Surmullet (Mullus surmuletus)

Also known as Red Goatfish, Red Mullet, Red-striped Mullet, Striped Mullet, Striped Red Mullet, Woodcock-of-the-Sea


Also known as Red Goatfish, Red Mullet, Red-striped Mullet, Striped Mullet, Striped Red Mullet, Woodcock-of-the-Sea.

Found over broken rough ground and soft sand bottoms, from shallow to very deep waters of the sea.
They feed on benthic crustaceans, fish, molluscs and worms.
Length - 40cm
Depth - 5-400m
Widespread Eastern Atlantic, Black Sea, Mediterranean

Goatfish have two barbels extending form the chin, these are used to probe the sand for food such as worms, brittle stars, crustaceans and small fish.
They often have other fish in tow which hoover up any creatures left behind.
Some Goatfish can rapidly change colour and spots that were there magically disappear! Ref:


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