Blue Blanquillo (Juvenile) (Malacanthus latovittatus)

Also known as Banded Blanquillo, Blue Latovittatus, Blue Tilefish, Eye-of-the-Sea, False Whiting, Sand Tilefish, Striped Blanquillo


Also known as Banded Blanquillo, Blue Latovittatus, Blue Tilefish, Eye-of-the-Sea, False Whiting, Sand Tilefish, Striped Blanquillo.

Found singly or in pairs, in self-made burrows and caves, at the base of reefs or piles of rock, over outer reef slopes, often hovering above the bottom picking out their prey.
They feed on crustaceans, invertebrates, and zooplankton.
Length - 35cm
Depth - 5-60m
Widespread Indo-Pacific

Tilefish form undersea Pueblo villages made from gravel or sand substrate these self-made burrows and caves are at the base of reefs or piles of rock, often in canyons or at the edge of steep slopes.
If disturbed they quickly dive head-first into their constructed retreats. Ref:

Related creatures

Heads up! Many creatures change during their life. Juvenile fish become adults and some change shape or their colour. Some species change sex and others just get older. The following creature(s) are known relatives of the Blue Blanquillo (Juvenile). Click the image(s) to explore further or hover over to get a better view!

Blue Blanquillo

Blue Blanquillo

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