Blue Panchax (Aplocheilus panchax)

Also known as Blue-eye, Blue Panchax Killifish, Estuarine Ricefish, Leadhead, Panchax, Panchax Minnow, Silverhead, Spotted Medaka, Spotted Ricefish, Tinhead, Whitespot


Also known as Blue-eye, Blue Panchax Killifish, Estuarine Ricefish, Leadhead, Panchax, Panchax Minnow, Silverhead, Spotted Medaka, Spotted Ricefish, Tinhead, Whitespot.

Found in schools, over clear, freshwater canals, mangrove creeks, ditches, estuaries, ponds, reservoirs, and lowland wetlands, with dense aquatic plant cover. Used for controlling mosquito growth.
They feed on insects.
Length - 9cm
Depth - ?m
Widespread Asia

Popular aquarium fish. Ref:


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