Black-blotched Porcupinefish (Diodon liturosus)

Also known as Balloonfish, Blotched Porcupinefish, Globefish, Hedgehogfish, Long-spined Porcupinefish, Masked Porcupinefish, Shortspine Porcupine, Shortspine Porcupinefish, Swelltoad, Toadfish


Also known as Balloonfish, Blotched Porcupinefish, Globefish, Hedgehogfish, Long-spined Porcupinefish, Masked Porcupinefish, Shortspine Porcupine, Shortspine Porcupinefish, Swelltoad, Toadfish.

Found singly, hiding during the day in caves, under ledges, and in coral plates, along reef edges and slopes.
They feed nocturnally on crustaceans and molluscs.
Length - 65cm
Depth - 0-90m
Widespread South East Atlantic, Indo-Pacific

Porcupinefish spines lay flat, but when threatened they can inflate like a "football with spikes" so the spines are facing outwards to deter prey. The have a plated mouth structure for crushing shells or "fingers".
Can give a nasty bite! Ref:


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