Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)

Also known as Bag Whale, Bay Whale, Common Minke Whale, Davidson's Whale, Dwarf Minke Whale, Lesser Finback, Lesser Piked Whale, Lesser Rorqual, Little Finner, Little Piked Whale, Northern Minke Whale, Pikehead Whale, Sharp-headed Finner Whale, Summer Whale


Also known as Bag Whale, Bay Whale, Common Minke Whale, Davidson's Whale, Dwarf Minke Whale, Lesser Finback, Lesser Piked Whale, Lesser Rorqual, Little Finner, Little Piked Whale, Northern Minke Whale, Pikehead Whale, Sharp-headed Finner Whale, Summer Whale.

Found in family groups or pods, in shallow to very deep open coastal, in-shore and off-shore waters of the world.
They feed on small schooling fish and krill.
Length - 1000cm
Depth - 0-750m

This is the smallest whale, and a very social animal and inquisitive of divers.
They can submerge for 20 minutes before coming up to the surface for air.
Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minke_whale


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