Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Also known as American Brook Trout, Aurora Trout, Baiser, Breeder, Brook Char, Brookie, Bunnylake Brook Trout, Char, Coaster, Common Brook Trout, Eastern Brook Trout, Eastern Speckled Trout, Humpback Trout, Hump-backed Trout, Lordfish, Mountain Trout, Mud Trout, Native Trout, Salter, Sea Trout, Slob, Speckled Char, Speckled Trout, Specks, Squaretail, Square-tailed Trout, Trout, Whitefin


Also known as American Brook Trout, Aurora Trout, Baiser, Breeder, Brook Char, Brookie, Bunnylake Brook Trout, Char, Coaster, Common Brook Trout, Eastern Brook Trout, Eastern Speckled Trout, Humpback Trout, Hump-backed Trout, Lordfish, Mountain Trout, Mud Trout, Native Trout, Salter, Sea Trout, Slob, Speckled Char, Speckled Trout, Specks, Squaretail, Square-tailed Trout, Trout, Whitefin.

Found in schools, over clear, cool, well-oxygenated creeks, lakes, and small to medium rivers, as well as in the open sea.
They feed on crustaceans, fish, insects, leeches, molluscs, and worms.
Length - 80cm
Depth - 15-27m
Widespread North America

Salmonidae start their lives in rivers they then move to the sea where they spend most of their lives before returning to the rivers to spawn and then die! Ref:


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