Also known as Bursa Trigger, Bursa Triggerfish, Lei Trigger, Lei Triggerfish, Pallid Triggerfish, Scimitar Triggerfish, Scythe Triggerfish, Sickle Triggerfish, Whiteline Trigger, Whiteline Triggerfish.
Found singly, over drop-offs and exposed reef flats, in clear inner and outer reefs, rich in algae growth.
They feed on algae, bivalves, crabs, detritus, eggs, invertebrates, and molluscs.
Length - 24cm
Depth - 2-90m
Widespread Indo-Pacific
Triggerfish have a hard spine Dorsal Fin that can be locked.
When sleeping this spine is used to wedge them into place in a crevasse and so deter predators from pulling them out of their bed!
The spine is also held erect as a warning to other fish to stay away.
Several large Titans blow shallow depressions in the sand for nesting and if approached will raise this spine as a warning, if ignored they may charge, even divers! especially the Titan Triggerfish who will take a tasty bite!! Beware!!! Ref: