Longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus)

Also known as Black Sucker, Finescale Sucker, Jasper Longnose Sucker, Long-nosed Sucker, Northern Sucker, Red Sucker, Red-sided Sucker, Siberian Sucker, Sturgeon Sucker


Also known as Black Sucker, Finescale Sucker, Jasper Longnose Sucker, Long-nosed Sucker, Northern Sucker, Red Sucker, Red-sided Sucker, Siberian Sucker, Sturgeon Sucker.

Found over shallow, gravel bottoms, and in deep pools, in clear, cold, deep water lakes, and tributary streams, occasionally found in brackish waters of the Arctic.
They feed on algae, aquatic plants, and small benthic invertebrates.
Length - 60cm
Depth - 0-180m
Widespread North America

Suckerfish are fund in freshwaters they have thick fleshy lips with no teeth, but their throat has a single row of teeth with which to grind their food up against a roughed base plate. Ref: https://fishbase.se/summary/Catostomus-catostomus.html


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