Milk-spotted Puffer (Chelonodon patoca)

Also known as Blowfish, Gangetic Blowfish, Gangetic Pufferfish, Marbled Pufferfish, Marbled Toad, Marbled Toadfish, Marbled Toado, Milkspot Toadfish, Milk-spotted Pufferfish, Milk-spotted Toadfish, Pufferfish, Swelltoad, Tidal Pufferfish, Toadfish


Also known as Blowfish, Gangetic Blowfish, Gangetic Pufferfish, Marbled Pufferfish, Marbled Toad, Marbled Toadfish, Marbled Toado, Milkspot Toadfish, Milk-spotted Pufferfish, Milk-spotted Toadfish, Pufferfish, Swelltoad, Tidal Pufferfish, Toadfish.

Found singly, or in small schools, over mudflats and sandy areas of estuaries, lagoons, mangroves, rivers and along edges of coastal shorelines, often entering freshwater areas.
They feed on benthic invertebrates.
Length - 38cm
Depth - 1-5m
Widespread Indo-Pacific

The bodies of Pufferfish are covered in a toxic mucus, if the skin or flesh is consumed it can be fatal to humans.
When threatened they will puff up like a football to deter predators.
This Pufferfish can give a nasty bite! Ref:


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