Paired Bell Siphonophore (Agalma okeni)

Also known as Hydrozoan, Medusa Jelly, Sea Ants, Sea Jelly, Siphonophore, Zooid


Also known as Hydrozoan, Medusa Jelly, Sea Ants, Sea Jelly, Siphonophore, Zooid.

Found floating in open waters, with tentacles extended to ensnare prey.
They feed on zooplankton.
Length - 300cm
Depth - 0-200m
Widespread Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean

These jellyfish are made up of tiny swimming bells ranging from 1 to many, propelled by a gas float they float in the water with their many tentacles extented to catch their prey.
They are not dangerous will produce an intense sting and redness but not death!

Jellyfish are 95% water.
They have no heart, brain, blood, or gills. The body of the Jellyfish is called a bell. They do have a mouth, tentacles and arms around their mouth. They use their arms around their mouth to help sense and find food that ends up inside their mouth.

In the winter they disintegrate, the offspring surviving as larvae attached to the bottom. By asexual reproduction they form stacks of platters, and these platters are released in the spring to start their pelagic life.
Their only predators are Bannerfish and Arrow Crabs. Ref:


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