A to Z - Bivalves-Clams, Oysters & Scallops Molluscs

You are now viewing the A-Z restricted to only Bivalves-Clams, Oysters & Scallops Molluscs

Sand Gaper - Bivalves

Also known as Belly Clam, Eastern Soft-shell Clam, Essex Clam, Ipswich Clam, Large-neck Clam, Long Clam, Long-necked Clam, Mud Clam, Nannynose, Piss Clams, Sand Clam, Soft Clam,.. more

Scale-sided Piddock - Bivalves

Also known as Angel Wings, California Piddock, Clam, Mollusc, Piddock Clam, Piddocks, Scaled Piddock, Scaleside Piddock. Found over mud, shale, and hard substrate, of the ocean floor, where.. more

Scaly Thorny Oyster - Bivalves

Also known as Ducal Thorny Oyster, Mollusc, Northern Thorny Oyster, Oyster, Spiny Oyster. Found attached to dead corals and rocks, in sheltered, shallow locations, of coral and rocky.. more

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