Arabian Monocle Bream (Scolopsis ghanam)

Also known as Arabian Spinecheek, Arabian Threadfin Bream, Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Paleband Monocle Bream, Paleband Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail


Also known as Arabian Spinecheek, Arabian Threadfin Bream, Coral Bream, Monocle Bream, Paleband Monocle Bream, Paleband Spinecheek, Spinecheek, Whiptail.

Found singly or in small schools, over shallow, sandy bottoms, close to reefs, in lagoons and coastal reefs.
They feed on crustaceans, echinoderms, small fish, and molluscs.
Length - 25cm
Depth - 1-20m
Widespread Indian Ocean

Threadfin Breams and Whiptail Breams have excellent eyesight and are usually found close to the bottom looking for prey with a stop start movement. Ref:

Related creatures

Heads up! Many creatures change during their life. Juvenile fish become adults and some change shape or their colour. Some species change sex and others just get older. The following creature(s) are known relatives of the Arabian Monocle Bream. Click the image(s) to explore further or hover over to get a better view!

Arabian Monocle Bream (Juvenile)

Arabian Monocle Bream (Juvenile)

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