Ballyhoo Halfbeak (Hemiramphus brasiliensis)

Also known as Baitfish, Balao, Bally, Ballyhoo, Gar, Needlefish, Red-tailed Balao, Yellowtail Ballyhoo


Also known as Baitfish, Balao, Bally, Ballyhoo, Gar, Needlefish, Red-tailed Balao, Yellowtail Ballyhoo.

Found in large schools, over very shallow, surface waters, above banks, reef flats, and seagrass beds, of coral reefs. Varies in colour with the light reflection.
They feed on small fish and seagrasses.
Length - 55cm
Depth - 0-5m
Widespread Eastern Atlantic, Western Atlantic, Caribbean

Halfbeaks hunt smaller fish just below the surface of the sea, but in turn the are also hunted by larger fish like Tuna and can sometimes be seen leaping into the air and seeming to skip along on their tails on the surface of the water to escape predators.
Potentially dangerous at night when attracted to light as they leap out of the water and have been known to cause fatalities with their beaks! Ref:


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