Indian Glassy Fish (Parambassis ranga)

Also known as Disco Fish, Glass Perch, Glass Perchlet, Glassfish, Glassies, Glassy Fish, Indian Glass Perch, Indian Glassy Perch, Indian X-ray Fish, Painted Glassfish, Siamese Glassfish


Also known as Disco Fish, Glass Perch, Glass Perchlet, Glassfish, Glassies, Glassy Fish, Indian Glass Perch, Indian Glassy Perch, Indian X-ray Fish, Painted Glassfish, Siamese Glassfish.

Found in schools, over sluggish, standing, or slow moving waters, of rivers and streams.
They feed on crustaceans, invertebrates, and worms.
Length - 8cm
Depth - ?m
Widespread Asia

These fish are often dyed red in the trade, it is not a natural colour and will fade over time, because of this process they are more vulnerable to infections (

Asiatic glass fishes are found in both freshwater and marine environments.
Popular aquarium fish. Ref:


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