Also known as Green Snapper, Island Snapper, Lipper, Longface Emperor, Longnose Emperor, Long-nosed Emperor, Northwest Snapper, Redlip Emperor, Redspot Emperor, Redthroat, Redthroat Emperor, Red-throated Emperor, Starry Pigface Bream, Sweetlip, Tricky Snapper, Trout, Trumpet Emperor, Trumpeter, Yellow-mouthed Perch, Yellow-mouthed Snapper.
Found singly or in schools, during the day between coral heads, over rubble, and sandy areas, dispersing at night, foraging for food over the sea floor, of coral and rocky reefs.
They feed on crustaceans, fish, and invertebrates.
Juveniles found over shallow, inshore waters, near mangroves and over seagrass beds.
Length - 90cm
Depth - 5-35m
Widespread Western Pacific
Most members of Lethrinidae are able to rapidly switch on and off dark mottled patterns, spots and bars to deter predators. Ref: