Emperor Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius)

Also known as Chambered Nautilus, Nautilis Shell, Pearly Nautilus


Also known as Chambered Nautilus, Nautilis Shell, Pearly Nautilus.

Found during the day in very deep waters, over hard bottoms of slopes and steep faces of coral reefs over the continental shelf, rising to shallow waters at night to feed. Sometimes found washed up on beaches on the morning tide.
They feed on carrion, crustaceans, detritus and fish.
Length - 22cm
Depth - 0-750m
Widespread Indo-Pacific

The Nautilus moves vertically through the water. Their body is made up of chambers these are used to adjust gases within these chambers to alter their buoyancy.
They are scavengers and have poor eyesight and use scent and touch to find their prey. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chambered_nautilus


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