jade Wrasse, Java Wrasse, Sand-Reef Wrasse. Found singly, over silty.. more
Also known as Black-blotched Rainbowfish, Black-blotched Wrasse, Darkblotch Wrasse, Green Coris, Green Coris Wrasse, Green Wrasse, Green-spotted Wrasse, Jade Wrasse, Java Wrasse, Rainbowfish, Sand-Reef Wrasse. Found singly, over.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Sand Goby. Found in clear, shallow waters, with low current, over patch reefs of sandy bays. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length - 4.1cm Depth - 5-30m Widespread.. more
Also known as Acara, Bujurqui, Patrick's Acara. Found in schools over gravel, rock and sandy bottoms in clear and white waters of slow to moderate streams. They feed on.. more
Also known as Cactus Coral, Leaf Coral, Lettuce Coral, Potato Chip Coral. Found in colonies, which can be massive and encrusting, on shallow reef flats and reef slopes... more
Also known as Anthias, Basslet, Dispar Anthias, Fairy Basslet, Longfin Wreckfish, Madder Seaperch, Madder Seaperch Anthias, Orange Anthias, Peach Anthias, Redfin Anthias, Sea Perch. Found in large schools,.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found singly hiding in crevices and holes, over pebble, rock, sand and weedy bottoms in brackish waters of shallow.. more
Also known as Fire Worm, Golden Bristleworm, Golden Fireworm, Peacock Fireworm, Rock Worm, Sea Caterpillar, Sea Mice, Segmented Seaworm, Segmented Worm. Found amongst rubble and sandy areas, of.. more
Also known as Amazon Peacock Bass, Butterfly Peacock, Butterfly Peacock Bass, Eyespot Cichlid, Ocellaris Peacock Bass, Peacock Bass. Found in schools, over rocky substrates, at medium depths, in.. more
Also known as European Fanworm, Fan Worm, Feather Duster, Feather Tube Worm, Marine Polychaete Worm, Mediterranean Fanworm, Pencil Worm, Rock Worm, Segmented Sea Worm, Spirograph Worm, Tubeworm. Found.. more
Also known as Flower Flounder, Flowery Flounder, Platefish, Solefish. Found singly on hard bottoms, or partially buried in the sandy substrate, over clear coral, rubble, sand, seagrass beds,.. more
Also known as Eyespot Sleeper, Gudgeon, Peacock Goby, Peacock-eye Goby, Peacock-eye Gudgeon, Rainbow Gudgeon, Sleeper Goby. Found in loose schools, hovering over the bottoms, of ponds, rivers, and.. more
Also known as Argus Grouper, Argus Hind, Black Rockcod, Bluedot Grouper, Bluespot Grouper, Blue-spotted Grouper, Celestial Grouper, Cod, Hind, Peacock Cod, Peacock Coralcod, Peacock Grouper, Peacock Rockcod,.. more
Also known as Argus Grouper, Argus Hind, Black Rockcod, Bluedot Grouper, Bluespot Grouper, Blue-spotted Grouper, Celestial Grouper, Cod, Hind, Peacock Cod, Peacock Coralcod, Peacock Grouper, Peacock Rockcod,.. more
Also known as Clown Mantis Shrimp, Harlequin Mantis, Harlequin Mantis Shrimp, Green Mantis Shrimp, Mantis Clown, Mantis Clown Shrimp, Odontodactylid Reef Mantis Shrimp, Painted Mantis, Painted Mantis.. more
Also known as Black-finned Shrimpgoby, Bluespot Goby, Bluespot Watchman Goby, Blue-spotted Watchman Goby, Blue-spotted Watchman Prawngoby, Peacock Watchman Goby, Spot Goby, Sulphur Goby, Yellow-barred Shrimpgoby. Found in small.. more
Also known as Ocellated Sole, Pacific Sole. Found singly, sometimes buried in the substrate, over mud and sandy bottoms, of lagoons and seaward reefs. This sole has toxic.. more
Also known as Black Razorfish, Black-barred Razorfish, Blue Razorfish, Indian Blue Razorfish, Indianfish, Leaf Wrasse, Pavo Razorfish, Peacock Leaf Fish, Peacock Razorfish, Razor Wrasse, Redbelly Razor Wrasse,.. more
Also known as Black Razorfish, Black-barred Razorfish, Blue Razorfish, Indian Blue Razorfish, Indianfish, Leaf Wrasse, Pavo Razorfish, Peacock Leaf Fish, Peacock Razorfish, Razor Wrasse, Redbelly Razor Wrasse,.. more
Also known as Bonaire Blenny, Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny. Found skipping back and forth over boulders, in rock pools, and over rocky slopes, of shallow, coastal.. more
Also known as Brazilian Cichlid, Eartheater, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl Eartheater, Pearl Horseface, Pearlscale, Pearlscale Eartheater. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over fresh and brackish waters, on sandy substrate,.. more
Also known as Gudgeon, Reticulate Sandgoby, Reticulated Goby, Sand Goby, Twin-spots Sandgoby. Found singly, over rubble and sandy areas, in murky waters of estuaries and coastal reefs. They feed.. more
Also known as Diamond Gourami, Lace Gourami, Leeri Gourami, Mosaic Gourami. Found amongst dense vegetation over lowland streams and swamps. They feed on crustaceans, insects larvae and zooplankton. Length.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Malawi Cichlid, Mbuna Cichlid, Victoria Cichlid. Found in large schools, over shallow, rocky substrates, of Lake Malawi. They feed on algae, crustaceans, insects, and.. more
Also known as Pufferfish, Margaritata Pufferfish, Red Sea Pufferfish, Sharp-nosed Puffer, Spotted Sharpnose Puffer. Found singly or in pairs, in shallow protected channels, lagoons, reef flats and in.. more
Also known as Curvier's Tamarin, Cuvier's Tamarin Wrasse, Cuvier's Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse, Spotted Wrasse, Tamarin Wrasse. Found singly, or in pairs, over rocky bottoms, of inshore reefs,.. more
Also known as Halfblack Angelfish, Halfblack Dwarf Angelfish, Halfblack Pygmy Angel, Pearl-scaled Angelfish, Pearly-scale Pygmy Angelfish, Pearly-scaled Angelfish. Found singly or in pairs, over lagoons and seaward reefs,.. more
Also known as Puller, Spotted-fin Puller, White-saddled Reeffish. Found singly or in pairs, both inshore and offshore, over coral and rocky reefs. They feed on zooplankton. Length - 17cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Bluestripe Coral Bream, Bluestripe Monocle Bream, Bluestripe Spinecheek, Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Oblique-bar Monocle Bream, Oblique-barred Monocle Bream, Oblique-barred Spinecheek, Olive-spotted Monocle Bream, Olive-spotted.. more
Also known as Sultan Goatfish. Found foraging for food, over rocky outcrops, rubble, and sandy bottoms, of silty reefs. They feed on crustaceans, small fish, and invertebrates. Length - 23cm Depth.. more
Also known as Bared-face Spinecheek, Blue-and-Yellow Monocle Bream, Coral Bream, Margarite's Spinecheek, Monocle Bream, Pearly Spinecheek, Rainbow Bream, Spinecheek, Whiptail. Found singly or in small schools, over.. more
Also known as Cleaver Wrasse, Razor Wrasse, Razorfish, Sand Wrasse. Found singly or in loose schools, hovering over coral rubble and seagrass beds, of clear inshore reefs. When.. more
Also known as Pearl Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant Major. Found in schools, over moderate surge zones, of coastal coral reefs. They feed on benthic algae and invertebrates. Length - 16cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Brown-stripe Wrasse, Ear-muff Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found singly, or in small schools, over inshore silty mud, sand, and seagrass beds, of reefs. They feed on hard.. more
Also known as Collector Urchin, Indian Urchin, Sea Hedgehog, White Sea Urchin. Found hiding during the day, in holes and hollows of coral and rock reefs rich.. more
Also known as Anemone Shrimp, Caribbean Anemone Shrimp, Carid Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, Commensal Shrimp, Pederson's Shrimp, Symbiotic Cleaner Shrimp. Found living in colonies, in a symbiotic relationship with.. more
Also known as Balloonfish, Big Blue Diodon, Globefish, Hedgehogfish, Pelagic Porcupine Puffer, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found in schools over the oceans. They feed on pelagic crustaceans, fish, fish larvae,.. more
Also known as Benthic Red Crab, California Squat Lobster, Langostilla, Red Crab, Tuna Crab. Found on the seabed, in warm waters, of the continental shelf. Often swarms of.. more
Also known as Betta, Forest Betta, Malayan Betta, Malayan Forest Betta, Mouth-brooding Betta, Penang Mouth-brooding Fighting Fish. Found singly or in pairs, close to overhanging vegetation, in fast.. more
Also known as Beddome's Rock Whiting, Longnose Weed Whiting, Pygmy Rock Whiting, Pygmy Whiting, Slender Weed Whiting. Found singly or in schools, hiding in kelp beds or amongst.. more
Also known as Black Pearl Oyster, Black Winged Oyster, Brownlip Oyster, Common Wing Oyster, Giant Wing Oyster, Mollusc, Oyster, Pearl Oyster, Wing Oyster, Winged Oyster, Winged Pearl.. more
Also known as Blackline Penquinfish, Hockey Stick Characin, Hockey Stickfish, Obliqua Penguin Tetra, Penguin Tetra, Short-striped Hockey Stick Tetra, Short-striped Penquinfish. Found in schools, around dense vegetation,.. more
Also known Cushion Sea Star, Cushion Star, Pentagon Star, Starfish, Uri, Uri Sea Star. Found singly, or in constellations, usually in deep waters, over rubble and sandy areas,.. more
Also known as Coralfish, Gorgeous Gussy, Many-banded Butterflyfish, Multi-banded Butterflyfish, Pebble Butterflyfish, Pebbled Butterflyfish, Spotted Butterflyfish, Spotted Coralfish, Spotted Guttatissimus, Spotty Butterflyfish. Found singly, pairs, or.. more
Also known as Bar-cheeked Eel, Black-specked Reef Eel, Giant Moray, Ocellate Moray, Painted Moray, Painted Reef Eel, Paint-spotted Moray, Peppered Eel, Sidereal Moray, Speckled Sidereal Moray. Found singly,.. more
Also known as Fine-spotted Rabbitfish, Fine-spotted Spinefoot, Peppered Rabbitfish, Shoemaker Spinefoot, Spinefoot. Found in pairs, over steep slopes, channel reefs, harbours, and in lagoons. They feed on benthic seaweeds. Length.. more
Also known as Greenbubble Dwarfgoby, Greenbubble Goby, Gudgeon, Midget Goby, Red-spotted Dwarfgoby, Reef Goby, Rubble Eviota. Found usually in shallow waters, over dead reef and rubble areas.. more
Also known as Bluenose Goby, Coral Goby, Gudgeon, Reef Goby. Found singly, or in small schools, around coral heads, close to reefs. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length - 3cm Depth.. more
Also known as Cobbler, Permit Fish, Permit Jack, Yellow-wax Pompano, Trevally. Found singly or in small schools over mud bottoms in channels and holes over sand flats and.. more
Also known as Cobbler, Permit Fish, Permit Jack, Yellow-wax Pompano, Trevally. Found singly, or in small schools, over mud bottoms, in channels and holes, over sand flats and.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Gold Midas Blenny, Golden Blenny, Golden Midas Blenny, Lyretail Blenny, Lyretail Combtooth, Lyretail Combtooth Blenny, Midas Blenny, Midas Coral Blenny, Midas Midas,.. more
Also known as Bedford's Flatworm, Elegant Flatworm, Leaf Worm, Polyclad Flatworm, Polyclad Worm. Found singly or in pairs, in shallow waters, amongst coral and rubble, on ledges of.. more
Also known as Dogfish, Sargo, Sweetlips. Found in dense schools in open waters, above boulder strewn rocky reefs and slopes. They feed on benthic invertebrates and floating organic matter. Length.. more
Also known as Blowfish, Common Puffer, Least Puffer, Pufferfish, Swellfish, Swelltoad, Toadfish. Found blending in with the background, over shallow, soft bottoms, of bays, estuaries, and mangroves. They feed.. more
Also known as Fingerprint Toby, Indian Toby, Peter's Puffer, Peter's Pufferfish, Toby. Found singly or in pairs, amongst branches of corals, under ledges, or out in the open,.. more
Also known as Coral Bream, Large-eyed Spinecheek, Monocle Bream, Pale Monocle Bream, Pale Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail, Yellowtail Spinecheek. Found singly or in small schools, over mud and sandy.. more
Also known as Coral Bream, Large-eyed Spinecheek, Monocle Bream, Pale Monocle Bream, Pale Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail, Yellowtail Spinecheek. Found singly or in small schools, over mud and sand.. more
Also known as Bannerfish, Coralfish, Indian Bannerfish, Indian Ocean Bannerfish, Pennantfish. Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over shallow reef crests and surge zones, of lagoons and seaward.. more
Also known as Bullseye Cardinalfish, Nurseryfish. Found hiding in caves, crevices, and in seagrass beds, of silt reefs, dispersing at night foraging for food, in mangroves and seagrass.. more
Also known as Cephalopod, Large Striped Cuttlefish. Found in shallow waters, over sand and seagrass beds, of coral and rocky reefs. Colourful changes in display to match surroundings,.. more
Also known as Albino Clarias, Asian Catfish, Clarias Catfish, Clarid Catfish, Climbing Perch, Common Walking Catfish, Freshwater Catfish, Invasive Walking Catfish, Southeast Asian Catfish, Thailand Catfish, Toyman's.. more
Also known as Philippine Damselfish, Philippines Damselfish, Yellowtail Philippine Damselfish. Found singly, pairs, or in small schools, in the shadow of cliffs and vertical drop-offs, under overhangs and.. more
Also known as Blacktail Dartfish, Dartfish, Dart Goby, Gudgeon, Hover Goby, Philippine Dartgoby, Tailspot Dartfish, Worm Goby. Found in pairs, or family groups, hovering just above the bottom,.. more
Also known as Puller, Schooling Chromis, Scissors-tail Puller. Found in loose schools, sheltering in caves, crevices and under ledges, When feeding they can be found above reefs and.. more
Also known as Nudibranch, Warty Sea Slugs. Found singly, or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on sponges. Length - ?cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Fang Blenny, Hit-and-Run Blenny, Hit-and-Run Fangblenny, Mimic Blenny, Piano Blenny, Sabretooth Blenny, Sabre-toothed Blenny, Scale-eating Blenny, Scale-eating Fangblenny, Scale-eating Sabretooth Fangblenny, Slender Blenny, Violet-banded.. more
Also known as Banded Barracuda, Barracuda Jello, Blackfin Barracuda, Dingo Fish, Giant Seapike, Guinean Barracuda, Indian Barracuda, Jello Barracuda, Pickhandle Sea Pike, Sea Pike, Slender Barracuda, Slender.. more
Also known as Serpent Star, Starfish. Found during the day in shallow waters, under dead coral, rubble, and in seagrass beds, at night in the open, foraging for.. more
Also known as Bigbrow Blenniella, Bullethead Blenny, Bullethead Rockskipper, Bullethead Rockskipper Blenny, Coral Blenny, Hump-headed Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, Rockskipper. Found singly, sitting resting or poking out.. more
Also known as Dragonette, Green Mandarin Dragonette, Green Mandarinfish, Greenspot Manderin, Greenspot Mandarin Dragonet, Mandarinfish, Picture Dragonet, Picture Mandarinfish, Picturesque Mandarinfish, Psychedelic Fish, Spotted Mandarin, Spotted Mandarinfish,.. more
Also known as Coral Blenny, Painted Blenny, Pictus Coral Blenny, Reef Blenny, Rock Blenny, White-lined Blenny, White-lined Combtooth, White-lined Combtooth Blenny. Found singly, or in pairs, resting.. more
Also known as Pictus Catfish. Found in schools, over mud and sandy substrates, in shallow, flowing channels, rivers and their tributaries. They feed nocturnally on aquatic invertebrates and plants. Length.. more
Also known as Cuban Grunt, Hogfish, Piggy Perch, Redmouth Grunt, Sailor's Choice, Sweetlips. Found in schools, close to shelter during the day, dispersing at night, foraging for food,.. more
Also known as Dusky Seaperch, Pile Seaperch, Pile Surfperch, Seaperch. Found in loose schools in kelp beds, around pilings, and underwater structures, of rocky shores. They feed on barnacles,.. more
Also known as Caribbean Pillar Coral, Digitate Coral. Found over shallow, flat, and gently sloping surfaces of the reef, often with extended polyps, both day and night. They.. more
Also called Blackfish, Bubble, India Pilot Whale, North Pacific Pilot Whale, Oceanic Dolphins, Pacific Pilot Whale, Potheads, Shortfin Pilot Whale, Short-finned Pilot Whale, Short-finned Whale, Southern Blackfish. Found.. more
Also known as Batik Tailed Slug, Bubble Snail, 'Nudibranch' (but they are not), Pilsbury Slug, Tailed Slug. Found singly, pairs, or in groups, amongst rubble, sand, and.. more
Also known as Black-edged Angelfish, Lyretail Angelfish, Watanabei Angelfish, Watanabe's Angel, Watanabe's Angelfish, Watanabe's Lyretail Angelfish, Zebra Angelfish, Zebra Lyretail Angel, Zebra Lyretail Angelfish. Found in harems,.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Albino Cichlid, Blue Pindan Cichlid, Lake Malawi Cichlid, Malawi African Cichlid, Malawi Cichlid, Mbuna, Powder Blue Cichlid, Snow Cichlid, Snow White Cichlid,.. more
Also known as Armoured Sea Cucumber, Giant Sea Cucumber, Pickles, Pineapple Cucumber, Pointed Teat Sea Cucumber, Prickly Cucumber, Prickly Redfish, Prickly Redfish Sea Cucumber, Prickly Skin Sea.. more
Also known as Bigeye Soldierfish, Blotcheye Soldier, Blotcheye Soldierfish, Crimson Soldierfish, Crimson Squirrelfish, Knightfish, Red Soldierfish, Small-eyed Squirrelfish. Found singly during the day in caves and under ledges.. more
Also known as Dick Bridegroom Fish, Japanese Pineapplefish, Knightfish, Pine Sculpin, Pineapplefish, Sawbelly, Soldierfish. Found in schools, during the day close to the shore, in caves and under.. more
Also known as Bream, Butterfish, Pin Perch, Red Porgie, Saltwater Bream, Sand Perch, Seabream, Sailors Choice. Found singly or in large schools, in both brackish and freshwaters, over.. more
Also known as Fusilier, Pinjalo, Whitespot Pinjalo Snapper. Found in schools, over rocky bottoms of coastal reefs and open ocean reefs, in shallow to very deep waters. Colour.. more
Also known as Anemonefish, Clownfish, False Skunk-striped Anemonefish, False Skunk-striped Clown, False Skunk-striped Clownfish, Pink Clownfish, Pink Skunk Anemonefish, Pink Skunk Clown, Pink Skunk Clownfish, Salmon Anemonefish,.. more
Also known as Brittle Sea Star, Brittle Star, Hairy Leather Coral Brittle Star, Serpent Star, Starfish. Found entwined, amongst living corals, and rubble, over coral and rocky reefs... more
Also known as Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse, Carpenter's Wrasse, Flasher Wrasse, Pink Flasher Wrasse, Redfin Flasher Wrasse. Found in schools, over coral and rubble bottoms, of steep outer reef.. more
Also known as Deepsea Anglerfish, Red Anglerfish, Redeye, Walkingfish. Found singly, in deep waters, over hard and soft substrates, and along slopes, of the continental shelf. They feed on.. more
Also known as Carpet Algae, Coralline Algae, Red Algae. Found in places of high energy wave action, growing in dense patches of matt like turf, over large areas.. more
Also known as Comb Jelly, Comb Jellyfish, Northern Comb Jellyfish, Sea Gooseberry, Sea Jellies, Sea Walnut, Squash Jellyfish. Found washed up on beaches, drifting in the sea, or.. more
Also known as Cowtail Ray, Cowtail Whipray, Rose Whipray. Found singly or in large fevers, sometimes buried in the sand with just the eyes showing, or resting on.. more
Also known as Caribbean Marine Sponge, Caribbean Sponge, Demospongiae, Marine Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Marine Sponge. Found between coral rubble over submarine caves and in mangrove ponds. Varies in.. more
Also known as Bar-faced Grubfish, Bar-faced Sandperch, Bar-faced Weever, Barred Sandperch, Grubfish, Nebulous Sandperch, Nosestripe Sandperch, Red-Barred Grubfish, Red-barred Sandperch, Red-faced Weaver, Sandsmelt, Weever, Weeverfish. Found on silty,.. more
Also known as Blue-spotted Shrimpgoby, Gudgeon, Leptocephalus Prawngoby, Pink-and-Blue Spotted Goby, Pink Shrimpgoby, Pinkspot Shrimpgoby, Pinkspot Watchman Goby, Pink-spotted Shrimpgoby, Pink-spotted Watchman Goby, Shrimp Goby, Singapore Goby,.. more
Also known as Aurora Prawngoby, Aurora Shrimpgoby, Beautiful Prawngoby, Gudgeon, Pinkbar Partnergoby, Pinkbar Shrimpgoby, Prawn Goby, Shrimp Goby. Found singly or in pairs sharing their burrow with the.. more
Also known as Australian Emperor, Bridled Pigface Bream, Pigface Bream, Pinkear Bream, Pink-eared Bream, Pink-eared Emperor, Purple-eared Emperor, Purple-headed Emperor, Redear Bream, Redear Emperor, Redspot Emperor,.. more
Also known as Pink-tailed Chalceus, Pink-tailed Characin, Red-tailed Chalceus. Found singly or in small schools, near the surface of fresh well oxygenated waters, in rivers and river basins,.. more
Also known as Paddlefin Triggerfish, Pinktail Durgon, Pinktail Trigger, Pink-tailed Trigger, Pink-tailed Triggerfish, White-tailed Triggerfish. Found singly or in small loose schools, over exposed, current swept, seaward.. more
Also known as Dusky-tailed Rainbowfish, Dusky-tailed Wrasse, Hoeven's Wrasse, Melanurus Wrasse, Orange-tipped Rainbowfish, Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse, Tailspot Wrasse, Three-eyed Wrasse, Yellow-tailed Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools,.. more
Also known as Dusky-tailed Rainbowfish, Dusky-tailed Wrasse, Hoeven's Wrasse, Melanurus Wrasse, Orange-tipped Rainbowfish, Rainbowfish, Sand-reef Wrasse, Tailspot Wrasse, Three-eyed Wrasse, Yellow-tailed Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools,.. more
Also known as Bushy Black Coral, Precious Black Coral. Found growing as a single bushy frond, expanding to look like a giant pipe cleaner, over coral and rocky.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Pipek's Phyllidiopsis, Pipeki Sea Slug, Warty Sea Slug. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky.. more
Also known as Black Ear Piranha, Green Tiger Piranha, Piranha, Yellow Tiger Piranha. Found in rivers, and estuaries. They feed on the fins of other fish. Length - 20cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Branching Coral, Butternut Stylophora Coral, Cluster Coral, False Finger Coral, Hood Coral, Smooth Cauliflower Coral. Found in shallow waters, often exposed to strong wave action,.. more
Also known as Demospongiae, Marine Sponge, Rigid Sponge, Siliceous Sponge, Tube Sponge, Tubular Sponge, Verongida Sponge. Found in colonies, over sandy, surge, and wave zones, around mangrove ponds,.. more
Also known as Blackstripe Coris, Blackstripe Wrasse, Black-striped Wrasse, Pixie Rainbow Wrasse, Pixie Wrasse, Sand Wrasse. Found singly or in small schools around coral heads and over silty.. more
Also known as Adhesive Anemone, Adhesive Pizza Carpet Anemone, Adhesive Sea Anemone, Carpet Anemone, Hexacoral, Nap-edged Anemone, Neapolitan Anemone, Pizza Anemone, Pizza Carpet Anemone, Pizza Crust Anemone,.. more
Also known as Boniter, Palomette, Tasarte. Found in small schools, over the surface of warm waters, in coastal areas. They feed on small fish. Length - 130cm Depth - ?m Widespread.. more
Also known as Barbells, California Singing Fish, Frogfish, Midshipman, Northern Midshipman, Plain Frogfish, Singing Fish. Found singly, hiding out of water, under rocks and seaweed, over mud and.. more
Also known as Lost Sole. Found singly, in shallow, soft bottomed, coastal and estuarine areas, often partially buried or resting on the sand. This highly compressed fish.. more
Also known as Mudfish, Zebra Fundulus. Found often buried head first into sand, to orientate themselves with only mouth and eyes visible, over shallow, sandy, backwaters, creeks, pools,.. more
Also known as Common Filefish, Cuckold, Leatherjacket, Triggerfish. Found singly or in pairs, over rock, rubble, sand and seagrass bottoms of reefs, in shallow to very deep waters. They.. more
Also known as Coral Goby, Ghost Goby, Gudgeon, Lobed Ghostgoby, Longsnout Cling-goby, Reef Goby. Found singly resting on hard sponges over channels and reef flats of lagoons and.. more
Also known as Atlantic Scorpionfish, Barbfish, Feathered Scorpionfish, Grass Scorpionfish, Gurnard. Found singly or in pairs during the day, well camouflaged, often lying motionless on the bottom, dispersing.. more
Also known as Citrinis Clown Goby, Citron Clown Goby, Citron Goby, Citrus Goby, Coral Goby, Fourbar Goby, Fourbar Maori Goby, Gudgeon, Gum Drop Goby, Lemon Coralgoby, Lemon.. more
Also known as Mototi Octopus, Siamese Ocellate Octopus. Found singly, on shallow rubble and sand bottoms of bays and lagoons. Their colour can change rapidly to.. more
Also known as Deep-sea Batfish, Handfish, Sea Bat, Spotted Batfish, Walking Batfish. Found singly, either walking with their pelvic fins, resting, or partially buried, wiggling their modified dorsal.. more
Also known as Hermit Crab, Polka Dot Hermit Crab, Polka Dot One Claw Crab, Polkadot Reef Hermit. Found both day and night, over rubble, sand, seagrass, and shell.. more
Also known as Green Algae, Green Finger Algae, Green Sea Beads, Dread-locks Algae. Found in thick clumps in rocky crevices over shallow moderate surge zones of slopes and.. more
Also known as Australian Dart, Buck-nosed Trevally, Common Pompano, Derbio, Short Dorsalfin Pompano, Silverfish, Trevally. Found in schools, over mud and sand bottoms, in shallow clearwater surge.. more
Also known as Alien Oriental Weatherfish, Amur Mud Loach, Amur Weatherfish, Asian Weather Loach, Chinese Muddy Loach, Chinese Weatherfish, Dojo, Dojo Loach, Gold Dojo Loach, Japanese Loach,.. more
Also known as American Aquatic Turtle, Aquatic Turtle, Common Slider, Slider Turtle, Soft-shell Turtle, Yellow-bellied Slider, Yellow-bellied Slider Turtle, Yellowbelly Slider. Found resting on logs and rocks, sunbathing.. more
Also known as Pongo Pongo. Found close to the bottoms, of rivers, streams, and their tributaries. They feed on algae, by scraping the substrate for food (hence the.. more
Also known as Lessepsian Goatfish. Found singly, or in schools, foraging for food, in silty waters, over sand and seagrass beds, of coastal and inner lagoon reefs. They feed.. more
Also known as Leaf Coral, Papyrus Coral. Found in large colonies, on hard surfaces, over protected shallow reef flats and reef slopes. Not very common. They feed on plankton. Length.. more
Also known as Fiddler Crab, Mangrove Fiddler Crab, Porcelain Fiddler, Ring-legged Fiddler Crab. Found in consortiums, around mangroves, mud, and sandy bottoms, close to the entrance of their.. more
Also known as African Ray, Armored Stingray, Black-spotted Ray, Porcupine Ray, Rough-skinned Ray, Roughskin Stingaree, Solanders Ray, Thorny Ray, Thorny Stingray. Found singly, or in small fevers, sometimes.. more
Also known as Atlantic Porkfish, Dogfish, Paragrate Grunt, Sweetlips. Found during the day, close to shelter in stationary schools, dispersing at night, hunting for food, over shallow,.. more
Also known as Atlantic Porkfish, Dogfish, Paragrate Grunt, Sweetlips. Found in large schools, during the day, close to shelter, dispersing at night, hunting for food, over rocky.. more
Also known as Leatherjacket, Porky Filefish. Found singly, or in pairs, over shallow rock, sand, and seagrass bottoms, of estuaries and coastal reefs. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Juveniles found.. more
Also known as Blunthead Shark, Bullhead, Bullhead Shark, Dog Shark, Horn Shark, Oyster Crusher, Pigfish. Found singly or in shivers, resting during the day, in caves, under ledges.. more
Also known as Bluebottle, Bluebottle Jellyfish, Fullsail Jellyfish, Indo-Pacific Portuguese Man-of-War, Man-of War, Pacific Man-O-War, Sailing Jellyfish, Stinging Bluebottle, Stinger. Found sometimes in huge numbers, near the surface,.. more
Also known as Bearded Scorpionfish, Possi's Scorpionfish. Found singly, on coral and rocky bottoms, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on small fish. Length - 19cm Depth - 2-50m Widespread Indo-Pacific Scorpionfish.. more
Also known as Bearded Scorpionfish, Possi's Scorpionfish. Found singly, on coral and rocky bottoms, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on small fish. Length - 19cm Depth - 2-50m Widespread Indo-Pacific Scorpionfish.. more
Also known as Brown-spotted Leather Jacket, Leatherjacket, Peron's Filefish, Potbelly Filefish, Potbelly Leatherjacket. Found singly, over rocky reefs, and trawl grounds. They feed on benthic invertebrates. Length - 35cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Black-spotted Rockcod, Brown-marbled Grouper, Brown-marbled Reefcod, Cod, Hind, Potato Bass, Potato Cod, Potato Rockcod, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, around bommies, in deep reef channels,.. more
Also known as Commensal Crinoid Shrimp, Crinoid Shrimp. Found in the arms of feather stars, probably Comanthus bennetti, over coral and rocky reefs. Highly variable in colour! They feed.. more
Also known as Blue Surgeonfish, Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Powderblue Doctorfish, Powderblue Surgeon, Powderblue Tang, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish. Found in small to large schools, over reef flats and upper seaward.. more
Also known as Brittle Sea Star, Exotic Brittle Star, Spiny Brittle Star. Found in the branches of dead and live corals, over rubble areas, of coral and rocky.. more
Also known as Fan Shell, Great Silk Muscle, Oyster, Pacific Pen Shell, Pearl Oyster, Pen Shell, Sea Ham, Thorny Wing. Found on mixed, soft bottom substrates, partially buried.. more
Also known as Beau Gregory Damselfish, Ocellate Damsel, Ocellate Damselfish, Ocellated Damselfish, Princess Damselfish. Found singly or in loose schools, over mixed coral and rubble areas of lagoons.. more
Also known as Blue Chub, Painted-tail Parrotfish, Sammy Johnson, Snotty Parrot, Snotty Parrotfish. Found in large schools, foraging for food, over coral and rocky bottoms of reefs, rich.. more
Also known as Blue Chub, Painted-tail Parrotfish, Sammy Johnson, Snotty Parrot, Snotty Parrotfish. Found in large schools, foraging for food, over coral and rocky bottoms of reefs, rich.. more
Also known as Estuarine Goby, Reef Goby. Found in shallow waters, over mud, rock, and sandy bottoms, of estuaries, intertidal pools, blind rivers, and tidal zones. They feed on.. more
Also know as Biscuit Urchin, Cake Urchin, Heart Urchin, Sand Dollar, Sea Biscuit, Sea Hedgehog. Found singly or in vast numbers, during the day buried, partially buried, or.. more
Also known as Polyclad Flatworm, Polyclad Worm, Wavy Flatworm. Found singly, amongst rubble and sandy areas of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on ascidians. Length - 5cm Depth - 2-20m Widespread.. more
Also known as Colonial Tunicate, Pacific Coast Jelly, Salp, Sea Jelly, Sea Squirt, Tunicate, Zooids. Found singly or in colonies, during the day in very deep waters, rising.. more
Also known as Puddingwife Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found in loose harems, flitting around the reef searching for food, over shallow patch reefs and slopes, of seaward reefs. They.. more
Also known as Puddingwife Wrasse, Sand-reef Wrasse. Found in loose harems, flitting around the reef searching for food, over shallow patch reefs and slopes, of seaward reefs. They.. more
Also known as Burrowing Sponge, Maiden's Fan, Marine Sponge, Pink Puffball Sponge, Red Burrowing Sponge, Red Maiden Fan Sponge. Found singly, or in small colonies, with the stalk.. more
Also known as Branching Coral, Colonial Staghorn Coral, Staghorn Coral. Found over shallow reef flats, reef lagoons, and back-reef margins. Various colours, with pale tips, looks a bit.. more
Also known as African Cichlid, Malawi Cichlid, Mbuna, Zebra Cichlid. Found singly, or in small schools, over rock and sandy areas, of Lake Malawi. They feed on periphyton and.. more
Also known as Bush Coral, Octocoral, Pulse Coral, Pulsing Polyp Coral, Pumping Xenia, Soft Tree Coral, Waving Hand Coral. Found growing in meadow like colonies, over coral and.. more
Also known as Common Sunfish, Pond Perch, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Punky, Sun Bass, Sunny, Yellow Sunfish. Found in freshwater creeks, lakes, ponds and rivers, rich in vegetation. Colours highly.. more
Also known as Sweetlips. Found singly, or in schools during the day, often in murky waters, close to debris, rocky outcrops, and wrecks, dispersing at night hunting for.. more
Also known as Amethyst Anthias, Basslet, Purple Queen, Purple Queen Anthias, Purple Queenfish, Sea Perch, Yellowfin Anthias, Yellowstripe Anthias, Yellow-striped Fairy Basslet. Found in schools, feeding in.. more
Also known as Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Sea Squirt, Tunicate. Found singly or in colonies, often in shallow waters, but has been found deeper on coral and rocky.. more
Also known as Botrylle Violet, Bulbous Tunicate, Chain Tunicate, Colonial Ascidian, Colonial Tunicate, Compound Ascidian, Invasive Colonial Tunicate, Invasive Tunicate, Lined Compound Ascidian, Lined Compound Tunicate, Orange.. more
Also known as Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Sea Squirt, Tunicate. Found on walls and drop-offs, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on detritus and plankton. Length - ?cm Depth -.. more
Also known as Branching Soft Coral, Gorgonian Sea Fan, Red Sea Whip, Red Sea Whip Coral, Sea Fan, Sea Rod, Sea Whip, Whip Coral. Found usually on cave.. more
Also known as Grapsid Crab, Mangrove Crab, Mangrove Root Crab, Red Mangrove Crab, Shore Crab, Spotted Mangrove Crab, Tree Crab, True Crab. Found singly, or in consortiums, around.. more
Also known as Amethyst Anthias, Anthias, Basslet, Purple Anthias, Purple Basslet, Purple Queen Anthias, Sailfin Queen, Sea Perch. Found in large schools, in caves, and around coral outcrops.. more
Also known as Asteroid, Purple Starfish, Red Starfish, Starfish, Violet Sea Star. Found singly, or in constellations, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They.. more
Also known as Janolus sp., Lesser Janolus, Nudibranch, Ringed Janolus, Zephyrinid Nudibranch. Found singly or in pairs, on sandy bottoms, close to reefs and rocks. They feed on Moss.. more
Also known as Blue Tuskfish, Bluebone, Grass Parrot, Grass Tuskfish, Tuskfish. Found singly, over rubble and seagrass beds, in shallow waters of coral reefs. They feed on hard shell.. more
Also known as Colonial Ascidian, Compound Ascidian, Sea Squirt, Sea Strawberry, Strawberry Sea Squirt, Tunicate. Found in colonies on dead corals, over shallow sheltered waters. They feed on.. more
Also known as Pink-eared Mantis Shrimp, Pinktail Mantis Shrimp, Poorman Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Purpletail Mantis Shrimp, Rubble Mantis, Rubble Mantis Shrimp, Smashing Mantis Shrimp. Found singly or in.. more
Also known as - No other name. Found in pairs or small schools, in shallow waters, over sand and weed bottoms, close to coral heads rich in algae.. more
Also known as Compass Jellyfish, Mauve Stinger, Pelagiid Jellyfish, Purple-banded Jellyfish, Purple Jellyfish, Purple-striped Jellyfish, Purple-striped Sea Nettle, Sea Jelly, Sea Nettle. Found near the surface, drifting in.. more
Also known as Brown Conger, Brown Moray, Deepwater Conger, Dusky-mouthed Moray, Dusky-mouthed Moray Eel, Green Moray, Purplemouth Murena, Purple-mouthed Moray Eel. Found singly, during the day in crevices,.. more
Also known as Nudibranch, Purple-lined Nembrotha. Found singly or in pairs, amongst corals and in seagrass beds, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on the yellow-lined ascidian -.. more
Also known as Acne Nudibranch, Acne Sea Slug, Blister Nudibranch, Blister Sea Slug, Dorid Nudibranch, Nudibranch, Pimple Nudibranch, Pimple Sea Slug, Pimpled Phyllidiella, Pustule Nudibranch, Pustule Sea.. more
Also known as Leatherjacket, Speckled Filefish. Found singly, or in pairs, drifting vertically and blending in with their surroundings, amongst floating flotsam and seaweeds, in off-shore areas close.. more
Also known as Lembeh Pygmy Pipe Seadragon, Lembeh Pygmy Seadragon, Lembeh Seadragon, Pipehorse, Pygmy Pipehorse, Pygmy Seahorse, Thread Pipefish. Found singly or in pairs, over silty, mud bottoms,.. more
Also known as Cod, Hind, Rockcod, Trout. Found singly, often lying on the bottom, over rubble, sand and seagrass beds of coral and rocky reefs. They feed on small.. more
Also known as Bargibant's Seahorse, Gorgonian Seahorse, Miniature Seahorse. Found singly, pairs, or in herds, anchored by their tails and blending in matching the colour, shape, and polyps,.. more
Also known as Pygmy Threefin, Pygmy Threefin Blenny, Threefin, Threefin Blenny, Triplefin. Found over shallow, inshore, wave swept reef crests, slopes, and in tide-pools, of lagoons and coastal.. more
Also known as Dorid Nudibranch, Four-coloured Nudi, Nudibranch, Pyjama Nudibranch, Pyjama Slug. Found singly, or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of shallow, coral and rocky reefs. They.. more
Also known as Brushy-toothed Butterflyfish, Coralfish, Pyramid Butterfly, Schooling Pyramid Butterflyfish, Shy Butterflyfish, Yellow Pyramid Butterfly, Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish. Found in small to large schools, sometimes containing.. more
Also known as Pyramid Star, Pyramid Starfish, Star, Starfish, Yellow Sea Star, Yellow-spotted Star, Yellow-spotted Starfish. Found singly or in constellations, over coral and rocky reefs, rich in.. more