Brown Box Crab (Lopholithodes foraminatus)

Also known as Alaska King Crab, Box Crab, Brown King Crab, King Crab, Lithodid Box Crab, Puget Sound Box Crab


Also known as Alaska King Crab, Box Crab, Brown King Crab, King Crab, Lithodid Box Crab, Puget Sound Box Crab.

Found on, or buried in the substrate, over soft bottoms and rock faces, usually in deep waters.
They feed on bivalves and detritus.
Length - 15cm
Depth - 0-547m
Widespread Alaska, California, Canada

Box crab are named because of the way they can tuck their legs into their bodies giving the appearance of a neat box. Shame-faced is from the way their claws fold in in front of their face, as if hiding it in shame. Ref:


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