Sea Trout (Salmo trutta)

Also known as Blacktail, Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Brownie, Finnick, Galway Sea Trout, Gillaroo, Herling, Lammas Men, Lammas Whiting, Loch Leven Trout, Orangefin, Orkney Sea Trout, Peal, Salmon Trout, Sewin, Trout, Whiting, Whitling, Yellowfin


Also known as Blacktail, Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Brownie, Finnick, Galway Sea Trout, Gillaroo, Herling, Lammas Men, Lammas Whiting, Loch Leven Trout, Orangefin, Orkney Sea Trout, Peal, Salmon Trout, Sewin, Trout, Whiting, Whitling, Yellowfin.

Found in schools, over cold, well oxygenated waters, in areas of undercut banks, rocks, and close to lots of vegetation, in lakes, ponds, rivers, and coastal areas.
They feed on crustaceans, small fish, aquatic and terrestrial insects, and molluscs.
Length - 140cm
Depth - 0-28m
Widespread Asia, Atlantic, Europe

Salmonidae start their lives in rivers they then move to the sea where they spend most of their lives before returning to the rivers to spawn and then die! Ref:


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