A to Z - Rays, Sharks, Whales, Dolphins & Turtles

You are now viewing the A-Z restricted to only Rays, Sharks, Whales, Dolphins & Turtles

Leopard Shark - Sharks---Houndsharks

Also known as Ground Sharks, Leopard Houndshark, Zebra Shark. Found in mixed schools, over shallow, to intertidal deeper waters, on mud and sand areas bottoms, close to kelp.. more

Leopard Torpedo Ray - Rays---Electric Rays

Also known as Leopard Ray, Panther Electric Ray, Red Sea Torpedo Ray, Scalloped Torpedo Ray, Torpedo Ray. Found singly, often partially buried in the substrate, over mud and.. more

Lesser Electric Ray - Rays---Electric Rays-Numbfishes

Also known as Bancroft's Numbfish, Brazillian Electric Ray, Caribbean Electric Ray, Small Electric Ray, Spotted Torpedo Ray, Torpedofish, Trembler. Found often buried in the sand during the day,.. more

Loggerhead Turtle - Turtles---Sea Turtles

Also known as Atlantic Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta Atlantic Loggerhead Turtle, Loggerhead, Loggerhead Sea Turtle. Found foraging for food in shallow estuaries, coastal reefs, and over open seas. They feed.. more

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