Yellowtail Surgeonfish (Prionurus punctatus)

Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Yellowtail Sawtail


Also known as Doctorfish, Lancetfish, Thorntail, Thorntail Fish, Yellowtail Sawtail.

Found in schools, over shallow, rocky reefs, rich in algae growth.
They feed on algae.
Length - 60cm
Depth - 5-35m
Widespread Eastern Central Pacific

Surgeonfish have a blade like spine in the tail that points outwards when bent, unicorns have two hook-like plates along the tail, these are used for defence and are as sharp as a surgeons scalpel, hence the name "Surgeonfish".
Some species are venomous. Ref:


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