Roundbelly Cowfish (Juvenile) (Lactoria diaphana)

Also known as Cowfish, Diaphanous Boxfish, Diaphanous Cowfish, Many-spined Cowfish, Spiny Boxfish, Spiny Cowfish,Thornback, Thornyback Cowfish, Translucent Boxfish, Transparent Boxfish


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Also known as Cowfish, Diaphanous Boxfish, Diaphanous Cowfish, Many-spined Cowfish, Spiny Boxfish, Spiny Cowfish,Thornback, Thornyback Cowfish, Translucent Boxfish, Transparent Boxfish.

Found singly, over mud-flats, rock, and sandy bottoms, of coastal and off-shore reefs.
They feed on benthic invertebrates.
Length - 34cm
Depth - 1-50m
Widespread Southeast Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, Indo-Pacific

The bodies of Boxfish are covered in a toxic mucus which can be released when stressed. Ref:


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