Yellow-banded Pipefish (Dunckerocampus pessuliferus)

Also known as Banded Pipefish, Candy Pipefish, Candycane Pipefish, Flagtail Pipefish, Orange-banded Pipefish, Yellowbar Pipefish


Also known as Banded Pipefish, Candy Pipefish, Candycane Pipefish, Flagtail Pipefish, Orange-banded Pipefish, Yellowbar Pipefish.

Found singly or in pairs, close to the bottom, around remote coral heads, over mud slopes, of shallow estuaries and deep reefs.
They feed on zooplankton which they suck whole into their mouths.
Length - 16cm
Depth - 1-40m
Widespread Eastern Indian Ocean, Western Central Pacific

Pipefish are like seahorses in that the male gives birth!
The female deposits their eggs after fertilisation into the males pouch located under their tail to incubate the eggs for one month before giving birth. Ref:


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