Round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita)

Also known as Baitfish, Black Sprat, False Sardine, Gilt Sardine, Pilchard, Round Sardine, Spanish Sardine, Striped Sardine


Also known as Baitfish, Black Sprat, False Sardine, Gilt Sardine, Pilchard, Round Sardine, Spanish Sardine, Striped Sardine.

Found in schools, often near the surface of inshore waters, and to the edge of the continental shelf in much deeper waters, rising at night and dispersing to feed.
They feed on zooplankton.
Length - 40cm
Depth - 0-350m
Widespread Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Mediterranean

Herrings are the largest of the schooling baitfish and are one of the most important fish in the food chain! Ref:


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