Greater Argonaut (Argonauta argo)

Also known as Common Paper Nautilus, Little Skipper, Mediterranean Argonaut, Paper Nautilus, White Seahorses Nest


Also known as Common Paper Nautilus, Little Skipper, Mediterranean Argonaut, Paper Nautilus, White Seahorses Nest.

Found during the day, in depths of several hundred meters along the continental shelf. Rising to shallow waters at night, for feeding, sometimes seen attached to jellyfish. Females almost four times large than males.
They feed on jellyfish and pelagic molluscs.
Length - 43cm
Depth - 0-200m

These nautilus have sometimes been involved in mass stranding along South African, Australian, Bemuda California and Japanese coastlines usually between April to August.

The Nautilus moves vertically through the water. Their body is made up of chambers these are used to adjust gases within these chambers to alter their buoyancy.
They are scavengers and have poor eyesight and use scent and touch to find their prey. Ref:


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