A to Z - Rays, Sharks, Whales, Dolphins & Turtles

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Pilot Whale - Dolphins

Also called Blackfish, Bubble, India Pilot Whale, North Pacific Pilot Whale, Oceanic Dolphins, Pacific Pilot Whale, Potheads, Shortfin Pilot Whale, Short-finned Pilot Whale, Short-finned Whale, Southern Blackfish. Found.. more

Pink Whipray - Rays---Stingrays

Also known as Cowtail Ray, Cowtail Whipray, Rose Whipray. Found singly or in large fevers, sometimes buried in the sand with just the eyes showing, or resting on.. more

Pond Slider - Turtles---Freshwater Turtles

Also known as American Aquatic Turtle, Aquatic Turtle, Common Slider, Slider Turtle, Soft-shell Turtle, Yellow-bellied Slider, Yellow-bellied Slider Turtle, Yellowbelly Slider. Found resting on logs and rocks, sunbathing.. more

Porcupine Whipray - Rays---Stingrays

Also known as African Ray, Armored Stingray, Black-spotted Ray, Porcupine Ray, Rough-skinned Ray, Roughskin Stingaree, Solanders Ray, Thorny Ray, Thorny Stingray. Found singly, or in small fevers, sometimes.. more

Port Jackson Shark (eggs) - Sharks---Bullhead-Horn-Port Jackson Sharks

Also known as Blunthead Shark, Bullhead, Bullhead Shark, Dog Shark, Horn Shark, Oyster Crusher, Pigfish. Found singly or in shivers, resting during the day, in caves, under ledges.. more

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