Also known as Flat-tailed Triggerfish, Star Puffer, Star Triggerfish, Starry Filefish.
Found singly or in pairs, over mud and sandy bottoms, close to reefs rich in algae and sponge growth. The females guard their nest aggressively.
They feed on benthic fish, invertebrates, molluscs.
Length - 60cm
Depth - 40-100m
Widespread Eastern Atlantic, Indo-West Pacific
Triggerfish have a hard spine Dorsal Fin that can be locked.
When sleeping this spine is used to wedge them into place in a crevasse and so deter predators from pulling them out of their bed!
The spine is also held erect as a warning to other fish to stay away.
Several large Titans blow shallow depressions in the sand for nesting and if approached will raise this spine as a warning, if ignored they may charge, even divers! especially the Titan Triggerfish who will take a tasty bite!! Beware!!! Ref: