Redear Herring (Harengula humeralis)

Also known as Loose-scaled Sardine, Pilchard, Redear Pilchard, Readear Sardine, Scaly Sardine, Sprat, Whitebill, Yellowbill Yellowbill Sprat


Also known as Loose-scaled Sardine, Pilchard, Redear Pilchard, Readear Sardine, Scaly Sardine, Sprat, Whitebill, Yellowbill Yellowbill Sprat.

Found in medium to large schools, in coastal waters over seagrass beds and along shorelines of both polluted and clearwater coral reefs.
They feed on fish and zooplankton.
Length - 22cm
Depth - 0-50m
Widespread Western Atlantic, Caribbean

Herrings are the largest of the schooling baitfish and are one of the most important fish in the food chain! Ref:


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