Tub Gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna)

Also known as Gurnard, Long-finned Gurnard, Sapphirine Gurnard, Tub, Tubfish, Yellow Gurnard


Also known as Gurnard, Long-finned Gurnard, Sapphirine Gurnard, Tub, Tubfish, Yellow Gurnard.

Found singly, in medium, to very deep waters, over gravel, mud, and sandy bottoms.
They feed on crustaceans, fish, and molluscs.
Length - 75cm
Depth - 20-300m
Widespread Eastern Atlantic, Black Sea, Mediterranean

Sea robins have heavily armoured, spiny heads. They have separate rays (like soft spines) on their bellies, near the Pectoral fins these spines act like legs, as the fish walks along the bottom of the ocean they use these spines to find crustaceans in the sand.
They also grunt. French term for the word Gurnard means to grunt.
They have poisonous spines on their backs. Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/1366


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