A to Z - Rays, Sharks, Whales, Dolphins & Turtles

You are now viewing the A-Z restricted to only Rays, Sharks, Whales, Dolphins & Turtles

Red-eared Slider - Turtles---Freshwater Turtles

Also known as American Aquatic Turtle, Aquatic Turtle, Common Slider, Cumberland Slider, Red-eared Slider Turtle, Red-eared Terrapin, Red-eared Turtle, Slider Turtle, Soft-shell Turtle, Water Slider Turtle. Found resting.. more

Ribbontail Stingray - Rays---Stingrays

Also known as Bluedot Ray, Bluedot Stingray, Bluespot Stingray, Blue-spotted Fantail Ray, Blue-spotted Lagoon Ray, Blue-spotted Ray, Blue-spotted Reef Ray, Blue-spotted Reef Stingray, Blue-spotted Ribbontail Ray, Blue-spotted.. more

Round Ribbontail Ray - Rays---Stingrays

Also known as Black-blotched Stingray, Black-spotted Ray, Black-spotted Stingray, Blotched Fantail Ray, Bull Ray Barb, Fantail Ray, Fantail Stingray, Giant Reef Ray, Giant Ribbon-ray Fish, Marbled Ray,.. more

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