Vanikoro Sweeper (Pempheris vanicolensis)

Also known as Black-tipped Bullseye, Bullseye, Greenback Bullseye, Hatchet Fish, Red Sea Immigrant Sweeper


Also known as Black-tipped Bullseye, Bullseye, Greenback Bullseye, Hatchet Fish, Red Sea Immigrant Sweeper.

Found in schools, during the day sheltering in caves, under ledges, around harbours, and shipwrecks, dispersing at night hunting for food, high above the bottom, over shallow coral and rocky reefs.
They feed on zooplankton.
Length - 20cm
Depth - 1-50m
Widespread Indo-Pacific

This is the largest Sweeper.

Sweepers school during the day, but at night they float high above the bottom to hunt for larger zooplankton.
Several species are triangular shaped. Ref:


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