Yellowfin Sillago (Sillago schomburgkii)

Also known as Finescale Whiting, Fine-scaled Whiting, Sand Borer, Sandsmelt, Silver Whiting, Western Sand Whiting, Yellowfin Whiting, Yellow-finned Whiting


Also known as Finescale Whiting, Fine-scaled Whiting, Sand Borer, Sandsmelt, Silver Whiting, Western Sand Whiting, Yellowfin Whiting, Yellow-finned Whiting.

Found singly or in schools, congregating in hollows along sand banks, bars and spits, then at high tide they move across sand flats to feed, then when the tide falls, retreat to slopes of the banks, sometimes found in brackish waters of tidal creeks.
They feed on benthic zooplankton.
Juveniles found in warmer waters in seagrass beds close to mangrove lined creeks.
Length - 42cm
Depth - 0-30m
Eastern Indian Ocean - Australia

Major food source for the fishing industry and highly prized by the recreational fisherman. Ref:


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