Banded Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix)

Also known as Bowman, Common Archerfish, Northern Riflefish, Riflefish, Spinnerfish


Also known as Bowman, Common Archerfish, Northern Riflefish, Riflefish, Spinnerfish.

Found in small schools, around overhanging vegetation, in murky, brackish waters, of mangrove estuaries, reefs, rivers, and small streams.
They feed on insects and plant material, from the surface of the water.
Length - 20cm
Depth - ?
Widespread Asia, Oceania

Archerfish are known for their ability to 'shoot down' insect prey by expelling beads of water from its mouth with considerable force and for its remarkable ability to compensate for visual refraction when aiming its shoots; shooting range is about 150 cm, hence the name! Ref:


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