Also known as Black-lined Pufferfish, Blowfish, Diagonal-banded Toadfish, Giant Pufferfish, Pufferfish, Star Puffer, Starry Puffer, Starry Pufferfish, Starry Toadfish, Swelltoad, Toadfish.
Found over sandy coral slopes and patch reefs, in clear lagoons and seaward reefs.
They feed on algae, coral, a wide range of invertebrates, and sponges.
Juveniles found over mud and weedy bottoms of estuaries and coastal waters, they have zebra stripes, changing to spots and blotches, as they grow.
These are the largest Pufferfish.
Length - 120cm
Depth - 3-60m
Widespread Indo-Pacific
The bodies of Pufferfish are covered in a toxic mucus, if the skin or flesh is consumed it can be fatal to humans.
When threatened they will puff up like a football to deter predators. Ref: