Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus osseus)

Also known as Billfish, Billy Gar, Garfish, Garpike, Longnose Garpike, Long-nosed Gar, Needlenose Gar


Also known as Billfish, Billy Gar, Garfish, Garpike, Longnose Garpike, Long-nosed Gar, Needlenose Gar.

Found in sluggish backwaters, oxbows, lakes, pools, and large rivers.
They feed on crustaceans and fish.
Length - 200cm
Depth - 0-?m
Widespread Central America, North America

Gars have heavily armoured scales and are usually found in freshwater but occasionally can be found in marine waters.
They have an air bladder to breathe air in oxygen depleted water. Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/Lepisosteus-osseus.html


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