Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)

Also known as Bottlenose Sturgeon, Mammose Sturgeon, North American Sturgeon, Paddlefish, Pinkster, Round-noser Sturgeon, Salmon Sturgeon, Short-nosed Little Sturgeon


Also known as Bottlenose Sturgeon, Mammose Sturgeon, North American Sturgeon, Paddlefish, Pinkster, Round-noser Sturgeon, Salmon Sturgeon, Short-nosed Little Sturgeon.

Found on soft substrates, in bays, estuaries and lakes, occasionally entering the open sea.
They feed nocturnally on benthic crustaceans, insects and molluscs.
Length - 143cm
Depth - 6-53m
Widespread North America

Sturgeon eggs are used as Caviar and very expensive it is to! Ref:

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