Shaw's Cowfish (Aracana aurita)

Also known as Boxfish, Cowfish, Painted Boxfish, Shaw's Boxfish, Shaw's Trunkfish, Southern Cowfish, Striped Cowfish, Striped Trunkfish, Temperate Boxfish, Trunkfish


Also known as Boxfish, Cowfish, Painted Boxfish, Shaw's Boxfish, Shaw's Trunkfish, Southern Cowfish, Striped Cowfish, Striped Trunkfish, Temperate Boxfish, Trunkfish.

Found singly, in rocky areas and seagrass beds, often in deep estuaries, sheltered bays, harbours, rocky reefs and over the continental shelf.
They feed on benthic invertebrates.
Length - 20cm
Depth - 10-200m
Eastern Indian Ocean- Australia

The bodies of Boxfish are covered in a toxic mucus which can be released when stressed.
Aracanidae are related to the boxfish but usually found in deeper waters. Ref:


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